The use of indigenous knowledge in analyzing resource allocation at the farm level: A new approach to economic analysis

TitleThe use of indigenous knowledge in analyzing resource allocation at the farm level: A new approach to economic analysis
Publication TypeManuscript
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsBarker, R, Weaver, TF, Leones, J, Perrot-Maitre, D
Date PublishedSeptember 1986
Keywordscognitive anthropology; economic analysis; economic anthropology; economics; ethnolinguistics; ethnoscience; ethnosemantics; Farming Systems Development Project-Eastern Visayas (FSDP-EV); indigenous knowledge; International Rice Research Institute (IRRI); Leyte; Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF); Philippines; University of Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB); Visayas State College of Agriculture (ViSCA); World Bank

Too often we hear of superior technology in the experiment station which farmers are either unable or unwilling to adopt. This research proposal takes a new approach to the problem. The first step will be to understand the production process from the perspective of the farmers. Then, this farmer-generated framework will be used to specify resource management domains, analyze efficiency in resource use, and identify potentials for development of new technology.

Number of pages

30 pp.

Short TitleThe use of indigenous knowledge in analyzing resource allocation at the farm level

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