The types of utilization

TitleThe types of utilization
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1978
AuthorsUNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Book TitleTropical forest ecosystems: A state-of-knowledge report prepared by UNESCO/UNEP/FAO
Secondary TitleNatural Resources Research no. 14
Date Published1978
Call NumberQH541.5.F6U54 1978
Keywordsagroforestry; logging; shifting cultivation

The purpose of this chapter is to examine different types of utilization of the forest ecosystems of the humid tropics, but excluding complete transformation to agro-ecosystems. Improved grassland will be discussed chiefly to demonstrate that it is possible to simplify the forest ecosystem to a certain degree, frequently in connection with tree crops, but without the intention of suggesting a research program. The farming or cropping of large wild mammals will not be discussed but will be mentioned in connection with wildlife management. Harvesting and product transport and the socio-economic aspects of development schemes (though their direct or indirect influence on utilization is considerable) will not be considered except for the necessity of research.


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