Traditional agroforestry practices of native and Ribereno farmers in the lowland Peruvian Amazon

TitleTraditional agroforestry practices of native and Ribereno farmers in the lowland Peruvian Amazon
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsPadoch, C, de Jong, W
EditorGholz, HL
Book TitleAgroforestry: Realities, possibilities and potentials
Date Published1987
PublisherMartin Nijhoff Publishers in cooperation with ICRAF; distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers
CityDordrecht, Netherlands
Call NumberS494.5.A45A379 1987
Keywordsbarbasco; Bora Indians; caimito; cashews; charcoal; coca; corn; economics; fiber; mamey; manioc; medicine; palms; papayas; Peru; pichirina; pineapple; plantains; pomarosa; Riberenos; rifari; toronja; tropical cedar; umair; uvilla; zapote

Recent research on traditional agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon indicates that agroforestry practices are widespread and extremely varied. This article describes five agroforestry systems found in the vicinity of Iquitos, Peru. Although all begin as shifting cultivation fields, they differ greatly in species composition and richness, in intensity and length of management, in economic orientation, and in adaptation to particular ecological conditions. Four of the five systems are found in mestizo communities of the region. The information presented shows that basic traditional swidden-fallow agroforestry practices are adaptable to varying environmental and economic situations (author).


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