Factors determining the occurrence of the agroforestry system with Acacia mearnsii in Central Java

TitleFactors determining the occurrence of the agroforestry system with Acacia mearnsii in Central Java
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsBerenschot, LM, Filius, BM, Hardjosoediro, S
JournalAgroforestry Systems
Date PublishedFebruary 1988
KeywordsAcacia mearnsii; agroforestry; central Java; commercialization; farming system development; Indonesia

In 1922, the colonial government introduced Acacia mearnsii in the tobacco-growing region of Wonosobo. Soon this species was accepted by the local people who developed an agroforestry system based on a rotation of A. mearnsii and agricultural crops. Now, the growing of the black wattle is becoming less popular. To study the prospects for this agroforestry system 143 farmers from 5 villages were interviewed. The functions of this agroforestry system are the production of fuelwood and bark (which contains tannin for the leather industry), soil conservation and soil improvement. The following factors affect A. mearnsii growing: population density (which affects farm size and demand for domestic fuelwood), tobacco-processing (which requires fuel), topography and commercialization. If current trends continue, the contribution of the functions of this agroforestry system to welfare will not be sufficient to compete successfully with subsistence and cash crops like potatoes and tobacco. Therefore, A. mearnsii cultivation is expected to decline further.

Journal Abbreviation

Agroforest Syst


0167-4366; 1572-9680

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