Traditional environmental knowledge: A resource to manage and share

TitleTraditional environmental knowledge: A resource to manage and share
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsMorin-Labatut, G, Akhtar, S
Secondary TitlePaper presented at Development with Equity and Ecological Security: Strategies and Institutions for the 21st Century
Date PublishedSept 11-12, 1992
Keywordsdemographic factors; economic factors; environment; environmental protection; indigenous population; natural resources; population characteristics; sociocultural factors

This document defines traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and gives examples of organizations that are working with TEK. Formation of a global network of these organizations is suggested.

Gisèle Morin-Labatut and Shahid Akhtar examine the knowledge base acquired by indigenous and local peoples over the generations through direct contact with their environment. They argue that this knowledge, including an intimate and detailed understanding of plants, animals and natural phenomena, the development and use of appropriate technologies for hunting, fishing, agriculture and forestry, and a holistic knowledge, or "world view," parallels the scientific disciplines of ecology and environmental studies. Their paper indicates how indigenous knowledge is embedded in a dynamic, multidimensional universe in which cultural, economic, environmental and political factors intersect and influence one another. (author)


Google Scholar provides the paper presented to the Conference on Development with Equity and Ecological Security: Strategies and Institutions for the 21st Century, 11-12 September 1992.

Please see the journal Development's version record.

Short TitleTraditional environmental knowledge

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