Gender related issues in international development assistance for agriculture and rural life
Reference Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
Nancy W. Axinn |
Journal |
Agriculture and Human Values
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Issue |
Pagination |
Date Published |
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Abstract |
In this paper, the author points out that although by-passed by international development assistance in many parts of the world, women have been providing skill and labor for agricultural production, as well as subsistence of food, water and firewood for their families. Some of the assumptions which have contributed to the marginal attention to women as agriculturalists in international development assistance programs are reviewed. Factors contributing to these assumptions, examples of achievements in development projects and persistent problems are discussed. Some issues which continue to challenge national policy makers in developing countries as well as donors are identified. The author notes that while various donors and organizations address bits and pieces of the issues intermittently, a systematic, organized and universally shared approach to the issues, within a nation state or on a global basis is lacking. She concludes that just as agricultural production inputs and information need to be modified to fit the unique constraints of any ecological niche, similarly, modifications must be made in development assistance programs to fit the specific needs of women in their agricultural roles and cultural settings.
Notes |
This article from Agriculture and Human Values, 5 (1-2) listed independently.
Journal Abbreviation |
Agric Hum Values
0889-048X, 1572-8366