Technology transfer: Institutions, models, and impacts on agriculture and rural life in the developing world

TitleTechnology transfer: Institutions, models, and impacts on agriculture and rural life in the developing world
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsMolnar, JJ, Jolly, CM
JournalAgriculture and Human Values
Date PublishedDecember 1988
Keywordscommunity development; farming systems; rural development; technology transfer; transfer effort

Technology transfer is a multi-level process of communication involving a variety of senders and receivers of ideas and materials. As a response to market failure, or as an effort to accelerate market-driven social change, technology transfer may combine public and private aparatus or rely solely on public institutional mechanisms to identify, develop, and deliver innovations and information. Technology transfer institutions include universities, government ministries, research institutes, and what may be termed the 'project sector'. Four farm- and village-level change models are considered: traditional community development, adoption-diffusion, training and Visit Extension, and Farming Systems Research. The challenges to technology transfer efforts center on developing indigenous capacity to generate and adapt agricultural technology to local conditions. This is the primary objective of technology transfer in agriculture and the basis for advancing rural development.


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Agric Hum Values


0889-048X, 1572-8366

Short TitleTechnology transfer

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