Proposal for research funding: Formal representation and use of indigenous knowledge of agroforestry

Reference Type Manuscript
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: University of Wales
Author: University of Edinburgh
Date Published
University of Wales; University of Edinburgh
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Research objectives:

  • to obtain, from a community, local knowledge about interactions occurring in agroforestry practices and to represent this knowledge in a form in which it can be tested;
  • to establish the extent to which the recorded knowledge system is mechanistic and robust, and therefore useful in allowing successful adaptation of the production system to external change;
  • to identify gaps in the local and scientific knowledge about interactions occurring in agroforestry practices and integrate both types of knowledge within the same expert system; and
  • to construct a set of general recommendations on the integration of local and scientific knowledge to solve problems, and the most appropriate balance between the two in research and development.
Research Notes
Research proposal
Number of pages
12 pp.
Short Title
Proposal for research funding