Research on traditional water coagulation

TitleResearch on traditional water coagulation
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1981
AuthorsJahn, SAA
Book TitleTraditional water purification in tropical developing countries: Existing methods and potential application
Secondary TitleGTZ-publications
Date PublishedDecember 1981
PublisherGerman Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
CityEschborn, Federal Republic of Germany
ISBN3-88085-116-6; 978-3-88085-116-0
Call NumberTD326.5.J34 1981
Keywordsbacteria; chitosan; fish scales; flocculants; marine algae; microbiology; non-bacterial pathogens; plant powder; treated water; virus; water quality

This chapter, Research On Traditional Water Coagulation, contains five sections on natural water coagulants. The sections included are:

  • General outlines in the interpretation of water treatment by inducing flow formation;
  • Natural coagulants in soil origin;
  • Natural coagulants of plant origin;
  • Trials with other natural coagulants in Peru and India; and
  • Importance of water coagulants for related native technologies.

References are also provided.


Chapter 6