[ Table of Contents ] [ Part One: Works by Locke ] This section of the John Locke Bibliography is an updated version of The Works of John Locke : A Comprehensive Bibliography from the Seventeenth Century to the Present, published by Greenwood Press in 1985. In the process of converting the text to HTML, a number of errors in the original have been corrected, although some errors have yet to be corrected. New material published since 1985 has been added, indicated by New in the left margin. Some entries have been substantially revised, indicated by Rev. in the left margin. The numbering of the original has been preserved, new items being fit into the sequence by adding upper-case letters to the numbers. CONTENTSThe fundamental constitutions of Carolina (1670) Letter from a person of quality (1675) Contributions to Learned Journals Articles in Philosophical transactions (1675-1705) Reviews in Le Clercs Bibliothèque universelle (1686-1688) Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueils (1686) Epitome of An essay concerning human understanding (1688) Epistola de tolerantia | A letter concerning toleration (1689) A letter concerning toleration Translations of Epistola de tolerantia Controversy over A letter concerning toleration (1689-1706) Collected Editions of the Four Letters concerning Toleration Two treatises of government (1689) Editions of the Second Treatise Translations of Two treatises of government Early Notices of Two treatises of government An essay concerning human understanding (1689) Early criticism of the Essay and the controversy with Stillingfleet (1690-1697) Attack and defence (1697-1712) Papers on money, interest, and trade (1692-1696) Some thoughts concerning education (1693) Translations of Some thoughts concerning education The reasonableness of Christianity (1695) Translations of The reasonableness of Christianity Controversy over The reasonableness of Christianity (1695-1698) Obituaries and first biographical sketches (1705-1709) A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St. Paul (1705-1707) Of the conduct of the understanding An examination of P. Malebraches opinion of seeing all things in God Memoirs relating to the life of Shaftesbury Translations from Nicoles Essais (1712) A collection of several pieces (1720) Remarks upon some of Mr. Norriss books Elements of natural philosophy Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman Observations upon the growth and culture of vines and olives (1766) Reports of the Board of Trade (1789-1803) Publications from Locke papers (1829- ) Drafts of An essay concerning human understanding Draft of Some thoughts concerning education APPENDIX: Incorrect or doubtful attributions Early Editions of Lockes Works to 1800 Arranged by place of publication Arranged by date of publication Language Index to Translations of Lockes Works The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke INTRODUCTIONJohn Locke was born in 1632. He published three of his most significant works in 1689, in the midst of a period which Paul Hazard has called the crisis of European consciousness.1 Lockes works, written in English and popularized in French reviews and translations, contributed to a climate of scepticism, enthusiastic scientific observation and experimentation, and religious and political liberty. He was one of the thinkers whose ideas laid the foundations for the Enlightenment, and thus for modern philosophy and science. His works are still studied today by scholars interested in the history and perennial problems of a wide range of disciplines. Locke is a major figure in the history of philosophy2 as the author of a classic work (An essay concerning human understanding) which pointed philosophers in directions they are still exploring. In 1976, J. L. Mackie published a discussion of some major topics in current philosophy which owe significant formulations to Locke.3 His list includes such topics as primary and secondary qualities and the nature of substance, perception, abstraction, and personal identity. Locke was also one of the first philosophers to note the importance of language in philosophical discourse. Lockes contributions to political theory at one time seemed equally significant. His Two treatises of government (1689) was considered the model defense of the Glorious Revolution and an important influence on the American revolutionaries. Historians of political thought are now re-evaluating his influence (see Early notices of the Two Treatises) and stressing the uniqueness of his ideas. At the same time, his influence on political philosophy continues. Two significant recent works John Rawls A theory of justice (1971) and Robert Nozicks Anarchy, state and utopia (1974) base major arguments on Lockes ideas of the social contract, the state of nature, and property rights. In addition, his ideas on toleration are studied today for their central role in his own thought, as well as for their contribution to the battle against intolerance, censorship and the repression of human rights a battle where final victory seems always elusive. Lockes thoughts on education have maintained their popularity and influence since they were first published in 1693. He wrote during an era when children were coming to be seen as children, as human beings in a family and social setting who had not yet developed their bodies and minds. Historians and theorists of education trace the origin of modern ideas of developmental psychology to Locke. In recent decades, we have been reminded that Locke considered himself a physician by profession and that he studied with some of the most advanced scientific and medical minds of his day (in particular, Boyle, Sydenham, and Newton).4 Likewise, scholars have described Lockes participation in the administration under William III and the influence of his views on economic and colonial policy. Ironically, the contributions which have attracted the least attention from recent scholars are his theological and Biblical studies, which Locke clearly saw as the culmination of his lifes work. Locke thus made significant contributions in a variety of disciplines: philosophy, political science, education, religion, economics, science and medicine. His work in all these areas is the subject of scholarly research by a growing band of scholars from all nations. These scholars have access to a wealth of resources, including a rich collection of Lockes manuscripts (drafts of his works, diaries, notebooks, correspondence, etc.) and many of the books from his library.5 His major works have been widely translated, and a definitive edition of his works is currently being published by the Clarendon Press. There is even an annual journal, Locke Studies, devoted to Locke studies. There is one major item absent from this list of resources. There is no single, comprehensive bibliography of Locke's works and of critical writings about Locke. The last such bibliography was compiled by H. O. Christophersen in 1930; it is now out-of-date, incomplete, uneven in its standards of description, and lacks an adequate index. While there have been various attempts to bring it up-to-date, it has yet to be completely superseded. The present volume is part of such a comprehensive bibliographical resource. It covers the most pressing need: for a listing of Lockes works, the editions and translations which have appeared, and the controversial context in which they were written.6 SCOPE: The following listing encompasses all editions and translations of Lockes works, including abridgments and selections in anthologies, from the first editions to the present (roughly April 1985), as well as the forthcoming Clarendon edition (see Locke #861). In addition, Lockes works are set in their original controversial context: entries are included for works Locke wrote about, and sections of entries are given for the controversies which his works provoked during and immediately following his lifetime.7 The listing of Lockes works includes not only those items of which he was the author, but also several works which he edited or translated and two works in which his role is uncertain. Finally, there is an appendix of incorrect or doubtful attributions: works that have been ascribed to Locke but in which it is reasonably certain that he had no part. The entries in the checklist contain extensive bibliographical annotations: relationships to other works, citations of secondary literature relating to bibliographic issues such as dating, publishing history, corrections to the text, etc. ARRANGEMENT: Lockes works are arranged chronologically by date of first publication.8 Under each work, complete texts in the original language appear first, followed by abridged versions, selections and translations (arranged by language, with full texts preceding abridgments and selections). Finally, I have included sections of early notices, attacks, and defenses of Lockes works. In these, the item numbers of works not by Locke appear in brackets and the entries begin with the authors name. Near the end of the list, corresponding to the date of Lockes death in 1704, there is a brief section of early biographical sketches, followed by the works first published after Lockes death. This includes editions of his correspondence and collected editions of his works. Works published from his manuscripts appear at the end, according to the date of first publication, not the date of composition. An appendix, described above, lists works incorrectly attributed to Locke. In most cases, each edition is represented by a separate entry, while variant issues or states within an edition are noted under the single descriptive entry. However, by the nineteenth century, the practices of machine printing may have deprived this distinction of much of its meaning. For this reason and to avoid extensive repetition I have in some cases combined entries for basically similar versions, particularly of An essay concerning human understanding and Of the conduct of the understanding. The variable information is listed in the notes. DESCRIPTIVE STANDARDS: One of the difficulties with the existing bibliographic tools dealing with Locke is their inadequate and inconsistent standards of description. Ideally, what is needed is a formal descriptive bibliography, compiled by examination of multiple surviving copies of each edition, transcription of the bibliographic information in precise detail, and identification of each variant issue or state of the text. Such a formal bibliography has been prepared by Jean S. Yolton. The present work offers a checklist of editions with notes on such variants as I have discovered. It is based, whenever possible, upon personal examination of at least one copy of each edition. Where I have been unable to see the item, an asterisk appears before the item number and the source of the information is identified. In other cases, the information given has been transcribed directly from the item according to one of two descriptive standards:
Title. Subtitle. Authors name [supplied in brackets if known but not appearing on the title page]. Edition statement. Place of publication, names of publishers, and date of publication. Paging and format. The number of pages is recorded (accounting for all leaves with letterpress on either side). The bibliographic format (2o for folio, 4o. for quarto, 8o. for octavo, etc.) has been determined from the item itself whenever possible; catalogs are often misleading in their identification of format. Title or short title : subtitle and remainder of title information / first statement of responsibility ; subsequent statement of responsibility. Edition statement. Place of publication ; second place of publication : name of publisher : name of second publisher, date of publication. Number of volumes or pages. (Series statement, following the same format as title statements). Notes. In the case where the title page gives information in more than one language, the title statement gives information in each language, separated by = . Other elements, such as edition and imprint statements, are given in the first language only. To date, the ISBDs do not cover items published as an integral part of another item, such as periodical articles or chapters in a book. There is, however, a draft ISBD for such component parts, and the principle is clear. The description includes two levels: for the specific part described and for the item which contains it. The relevant elements are transcribed for each level, separated by // IN: and the description of the containing item includes as a final note the location (volume, date and/or pages) of the specific item described within the containing item. Note 2 and note 4 are examples of such descriptions. ANNOTATIONS: Bibliographic notes of various types have been included:
INCORRECT OR DOUBTFUL ATTRIBUTIONS: Works which have been falsely attributed to Locke are listed in the appendix. Titles are given in chronological order of first publication, with a listing of editions and notes on the source and merits of the attribution, and the identity of the true author when known. Items in the appendix are assigned a separate sequence of numbers, which are preceded by an A. INDEXES: There are three indexes. The Name/Title Index includes the names of editors, translators, authors of prefaces, reviews, controversial works, etc. Names are entered according to preferred national usage.11 In a few exceptional cases, titles of anonymous and pseudonymous works are included in the Name/Title Index. For the titles of Lockes works, see the Table of Contents above. The Subject Index includes some entries for works by Locke, usually minor works or selections on very specific topics. The Language Index lists the works by Locke which have been translated into foreign languages. Under each language, the works are arranged by the date of the first translation. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS: Compiling bibliographic information is a cumulative task and one that never reaches an end. No work is ever definitive; no work, in fact, remains current even so long as it takes for the text to appear in print. This project continues, and I will be happy to correct any errors and to add any new items which are brought to my attention. Work also continues on the remaining part of the project: the literature about Locke. It already comprises some 5000 entries, the largest such file I am aware of. It is extensively indexed by name, title, date, and subject. I welcome inquiries on particular topics or notices of new material. _________________________ 1 P. Hazard, La crise de la conscience europeenne (1680-1715) / Paul Hazard. Paris : Boivin, c1935. English translation: The European mind : the critical years, 1680-1715 / by Paul Hazard ; [translation by J. Lewis May]. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1953. 2 Bruce Kuklick has traced the significance of some great thinkers in the historiography of British and American philosophy; see Seven thinkers and how they grew : Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz; Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Kant / Bruce Kuklick. // IN: Philosophy in history : essays on the historiography of philosophy / edited by Richard Rorty, J.B. Schneewind, Quentin Skinner. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1984. (Ideas in context). p. 125-139. 3 Problems from Locke / by J.L. Mackie. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1976. ix, 237 p. 4 The importance of Lockes medical studies in the development of his philosophy has recently been stressed by Patrick Romanell: John Locke and medicine : a new key to Locke / by Patrick Romanell. Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1984. 225 p. 5 Most of Lockes books and manuscripts have now been collected at the Bodleian Library at Oxford; see R. J. Roberts, The John Locke Room in the Bodleian Library, Oxford / R.J. Roberts. // IN: Locke newsletter. 9 (1978):21-25. 6 This was written before the publication of Jean S. Yoltons John Locke : a descriptive bibliography (Thoemmes Press, 1998), which now provides a detailed and rigorous description of editions and translations published before 1800. 7 Most of the controversies died down before Lockes death in 1704, but some lasted longer. In general, I have taken 1714 (the date of the first collected edition of Lockes works) as the cut-off date for the sections of controversial works. 8 An exception is made for Lockes replies to attacks on his works, which are included in chronological order among the controversial works. 9 The eighteenth-century short title catalogue. The cataloguing rules. New edition / revised by J.C. Zeeman. London : The British Library, 1984. 113 p. I have modified the rules slightly, in the direction of exact transcription of title-page punctuation. 10 The ISBD standard is embodied in individual documents for different types of material; the framework is given in: ISBD(G) : general International Standard Bibliographic Description : annotated text / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; prepared by the Working Group on the General International Standard Bibliographic Description set up by the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing. London : IFLA International Office for UBC, 1977. x, 24 p. 11 See Names of persons : national usages for entry in catalogues / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; compiled by the IFLA International Office for UBC. 3rd edition. London : The Office, 1977. x, 193 p. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSBibliographers build on each others work. They are odd fish who read an authors footnotes before they read his text. My debt to previous bibliographers is hinted at in the bibliographic citations which I have provided. My debt to the footnotes of countless Locke scholars is too vast even to be hinted at, but is sincerely felt nonetheless. Bibliographers inhabit libraries. Again my debt to countless (often nameless) librarians is too vast to be adequately acknowledged. However, no author should fail to pay tribute to those gallant folk who are striving to preserve the intellectual heritage of the past and to make it available to present and future scholars. This project was begun in 1975 at Bowling Green State University and has continued since 1978 at the Pennsylvania State University. I should like to thank Dr. Richard Lineback of the Philosophy Documentation Center at Bowling Green for his encouragement of the project and for access to the incomparable collection of philosophy books and journals used to compile The Philosophers index. A grant from the Pennsylvania State University in 1981 enabled me to visit libraries in England and Italy to verify entries for this project. I have also received extensive data-processing support from the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, and I would like to thank Dean of Libraries Stuart Forth and Assistant Deans Gordon Rawlins, Nancy Cline, and Nancy Eaton for this assistance. Any errors that remain, including typing and formatting errors in the final text, must alas be the responsibility of the author. ABBREVIATIONSBibliographic citations
Sources for unverified citations
Reviews of early editions
Reviews of later editions