Institutional incompatibility in community forestry: The case of Nepal

TitleInstitutional incompatibility in community forestry: The case of Nepal
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsFisher, RJ
EditorFox, J, Fisher, RJ
Book TitleCommunity organizations and government bureaucracies in social forestry
Secondary TitleWorking paper no. 22
Date PublishedMay 1990
PublisherEnvironment and Policy Institute, East-West Center
CityHonolulu, Hawaii

This paper examines a number of problems which have slowed progress considerably. The major areas of conflict include the tendency of bureaucrats to assume that there is a vacuum of knowledge and institutional capacity in rural communities, over-emphasis on committees as a form of organization, and over-emphasis on panchayats in organizing community forestry.

Short TitleInstitutional incompatibility in community forestry

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