Multi-market demand response using economic model predictive control of space heating in residential buildings
Reference Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
Rasmus Elbæk Hedegaard Author: Theis Heidmann Pedersen Author: Steffen Petersen |
Journal |
Energy and Buildings
Volume |
Pagination |
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Abstract |
Several studies have evaluated the potential for residential buildings participating in demand response programs based on the day-ahead electricity market prices. However, little is known about the benefits of residential buildings providing demand response by engaging in trading on the intraday market. This paper presents a simulation-based study of the performance of an economic model predictive control scheme used to enable demand response through parallel utilization of day-ahead market prices and intraday market trading. The performance of the control scheme was evaluated by simulating ten apartments in a residential building located in Denmark through a heating season (four months) using historical market data. The results showed that the addition of intraday trading to the more conventional day-ahead market price-based control problem increased the total cost savings from 2.9% to 5.6% in the existing buildings, and 13%–19% in retrofitted buildings with higher energy-efficiency. In the existing building the proposed control scheme traded on average 12.7 kWh/m2 on the intraday market throughout the simulation corresponding to 21% of the reference consumption. For a retrofitted building the traded volume was 9.6 kWh/m2 which corresponds to 52% of the reference consumption. These results suggest that the benefits of considering intraday market trading as a demand response incentive mechanism apply to a wide range of buildings.