Seeing the forest for the trees

TitleSeeing the forest for the trees
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsCashman, K
Secondary TitlePaper presented at Farming Systems Research Symposium: How Systems Work, October 18-21, 1987
Date PublishedOctober 1987
Conference LocationUniversity of Arkansas
KeywordsAfrica; agroforestry; alley farming; cassia; Cassia siamea; farming; farming systems research; fertilizer; FSR&D; grassroots organizations; IITA; ILCA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture; International Livestock Center for Africa; legume; luecaena; Nigeria; OFR; on-farm research

A grassroots approach to implementing alley farming is described in this paper. The approach emphasizes the participation and cooperation of Nigerian farm households in farming systems research. Strategies were developed to present the critical concepts of alley farming in a culturally acceptable, sustainable, and self-perpetuating manner. Findings are based on three years of field work with the International Livestock Center of Africa and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture.

Research Notes

Includes a draft document

Number of pages

6 pp.