Mountain people in the Philippines: Ethnographic contributions to upland development

TitleMountain people in the Philippines: Ethnographic contributions to upland development
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsRussell, SD
EditorFujisaka, S, Sajise, PE, del Castillo, R
Book TitleMan, agriculture and the tropical forest: Change and development in the Philippine uplands
Pagination49-51 and 76-85 [43-85]
Date Published1986
PublisherWinrock International Institute for Agricultural Development
CityBangkok, Thailand
ISBN0933595123; 9780933595125
Keywordsagroforestry; animal feed; community forestry; fallow; fuelwood; medicine; rice; swiddens

A crisis of deforestation and consequent soil erosion looms in many southeast Asian upland ecosystems. Blame for this problem has been attributed to both slash and burn agriculturalists or timber extraction industries. To the extent that the actions of uplanders rather than legal and illegal logging are seen as being responsible for diminishing forest reserves, a growing demand exists among policy-makers and foresters for a more holistic, interdisciplinary approach to appropriate intervention strategies. Anthropologists are now frequently incorporated into technical programs and are given a growing recognition that economic change cannot be understood adequately in isolation from the social institutional framework. Recent efforts in social forestry, for example, suggest that anthropological perspectives have direct practical applicability to development programs.


Chapter 3

Short TitleMountain people in the Philippines

Collection Topic: