Forest conversation practices in Papua New Guinea

TitleForest conversation practices in Papua New Guinea
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsDe'A th, C
EditorMorauta, L, Pernetta, J, Heaney, W
Secondary TitleTraditional conservation in Papua New Guinea: Implications for today. Proceedings of a Conference Organized by the Office of Environment and Conservation and the Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research in Port Moresby [Papua New Guinea], 27-31 October, 1980
Series TitleMonograph no. 16
Date PublishedOct. 27-31, 1980
PublisherInstitute of Applied Social and Economic Research
Conference LocationBoroko, Papua New Guinea
Keywordsaquatic resources; forest conservation; Papua New Guinea

This document looks at the forest conservation practices of native Papua New Guineans. It describes past practices of forest product harvesting (including: timber, wildlife, fish, other food products, and assorted other resources) and swidden agriculture and compares them to current practices. It discusses the implications of these past practices on today's system of resource management.

Short TitleTraditional conservation in Papua New Guinea

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