Rural development and the careful utilization of natural resources in the Peruvian Sierra

TitleRural development and the careful utilization of natural resources in the Peruvian Sierra
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsSalas, MA
Book TitleReport on the Workshop-Seminar held in Achoma (Arequipa), Peru, 31 March to 9 April 1987
Date PublishedMarch-April 1987
PublisherDeutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung (German Foundation for International Development)
CityBerlin, Germany
Keywordsagriculture; Callalli; camelidae; Colca Valley; ecology; integrated management; Jalca; livestock; Maca; natural resources; Peru; Puna; rural development; Sierra; soils; Suni; trees; water; watersheds

The Workshop-Seminar held in Achoma was the third in a series, its closest antecedent being the meeting held in 1984 in Feldafing (Federal Republic of Germany), which was likewise organized by DSE. On that occasion, the participants, who had been mainly concerned with analysing the ecological and development problems facing Peru, concluded and agreed that "If the quality of life in the Sierra does not improve, the country as a whole will be unable to make progress. Here lies the central problem of rural development in Peru." (author)