The uses of anthropology in agro-social forestry R & D: approaches to anthropological forestry

TitleThe uses of anthropology in agro-social forestry R & D: approaches to anthropological forestry
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsMesserschmidt, DA
Secondary TitleDiscussion Paper 90/2
Number of Pages59
Date PublishedMarch 1990
PublisherUSAID/Nepal, Institute of Forestry Project
CityPokhara, Nepal

This paper approaches the answer from the perspective of anthropological forestry and agro/social forestry research and development. The paper has three parts. The first section introduces Anthropology in Natural Resources R&D with particular attention to agroforestry. In the section Theories, Models and Methods, I introduce some of the higher level theories, practical models (theoretical constructs or paradigms) and methods (strategies) which guide us. The third part, Transfer Techniques, comprises five short case studies highlighting several approaches to anthropological forestry, the depth and breadth of the discipline and its intellectual and practical potential. (author)

Short TitleThe uses of anthropology in agro/social forestry R and D