Household food security and forestry: An analysis of socio-economic issues

TitleHousehold food security and forestry: An analysis of socio-economic issues
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsFAO Forestry Department, Forests, Trees and People [Program]
Number of Pages147
Date Published1989
PublisherFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Keywordsagroforestry; deforestation; energy; fodder; fuelwood; gardening; gender; honey; nutrition; nuts and seeds; plant foods; women

The focus of this study is on the socio-economic aspects of forestry's role in household food security. It draws together information on household foods and income which are actually derived from activities dependent on tree and forest products. It examines their importance in different situations and among different population groups and how the uses of these resources are changing, focusing particularly on the impacts on the poor and women. The study also addresses the consequences of decreasing forest resources and discusses the implications for forest policy and for management of forests and trees outside the forests.

Short TitleHousehold food security and forestry

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