Using rapid rural appraisal techniques of Gersale Village in Duraite Peasants Association in Konso Wereda: Report of diagnostic survey

TitleUsing rapid rural appraisal techniques of Gersale Village in Duraite Peasants Association in Konso Wereda: Report of diagnostic survey
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsAdebo, S
Date PublishedMay 1993
PublisherFARM Africa
CityAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Keywordsagroforestry; cropping patterns; land use; livestock; social structure; trees; water resources

This is a report of a diagnostic study, using Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques. The main objective of the field work was to give trainees practice in the RRA approach and only secondary was the objectives to do RRA diagnostic study that could guide further development efforts by the community in collaboration with government and non-government organisations in Konso. (author)

Sections of this report include:

  • the physical characteristics of Gersale;
  • social structure;
  • land-use and cropping pattern;
  • the cropping system;
  • livestock;
  • water resources;
  • wood and trees;
  • activity, labor and vulnerability calendars; and
  • problems and best bets.
Short TitleUsing Rapid Rural Appraisal Techniques of Gersale Village in Duraite Peasants Association in Konso Wereda