The 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, June 9-11, 2021, included the following papers:

Plenary Lecture 1

Goldie, M. John Locke and America : the case of the New York land grants. – Chapter 8.

Session A1: Politics

Harris, J. A. The possiblity of a people : Locke and Pufendorf in reply to Hobbes. – Chapter 7.

Hamou, P. The presumption of mankind in Locke’s Essay. – Chapter 3.

Tate, J. Liberty, governance and resistance : competing discourses in Locke’s political philosophy. – Chapter 7.

Layman, D. Locke’s natural rights republicanism. – Chapter 7.

Marconi, M. Praise, blame, and the “law of reputation” : Locke on moral responsibility. – Chapter 3.

Lazzarich, D. From gratitude to the social conract paradigm : Locke’s critique of Filmer’s Patriarcha. – Chapter 7.

Robison, M. W. Dominion without domination : parental power and the social contract in Locke. – Chapter 7.

Session B1: Sciences and Metaphysics

Clay, G. Towards establishing Locke’s general ontology of substance dualism. – Chapter 3.

Kuklok, A. Making Lockean species : a realist account. – Chapter 3.

Slowik, E. The evolution of Locke’s ontology of absolute space. – Chapter 3.

Schechtman, A. Locke on the principles governing quantity. – Chapter 3.

Lyonhart, J. Wrangling about innate ideas? : reflections upon Locke and Cudworth. – Chapter 3.

Merrill, B. “The pursuit of truth” sets the stage for Locke’s Essay. – Chapter 3.

Riccio, M. Empty, plastic, dangerous childhood. – Chapter 4.

Session C1: Religion and Knowledge

Szalek, P. Locke, intentionality, and Quietism. – Chapter 5.

Carbone, R. Reason and revelation in Malebranche and Locke. – Chapter 5.

D’Agostino, S. John Locke’s Conduct of the understanding as a medicine of the mind in the conteext of the Essay’s logic of ideas. – Chapter 3.

Randall, P. Locke’s Jansenist conception of charity. – Chapter 5.

Viminitz, P. Getting the proviso without God. – Chapter 7.

Gaglione, R. Believe for knowing? : about the belief in Locke’s Essay. – Chapter 3.

Damonte, M. Nicholas Wolterstorff and the IV Book of the Essay conncerning human understanding. – Chapter 3.

Plenary Lecture 2

Herrero, M. Republican freedom and Locke’s philosophical bible. – Chapter 7.

Session A2: Politics

Merlo, M. On the Second treatise. – Chapter 7.

Santos, A. C. dos. John Locke in Second treatise : a republican utopian project? – Chapter 7.

Krestonosich, N. The epistemological roots of Locke’s defense of toleration. – Chapter 6.

Moauro, L. Locke on human liberty. – Chapter 7.

Takei, K. Locke’s concept of religious liberty : focus on his refutation of John Edwards. – Chapter 6.

Priarolo, M. Locke, Leibniz and toleration : a comparative reading. – Chapter 6.

Dumitrescu, M. The limits of tolerance in John Locke’s philosophy. – Chapter 6.

Session B2: Sciences and Metaphysics

Agostini, I. Locke and Descartes on the knowledge of the existence of external world. – Chapter 3.

Boeker, R. Catharine Trotter Cockburn on human nature and the Lockean distinction between persons and men. – Chapter 3.

Laconte, J. Christian humanism and John Locke’s A letter concerning toleration. – Chapter 6.

Jacovides, M. Francis Mercury von Helmont and Locke’s chapter on personal identity. – Chapter 3.

Hill, J. Locke’s embodied person. – Chapter 3.

Dos Passos, F. M. Perception : the “act of the consciousness” in Locke’s personal identity theory. – Chapter 3.

Lamarra, A. From conscience to consciousness : from Locke to Coste to Leibniz. – Chapter 2.

Session C2: Religion and Knowledge

Canal, A. The Socinian sources of John Locke’s notion of the soul. – Chapter 5.

Quatrini, F. John Locke and the Polish Brethren on toleration : the promotion of Johannes Crell’s Vindiciae pro religionis libertate in Rotterdam during the 1680s. – Chapter 6.

Thorsson, E. Locke’s theology unmmasked : the divinity of Christ as the logos incantated. – Chapter 5.

Agnesina, J. Love of truth and free-thinking in the correspondence between John Locke and Anthony Collins. – Chapter 12.

Lähteenmäki, V. Subject of experience in John Locke and Anthony Collins. – Chapter 3.

Eva, L. Locke’s answer to the skeptics. – Chapter 3.

Oliveira, M. F. R. de. The academic scepticism in Locke’s Essay. – Chapter 3.

Session A3: Politics, Ethics, Language

Mengali, F. Countering the deluge of a “numerous democracy” : Locke on waged labourers and servants. – Chapter 8.

Sazanov, S. Appropriation through labor : entrepreneurial interpretation. – Chapter 7.

Mueser, B. Reclaiming land : Locke and the Levellers on native right and conquest. – Chapter 7.

Vespri, V. & Gentili, G. Locke on the epistemology of money and economy. – Chapter 8.

Thébert, A. Reassessing Locke’s evidentialism : from the ethics of belief to an ethics of virtuous thinking. – Chapter 3.

Rossi, M. Christianity and liberalism : Locke and the autonomy of knowledge. – Chapter 2.

Peixoto, K. Why, for Locke, parrots cannot do logic? : on the epistemic side of the early modern “linguistic turn.” – Chapter 3.

Session B3: Sciences and Metaphysics

Wolfe, C. T. Locke and projects for naturalizing the mind in the 18th century. – Chapter 3.

Connolly, P. J. How to do Lockean physics. – Chapter 3.

Rockwood, N. Locke on competing miracles. – Chapter 5.

Gillespie, K. & Van der Vossen, B. Is Lockean theory gendered? : John Locke, Rachel Speght and the political personhood. – Chapter 7.

Dickson, M. Locke’s qualities and “things themselves.” – Chapter 3.

Maione, M. Newton’s Opticks and theories of mind and meaning. – Chapter 3.

Parigi, S. What Molyneux’s blind man saw and Locke missed. – Chapter 3.

Session C3: Reception

Li, Y. John Locke’s physical education for young gentlemen. – Chapter 4.

Luna-Fabritius, A. From love to hate : an old discussion between ancients and moderns : Locke’s modernity in early-modern Neapolitan political thought thoughts. – Chapter 7.

Carrera, A. Locke and late Italian Jansenism. – Chapter 5.

Rumore, P. Locke in Germany. – Chapter 2.

Knapp, L. Locke’s Essay in British and German aesthetics. – Chapter 3.

Parkhurst, W. A. B. The reception of Locke’s philosophy of language in Nietzsche. – Chapter 3.

Silvagni, C. Over the just-war ideal : John Locke’s theory of property as justification of American colonialism. – Chapter 7.

Plenary Lecture 3

Kitromilides, P. Why John Locke?. – Chapter 2.


The 2019 John Locke Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, July 29-31, 2019, included the following papers:

Lin, Q. Locke’s simple idea of space : three problems and three proposed solutions. – Chapter 3.

Gorham, G. Locke and presentism. – Chapter 3.

Carnegy, H. Self-ownership and the right to exclude. – Chapter 7.

Kashiwazaki, M. Locke on citizenship. – Chapter 7.

Dawson, H. Locke on natural law. – Chapter 3.

Wörner, D. Monsters, changelings, and real essences. – Chapter 3.

Beck, S. “Let any one reflect upon himself” : Locke’s personal identity thought-experiments. – Chapter 3.

Tussay, Á. Locke’s Filmer critique revisited. – Chapter 7.

Priselac, M. Language and ideas of modes and substances. – Chapter 3.

Zaffino, V. The innate ideas and the foundation of religion : the correspondence of John Locke and Damaris Masham. – Chapter 3.

Wright, J. P. John Locke and his successors on voluntary and involunttary habits. – Chapter 3.

Ventura, B. Checking Locke&rsquos prerogative power. – Chapter 7.

Chen, C. The liberation of labor : money in Locke’s political philosophy. – Chapter 7.

Hamou, P. Ideas as pictures. – Chapter 3.


The 2018 John Locke Workshop, Mansfield College, Oxford, July 16-18, 2018, included the following papers:

Silver, S. “What is John Locke’s idea of complexity?” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Aoki, S. “The development of analogy in Locke’s philosophy.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Schechtman, A. “Locke on infinity as quantity.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Lenz, M. “Locke’s life-world : the teleological role of secondary qualities.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Downing, L. “Qualities, powers, and bare powers in Locke.” [keynote] 2018. – Chapter 3.

Harris, J. “The title of King William made good.” 2018. – Chapter 7.

Nazar, H. “Locke and Rousseau on educating for freedom.” 2018. – Chapter 4.

Di Biase, G. “Locke’s coercive morality.” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Shimokawa, K. “Locke on toleration and the harm principle.” 2018. – Chapter 6.

Curley, E. “Locke on religious toleration.” 2018. – Chapter 6.

Kelahan, E. “Locke and Hume on miracles, testimony, and probability.” 2018. – Chapter 5.

Thorsson, E. “Revisiting Locke’s thinking matter : a third way?” 2018. – Chapter 3.

Lucci, D. “Consciousness, personal identity, and repentance in John Locke’s views on salvation.” 2018. – Chapter 5.

McCann, E. Keynote address [title TBD]. 2018.