NFU's Annual Conference 1991

TitleNFU's Annual Conference 1991
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1991
Secondary TitleProceedings of NFU's Annual Conference 1991: Natural Resource Use and Changing Society, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Development, Agricultural University of Norway, Aas, 23-24 May 1991.
Secondary TitleNORAGRIC Occasional Papers C, Development and Environment no. 9
Date Published23-24 May 1991
PublisherNorwegian Centre for International Agricultural Development, Agricultural University of Norway; Norwegian Association for Development Research
Conference LocationAas [Ås], Norway; Oslo, Norway
KeywordsAfrica; agriculture; agroforestry; agroforestry development; environment; farmer research; farmers; food security; gene resources; interdisciplinary; interdisciplinary research; multidisciplinary teams; natural resources; Norsk forening for utviklingsforskning (NFU); Norwegian Association for Development Research; nutrition; participatory research; property rights; social justice; social sciences; Soil Productivity Research Program (SPRP); sustainable development; Zambia

Can researchers from different disciplines, especially the natural and social sciences, work effectively together? Can they complement each other, or are they mutually incompatible, speaking contradictory, or simply different, languages? What can the various disciplines--together or separately--offer to the decision maker? Are the imperatives of research and policy so different that they cannot, and should not, be directly linked? (author)

These issues were addressed at the seventh annual conference of the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU). This book contains the papers presented at the conference. Papers presented at the conference covered topics such as:

  • Sustainable Development and Social Justice--Theoretical Challenges and Responses
  • Case Study: Soil Productivity Research Program (SPRP), Northern Zambia: Ten Years of Research
  • The Role of Social Scientists in "Changing" Agriculture
  • Culture Change
  • Interdisciplinarity and Environment
  • Food Security and Nutrition Systems
  • Farmer Research and Agroforestry Development--A Case Study from Northern Zambia
  • Property Rights of Gene Resources.
Number of pages

viii, 221

