The fuelwood production of wooded savanna fallows in the Sudan zone of Mali

TitleThe fuelwood production of wooded savanna fallows in the Sudan zone of Mali
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1985
AuthorsOhler, FMJ
JournalAgroforestry Systems
Date PublishedMarch 1985
Keywordsfallow system; fallow vegetation; fuelwood production; Mali; Sudan zone; trees

The characteristics of a fallow farming system in the Sudan zone of Mali are outlined. Sorghum and bulrush millet are the staple crops (70% of the cultivated area); groundnuts are the cash-crop (25% of the cultivated area). On average 7 trees are kept per ha (crown cover 7%), of which 60% are sheabutter trees. Various productive and environmental functions of fallow periods are pointed out. Factors influencing the fallow vegetation are summarized. A concise description of a fallow vegetation succession is given. Data are presented on the shrub layer structure (mainly coppice) and wood production in relation to grazing intensity. It is calculated that 30-50% of the fuelwood consumption of small-scale farmers can be supplied by their fallows.

Journal Abbreviation

Agroforest Syst


0167-4366; 1572-9680

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