Indigenous agroforestry in the northeast Peruvian Amazon: Report of the University of Wisconsin-Unversidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana Man and the biosphere program project, 1981-1983
Reference Type | Book |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
William M. Denevan |
Secondary Title |
Man and the Biosphere Program
Number of Pages |
Date Published |
Publisher |
Institute for Environmental Studies, Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison
City |
Madison [WI]
Language |
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Collection Topic | |
Call Number |
Library of Congress Call Number: S494.5 A45 I5 1984
Keywords | |
Abstract |
A bibliography is provided for the titles included in the report, including Part III. The Marketing of Forest and Fallow Products: Christine Padoch, which is not represented in the CIKARD library. Titles included in the subsections of this document are:
It has been noted by the editor that: Material in this Report is not to be used without permission from the appropriate subsection authors. |
Short Title |
Indigenous agroforestry in the northeast Peruvian Amazon