Los huertos familiares mayas en X-uilub, Yucatán, México. Aspectos generales y estudio comparativo entre la flora de los huertos familiares y la selva
Reference Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
Natividad Herrera Castro |
Journal |
Volume |
nueva epoca
Issue |
Pagination |
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Abstract |
Within the general framework of forest management by the Maya, some general aspects of homgardens in X-uilub are presented such as their floristic compostition and structure as well as the factors that determine these characteristics. X-uilub is located in the western region of Yucatan and it is a good example of traditional management in this zone. Taking into consideration the similarity of species in both the homegardens and the forest, a comparative statistical analysis of all species present in the areas of intensive and extensive use as well as in the forest was carried out. Using mean values derived from number of individuals present per unit of analysis, eight different patterns of distribution of species were identified. The results suggest that there is a mosaic made up of different succession stages, and those species that belong to each stage are utilized, obtaining in this fashion greater benefits due to an expanded plant richness. (author)