The role of trees in agroforestry: Some comments

TitleThe role of trees in agroforestry: Some comments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsHuxley, PA
EditorHuxley, PA
Secondary TitlePlant research and agroforestry: Proceedings of a consultative meeting held in Nairobi, 8 to 15 April 1981
Date Published1983
PublisherInternational Council for Research in Agroforestry
Conference LocationNairobi, Kenya
Call NumberS494.5.A45P53 1983
Keywordsagriculture; agroforestry; botany; community woodlots; crops; fuelwood; rainforests; tree crops

In agroforestry land use systems, the woody perennial components ('trees') play a role in both productivity and sustainability. Some general characteristics of woody perennials are outlined and the need to consider the possible advantages or disadvantages of these in relation to specific agroforestry systems is emphasized. In deciding about introducing trees on farm land the challenge is to answer the questions: What trees? How many? How are they best arranged? Answers to the first of these will arise from the many existing and planned trials with multipurpose trees now being established worldwide. This paper addresses mainly the second question: How many trees?

Three-dimensional diagrams are used to illustrate the effects of a replacement series (tree-crop, crop-tree) on changes in total productivity and soil status with time. The types of response surfaces produced are discussed and various 'scenarios' shown to illustrate the value of this approach. Such diagrams are less a predictive tool than a means of comprehending the plant and environment changes involved.

The final section briefly discusses tree/shrub arrangement, which will depend on management considerations, soil/water conservation needs, and biological aspects of optimizing productivity. (author)


Proceedings of a Consultative Meeting held in Nairobi, 8 to 15 April 1981

Chapter 18

Research Notes

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Bibliography note: Includes bibliographies and indexes

Short TitleThe role of trees in agroforestry