Management of agroforestry systems in Kenya

Reference Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: D. M. Kamweti
Editor: Louise Buck
Secondary Title
Proceedings from Kenya National Seminar on Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya, 12-22 November 1980
Date Published
University of Nairobi and International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Conference Location
Nairobi, Kenya
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The key factor in forest management and agricultural practice is suitable land. That is what Kenya is short of; about two thirds of the country being semi-arid or arid. Forests in some areas of Kenya occupy prime land. Although Kenya has relatively little forest, the future may see some of this converted to agroforestry, a land use system that combines production of food and forest products, preferably on the same unit of land and on a sustainable yield basis. (author)

This document, on agroforestry management in Kenya, looks at aspects of agroforestry in terms of: soil fertility, animal feed, human needs, microclimate amelioration, the provision of nitrogen in soil, soil structure improvements, a domestic energy supply, and as a potential supply which can be maintained on a sustained yield basis. It also looks at: management concepts in agroforestry; land tenure and agroforestry; and the selection of appropriate species for agroforestry projects in regard to altitude and soil type.

Organized jointly by the University of Nairobi and ICRAF
Number of pages
11 pages