Manual for multipurpose trees species

TitleManual for multipurpose trees species
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1987
Series EditorBarker, KM
Secondary TitleMultipurpose Tree Species Network Research Series
Number of Pages56 pp.
Date Published[1987?]
PublisherWinrock International Institute for Agricultural Development and Forestry/Fuelwood Research and Development Project (F/FRED)
CityMorrilton, AR

This manual describes the collective work of dozens of agricultural and forestry researchers with interests in multipurpose tree species research. The manual, and the multi- location experiment it describes, are a major step in encouraging coordinated network research on the priority MPTS species. However, this guide is at present only intended as a manual for a single multi-location trial now being conducted in Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Republic of China and Thailand.


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