Forest resource management and local knowledge: An overview of community forestry research in Nepal

Reference Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Donald A. Messerschmidt
Secondary Title
Paper presented at Second International Congress on Ethnobiology, October 21–26, 1990, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Date Published
Institute of Forestry
Conference Location
Pokhara, Nepal
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Community forestry research and training have become major foci at the Institute of Forestry (IOF) in Nepal. This reflects the nation's emphasis on linking biophysical and social forestry policy and practice, a recognition of the important role of villagers in forest resource management and the IOF's goal of becoming a national and regional center of excellence in community forestry training and research.

Recent trends in community forestry research are examined, both at the IOF and more widely within the Ministry of Forests and by private researchers and donor agencies. The knowledge of forest and tree resources among villagers is considerable, and is being looked to for guidance and recommendations by policy makers and development planners. Implications for forestry training, future research and policy are discussed.

Conference Name
Second International Congress on Ethnobiology
Number of pages
60 pp.
Short Title