Lungs in a Warming World: Climate Change and Respiratory Health

TitleLungs in a Warming World: Climate Change and Respiratory Health
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBernstein, AS, Rice, MB
Pagination1455 - 1459
Date Published05/2013
ISBN 0012-3692

Climate change is a health threat no less consequential than cigarette smoking. Increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, and especially CO2, in the earth's atmosphere have already warmed the planet substantially, causing more severe and prolonged heat waves, temperature variability, air pollution, forest fires, droughts, and floods, all of which put respiratory health at risk. These changes in climate and air quality substantially increase respiratory morbidity and mortality for patients with common chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD and other serious lung diseases. Physicians have a vital role in addressing climate change, just as they did with tobacco, by communicating how climate change is a serious, but remediable, hazard to their patients.
