People of the tropical rain forest

TitlePeople of the tropical rain forest
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
Series EditorDenslow, JS, Padoch, C
Number of Pages231
Date Published1988
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CityBerkeley, CA
ISBN0-520-06295-7; 0-520-06351-1
Call NumberGF54.5.P46 1988 Q
KeywordsAmazon; boats; Brazil; canoes; Central America; fallow; Native Americans; rainforests; slash and burn; smallholders; South America; swiddens; tribal peoples; tropical forests

A compilation of writings some of which are incomplete.
Beginning with chapter five this is an incomplete book about the specific people of the rain forest. It starts with the Indian National Resource management, Hill People of Northern Thailand, Hunters and Farmers of the African Forest, and people of the floodplain and forest. Not only does this excerpt discuss the Indians of Amazonia, but also discusses the regions. It also discusses the way each of the tribes make their living and how they use the resources around them. The last thing the chapter talks of is the ribereños' lives beyond the village. The excerpt includes many pictures and a few graphs.


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