Aquatic Resources

Using indigenous organizations from West Kalimantan

Colfer, Carol J. Pierce, Reed L. Wadley, and Enis Widjanarti. 1996. Using Indigenous Organizations From West Kalimantan. In Indigenous Organizations And Development, 228-238. London: Intermediate Technology Publications [Practical Action Publishing].

Collection Topic:

Research on traditional water coagulation

Jahn, Samia Al Azharia. 1981. Research On Traditional Water Coagulation. In Traditional Water Purification In Tropical Developing Countries: Existing Methods And Potential Application, 137-198. Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission: Successful co-management under extreme conditions

Freeman, Milton M. R. 1989. The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission: Successful Co-Management Under Extreme Conditions. In Co-Operative Management Of Local Fisheries: New Directions For Improved Management And Community Development, 137-153. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia Press.

Collection Topic:

Property-rights regimes and coastal fisheries: An empirical analysis

Schlager, Edella, and Elinor Ostrom. 1993. Property-Rights Regimes And Coastal Fisheries: An Empirical Analysis. In The Political Economy Of Customs And Culture: Informal Solutions To The Commons Problem, 13-41. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Collection Topic:


Klee, Gary A. 1980. Oceania. In World Systems Of Traditional Resource Management, 245-281. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Collection Topic:

Machiguenga Gardens

Johnson, Allen. 1983. Machiguenga Gardens. In Adaptive Responses Of Native Amazonians, 29-63. New York: Academic Press.


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