Shifting cultivation in Africa: The Zande system of agriculture

TitleShifting cultivation in Africa: The Zande system of agriculture
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1956
Authorsde Schlippe, P
Number of Pagesxxxi, 304 pp.
Date Published1956
PublisherRoutledge & Kegan Paul
CityLondon, England
Keywordscowpeas; crop rotation; ecology; green gram; maize; millet; overcultivation; rice; rock formations; slash and burn; sorghum; swiddens; taxonomy; Zande

The excerpts from this book talk about the Zande ecological conceptions concerning swidden farming, rock and stone formations. The second part of this excerpt looks at Zande Crops: millet, Maize, sorghum, rice, cowpeas, green gram. The excerpt finishes with a discussion of overcultivation.


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