Some observations on the ethnobotany of the tribes of Totopara and adjoining areas in Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal
Reference Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
S. N. Das Author: K. P. Janardhanan Author: S. C. Roy |
Journal |
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany
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Issue |
Pagination |
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Abstract |
The paper deals with 84 species of angiosperms predominantly used by the tribes inhabiting areas like Totos, Mech, Modesia, Nepalese, etc., for food, for poisoning fish, as medicine, fodder for cattle, etc. In the enumeration, the various species have been listed in alphabetical order according to their botanical names. Under each botanical name has been given details such as local name, short description, etc. Detail on herbarium specimens to authenticate the report of the species in the area have also been provided under each species. (author)
Journal Abbreviation |
J. Econ.Tax. Bot