In good hands: Sustainable agriculture in the Lancandon Rainforest
Reference Type | Manuscript |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
Steve Bartz Author: Jaime Kibben |
Date Published |
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Abstract |
This is a proposal for the making of a videotape to document the work of Dr. James Nations. He is an ecological anthropologist. His work mainly entails the study of the Lancandon Rainforest. The video will document his most recent trip for observing the Lancandons. Kibben and Bartz's target audiences are public television viewers, policymakers of countries with tropical forests, educational institutions, and the tropical farmers themselves. The proposal also gives the benefits of the use of the tape, the backgrounds of everyone involved and a breakdown of production costs. Lastly, the proposal includes the letter of intent to back the project from the Film Arts Foundation.
Research Notes |
Film made and titled "Culture and agirculture in the Lacandon Rainforest"
Number of pages |
15 pp.
Short Title |
In good hands