People and the tropical forest: A research report from the United States Man and the Biosphere Program

Reference Type Book
Year of Publication
Contributors Editor: Ariel E. Lugo
Editor: John J. Ewel
Editor: Susanna B. Hecht
Editor: Peter G. Murphy
Editor: Christine Padoch
Editor: Marianne C. Schmink
Editor: Donald Stone
Secondary Title
Man and the Biosphere Program Project
Number of Pages
Date Published
U.S. Department of State, U.S. Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Program, Tropical and Subtropical Forests Directorate
Washington, DC
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Call Number
S 1.2:P 39/2


  • Human Ecology and Agroforestry
  • People and the Palm Forest: Biology and Utilization of Babassu Forests in Maranhao, Brazil (A.B. Anderson, E.S. Anderson, and J.J. Ewel)
  • Swidden-Fallow Agroforestry, Iquitos, Peru (W.M. Denevan, C. Padoch, and S. Flores Paitan)
  • A study of a Bornean System of Intensive Agriculture as a Model for Development (C. Padoch)
  • A Study of Relationships Between Mbuti Hunting Systems and Faunal Resources in the lturi Forest of Zaire (J.A. Hart and G.A. Petrides)
  • lnteractions Between People and Forests in East Kalimantan, lndonesia (A.P. Vayda)
  • Shifting Cultivation and Patch Dynamics in an Upland Forest in East Kalimantan, lndonesia (A.P. Vayda)
  • Development of Economic Theory and Methodology for Evaluating Non-Market Values of Tropical Forests (C.F. Jordan, E.G. Farnworth, T.H. Tidrick, and W.M. Smathers); General Ecology
  • A Comparison of Driving Forces and System Response of Gulf of Mexico Estuaries (L.A. Deegan, J.W. Day, Jr., and J.G. Gosselink)
  • General Hydrology and Water Quality in Eastern Caribbean lslands (A.E. Lugo and P.L. Diaz)
  • The Role of Epiphytes in the Nutrient Cycles of Two Rain Forest Ecosystems (C.C. Grier and N.M. Nadkarni)
  • Regeneration and Growth Strategies of Brosimum alicastrum Sw. in the Moist Tropical Forests of Mexico (C.M. Peters)
  • Potential Productive Capacity of Abandoned Pasture Lands in the Brazilian Amazon (C. Uhl and R. Buschbacher)
  • Tropical Dry Forests of Northern Australia: Structure, Recovery, and the Conflict of Human lnterests (P.A. Werner, P.G. Murphy, and M. Scott)
  • Forestry
  • Comparison of Plantations and Natural Forests in Puerto Rico (A.E. Lugo and L.H. Liegel)
  • Forester's Guide to the Moraceae of Sarawak, East Malaysia (R.B. Primack and P. Ashton)
  • Conflict of Human lnterests in the lturi Forest of Zaire: lmplications for Forest Survival (T.B. Hart and P.G. Murphy)
  • Comparison of Wood Productivity Between Tropical Second-Growth Forests and Plantation Forests (C.F. Jordan and E. G. Farnsworth)
  • Shelterbelt System to Minimize Nutrient Losses in Sustained-Yield Tropical Forestry (C. F. Jordan, G.G. Parker, and J.C. Luvall)
  • Present Utilization and Potential Regeneration of the Pinaceae in the Highlands of Tropical Mexico and Guatemala (W.K. Ostler)
  • Tree Growth as a Guide to the Management of Secondary Tropical Forests (F.H. Wadsworth) Appendices
U.S. National Committee for Man and the Biosphere Tropical and Subtropical Forests Directorate
Research Notes
Local system: LIAS505950 Local system: (OCoLC)62627685 GPO item number: 876 Gov. Doc. No: S 1.2:P 39/3 Bibliography note: Includes bibliographies original cikard noted: ISU Library Catalog #QH541.5 R27 P46X
Short Title
People and the tropical forest