Pátzcuaro's lesson: Nature, production, and culture in an indigenous region of Mexico

TitlePátzcuaro's lesson: Nature, production, and culture in an indigenous region of Mexico
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsToledo, VM
EditorOldfield, ML, Alcorn, JB
Book TitleBiodiversity: Culture, conservation, and ecodevelopment
Date Published1991
PublisherWestview Press
CityBoulder, CO
ISBN0-8133-7680-7; 978-0-8133-7680-6
Call NumberS494.3.B56 1991
Keywordsagricultural conservation; agricultural ecology; biodiversity conservation; ecosystem; fish; forestry; germplasm resources; household; land redistribution; land tenure; landscapes; maize morphology; Mesoamerica; mestizo; mushroom; Native Americans; natural resource management; pasture; peasants; population; Purépecha; settlements; smallholders; soil classification; subsistence patterns; Tarascans; taxonomy; transect; woodland management

This document looks at the ecosystem and cultural history in the region of Lake Pátzcuaro, Mexico. The production activities and use of natural resources (plant and animal, both wild and cultivated) of and by the local indigenous communities are detailed. Activities and knowledge of the Purhépecha people are focused upon.

Number of pages

26 pp.

Short TitlePátzcuaro's lesson