Harvest Moonshine' taking you for a ride: A critique of the rainforest harvest—Its theory and practice

TitleHarvest Moonshine' taking you for a ride: A critique of the rainforest harvest—Its theory and practice
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsCorry, S
Number of Pages16
Date Published1993
PublisherSurvival International

Some say that the "harvesting" of rainforest products and their marketing on an international level can save the forests and their inhabitants. Others, including the author of this article, believe this is at best a money-making gimmick and at worst a harmful idea which could have exactly the opposite effects and lead to more destruction. Focusing on the predicament of tribal peoples, the author argues that it is vital for their future that "harvest" ideology is rejected and that support for them is chanelled, not into purchasing power for forest products, but into a worldwide outcry demanding respect for their rights. These beliefs have been attacked by companies promoting the "harvest" and the debate has become a very serious difference of opinion, the eventual outcome of which could shape the way rainforests and tribal peoples' issues are seen by the general public for years to come.


A shortened and edited version of this article appeared in The Ecologist vol. 23, no. 4, July/August 1993


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