The Mbeere in Kenya

TitleThe Mbeere in Kenya
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsRiley, BW, Brokensha, D
Book TitleThe Mbeere in Kenya Volume I: Changing Rural Ecology
Date Published1988
PublisherUniversity Press of America in association with IDA Institute for Development Anthropology
CityLanham, MD
Call NumberDT433.545.M34R55 1988 v.1
KeywordsEmbu District; ethnobotany; Kenya; Mbere (African people); social conditions

This article examines a survey of the Mbeere people in Kenya, East Africa. The survey concerns tree planting and what effects it. Specifically looks at why they plant, when they plant, and where they obtain seedlings. Including are recommendations based on the results of the survey.


General Note: Includes indexes

Contents: v. 1. Changing rural ecology -- v. 2. Botanical identities and uses

Research Notes

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