Translations of the Essay

Essay concerning human understanding.   Chinese.



人类理觧论 / 洛克著 ; 关文运[i.e. 关琪桐]. – [修订版]. – 北京 : 商务印书馆, 1981. – (汉译世界学朮名著丛书)

Ren lei li jie lun / Luoke zhu ; Guan Wenyun [i.e. Guan Qitong] yi. – [Xiu ding ban]. – Beijing : Shang wu yin shu guan, 1981. – 2 vol. (722 p.). – (Han yi shi jie xue shu ming zhu cong shu)

Reprinted, 2009.


Essay concerning human understanding.   Chinese. Abridged.



论语言的滥用 : 英汉双语 / (英)约翰·洛克著 ; 孙平华, 韩宁汉译, 专著. – 第1版. – 北京 : 中国对外翻译出版有限公司, 2014. – 232 pages.

Lun yu yan de lan yong : Ying han shuang yu / (ying) Yuehan Luoke zhu ; Sun Pinghua, Han Ning han yi, Zhuan zhu. – Di 1 ban. – Beijing : Zhong guo dui wai fan yi chu ban you xian gong si, 2014. – 232 pages.

ISBN 978-7-5001-3883-9.


Essay concerning human understanding.   Czech.



Esej o lidském rozumu / John Locke ; [vybrala a přeložila Anna Dokulilová ; úvodní studii napsal Milan Sobotka]. – Vyd. 1. – Praha : Svoboda, 1984. – 407 p.


Essay concerning human understanding.   French.

In the last decade of the seventeenth century, English culture held a frustrated fascination for the continental Republic of Letters. Frustrated, because few Europeans could approach English ideas in the English language. Gabriel Bonno1 has shown how Locke’s continental readers were dependent initially upon reviews in French-language journals – Basnage de Beauval’s Histoire des ouvrages des savans, Bernard’s Nouvelles de la république des lettres, and (particularly) Le Clerc’s Bibliothèque universelle and its successors. Interested parties such as Limborch and Leibniz did not really come to grips with the Essay until it had been translated into French. This was accomplished in 1700 by Pierre Coste.

Coste was, like Le Clerc, a French Protestant refugee in Holland. In 1695, he translated Locke’s Some thoughts concerning education into French and sent the author a copy. Locke was pleased, and Le Clerc encouraged the young man to begin translating the Essay. In 1697, Coste was invited to Locke’s retreat at Oates, as tutor to the Masham children and as Locke’s assistant. The translation was completed under Locke’s supervision and was published in June 1700, prefaced with Locke’s recommendation. Coste remained at Oates until Locke’s death in 1704. Thereafter, in the midst of a busy literary career, he continued his work on the Essay, bringing out a revised edition in 1729.


1. Bonno, G. La culture et la civilisation britanniques devant l’opinion française de la Paix d’Utrecht aux Lettres philosophiques (1713-1734) (1948). See esp. p. 80-96. – See also:

Hampton, J. “Les traductions françaises de Locke au XVIIIe siècle” (1955).

On Coste, see Bonno 1959 [Locke #841]


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’etendue de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Traduit de l’anglois de Mr. Locke, par Pierre Coste, sur la quatriéme edition, revûë, corrigée, & augmentée par l’auteur … A Amsterdam, chez Henri Schelte. M.DCC [1700]. [56], 936, [23] p. port. 4o.

Translation of the 4th edition [Locke #231]

Frontispiece is a portrait of Locke after Greenhill, engraved by “P. a Gunst.”

On p. xv is part of a letter from Locke to Hendrik Schelte [De Beer, ix 2650A]

Reviews: Basnage de Beauval, Histoire des ouvrages des savans (1700); J. Bernard, Nouvelles de la république des lettres (1700); Leibniz, Monatlicher Auszug (1700); Anon., Mémoires de Trévoux (1701)

Y 91; C 27; H&L 1802


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’entendue [sic] de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Traduit de l’anglois de Mr. Locke, par Pierre Coste, sur la quatriéme edition, revûë, corrigée, & augmentée par l’auteur … A La Haye, chez Pierre Husson. M.DCC.XIV [1714]. [56], 936, [24] p. port. 4o.

Reissue of 1700 ed. with a cancel title leaf.

Y 92


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’etendue de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Traduit de l’anglois de Mr. Locke, par Pierre Coste, Nouvelle edition, revûë, corrigée, & augmentée par l’auteur … Suivant la copie imprimée à Amsterdam, chez Henri Schelte. M DCC XXIII [1723]. [58], 936, [24] p. port. 4o.

A pirated edition, probably printed at Basel.

Y 93; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’etendue de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Seconde édition, revûë, corrigée, & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur. … A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier. M.DCC.XXIX [1729]. XLVI, 595, [17] p. port. 4o.

Coste incorporated changes Locke made for the 1706 edition (but not the selections from the correspondence with Stillingfleet), as well as a new dedication to Edmund Sheffield, 2nd Duke of Buckinghamshire, and many new notes, in some of which he disagreed with Locke. A memorandum by Coste of corrections for this edition has been printed in Simonutti, “Considerazioni su power e liberty nel Saggio sull’intelletto umano secondo un manoscritto di Coste” (1984)

Reviews: Anon., Bibliothèque raisonnée 4 (1730):343-356; Anon., Critique désintéressée des journaux 3 (1730), art. 3; Anon., Lettres sérieuses (1730), art. 12.

Y 93; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’etendue de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Troisième édition, revûë, corrigée & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier. M.DCC.XXXV [1735]. XLII, 601, [17] p. 4o.

Coste added new notes, particularly in Book II, including a discussion of Locke’s refutation of the Cartesian notion of the soul.

Y 95; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’etendue de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Quatrième édition, revûe, corrigée, & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier. M.DCC.XLII [1742]. XLII, 603, [19] p. port. 4o.

Frontispiece is portrait of Locke after Kneller, engraved by F. Morellon la Cave, dated 1734.

Last edition revised by Coste, who added more notes.

Y 96; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’étenduë de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Quatrième édition, revuë, corrigée & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier. M.DCC.L [1750]. 4 vols. ([4], LXXIV, [2], 385, [3]; [6], 518, [2]; [6], 462' [6], 413, [55] p.) 12o.

Reprint of the 1742 ed.; according to the 1755 ed., this is a piracy printed in France.

Y 97; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’etendue de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Cinquième édition, revue et corrigée. … A Amsterdam et a Leipzig, chez J. Schreuder & Pierre Mortier le jeune. MDCCLV [1755]. [2], XXXVII, [3], 603, [19] p. port. 4o.

Frontispiece is portrait of Locke, signed “G. Kneller Eques pinxit 1697. P. Tanjé sculp. 1754.”

Y 98


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie. M.DCC.LVIII [1758]. 4 vols. port. 12o.

Frontispiece of vol. 1 is portrait of Locke after Kneller, by C. Duflos.

Reissue of 1755 ed.; preliminary gathering of each vol. is a cancel. Probably a piracy.

Y 99; C 97



Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, ou l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, M.DCC.LXXIV [1774]. 4 vols. (LXXII, 318; [4], 417, [3]; [4], 378, [2]; [6], 388 p.) 12o.

The words “philosophique” and “l'entendement” in hollow type; another issue: in vol. 4, the words above are not in hollow type and the date reads “M,DCC,LXXIV.”

Reprint of the 1742 ed. (Locke #354); may have been printed in France (Yolton, p. 134); odd- and even-numbered volumes may have been printed by different printers (Yolton, p. 138)


Y 100; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, ou l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée de quelques aditions [sic] importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, M.DCC.LXXIV [1774]. 4 vols. (lxxxj, [3], 304; [6], 192, 173-386 (pp. 173-192 repeated); [6], 352; [6], 391, [1] p.) 12o.

The words “essai”, “l'entendement” and “humain” (vols. 1, 3), “philosophique” and “l'entendement” (vols. 2, 4) in hollow type; “additions” corrected spelled in vols. 2 and 4.

Reprint of the 1742 ed. (Locke #354)

Y 101


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Quatrieme édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Paris: chez Serviere, Libraire … 1786. 4 vols. (525, [3]; 595, [5]; 540; 562, [2] p.) 12o.

Vols. 3 and 4, and second issue of vols. 1 and 2 have imprint: A Paris: chez Savoye, … Serviere, … 1787.

Reprint of the 1742 ed. (Locke #354)

Y 102


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, ou l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connoissances certaines, & la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par M. Coste. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paroissent pour la première fois dans cette édition. … A Amsterdam, aux dépens de la compagnie. M.DCC.LXXXXI [1791]. 4 vols. (LXXII, 294, [2]; [4], 387, [1]; 356; [4], 366, [2] p.) 12o.

The words “essai”, “philosophique” and “l’entendement” in hollow type.

Reprint of the 1742 ed. (Locke #354)

Y 103


Essai philosophique concerning l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connaissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par M. Locke. Traduit de l’anglais par M. Coste. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, et de quelques remarques du traducteur, dont quelques-unes paraissent dans cette édition. … A Paris, chez Letellier, Libraire … 1795. 4 vols. ([4], 406, [2]; [4], 460; [4], 416; [4], 366, [2] p.) 12o.

Reprint of the 1786-87 ed. (Locke #359)


Y 104; C 97


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain, où l’on montre quelle est l’étendue de nos connoissances certaines, et la manière dont nous y parvenons. Par Locke. Traduit de l’anglois par Coste. Cinquième édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée de quelques additions importantes de l’auteur, qui n’ont paru qu’après sa mort, & de quelques remarques du traducteur. A Paris, chez Bossange, Masson et Besson, An. VII [1799]. 4 vols. (lxxxij, 264; [4], 370, [2]; [4], 340; [4], 342, [2] p.) 12o.

Reprint of the 1786-87 ed. (Locke #359)

Y 105



[An edition of Coste’s translation, published in Bern in 1800, is listed in the Gesamtverzeichnis, 1700-1910. No surviving copies have been reported.]

Y 106


Coste’s translation was included in OEuvres philosophique (1821-25) [Locke #870]


OEuvres de Locke et Leibniz : contenant l’Essai sur l’entendement humain / revu, corrigé et accompagné de notes, par M. F. Thurot … – Paris : F. Didot Frères, 1839. – xvii, 676 p.

See p. 1-469; the Coste translation; reprinted in 1854 and 1862.


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain / John Locke ; traduite par Coste ; édité par Émilienne Naert. – Paris : J. Vrin, 1972. – 7, xxvii, 627 p.

Based on the 1755 edition [Locke #356]



Essai sur l’entendement humain / John Locke ; tr. Jean-Michel Vienne. – Paris : Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2001-2004. – 3 vols.

Contents: vol. 1 : Books I and II (2001) – vol. 2 : Book III (2003) – vol. 3 : Book IV (2002); a new vol. 2 containing Books III and IV as well as additional material, mainly relating to the controversy with Stillingfleet, published in 2006.


LS 2:11, 3:12, 4:11; 7:18



Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement human / John Locke ; traduit par Pierre Coste ; édité par Georges J.D. Moyal. – Paris : Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2004. – 1086 p. – (Libre pensée et littérature clandestine ; 22)

Reprint of the 1742 edition.

For Moyal’s introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

LS 5:11



Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain / John Locke ; traduction par Pierre Coste; éstablissement du texte, présentation, dossier et notes par Philippe Hamou. – [Paris] : Librairie générale française, ©2009. – 1114 p. – (Le livre de poche. Classiques de la philosophie ; 31387)

Based on the 5e éd. (1755) of Coste’s translation.

Includes: “Introduction” (p. 7-60) – Dossier: “Philosopher dans les marges de l’Essai : Pierre Coste, traducteur et critique de Locke” / Ph. Hamou (p. 1041-1053) – “Avertissement du traducteur” and three notes by Coste (p. 1054-1072)

ISBN 978-2-253-08219-4.

LS 9:8

Essay concerning human understanding.   French.   Abridgments.


Abrege de l’Essay de Mr. Locke. Sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par Monsieur Bosset. A Londres, chez Jean Watts. M DCC XX [1720]. viii, 286, [2] p. 8o.

Translation of Wynne’s Abridgment [Locke #267], followed by “Extrait fait par l’illustre Mr. Le Clerc du premier livre de Mr. Locke sur l’entendement humain” [reprint of 1690 review in Bibliothèque universelle]; and “Nouveau sisteme sur les idées” [by Bosset?]

Announced in Anon., L’Europe savante (1718); review: Le Clerc, Bibliothèque ancienne et moderne (1720)

Y 133; C 98


Abregé de l’Essai de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par Monsieur Bosset. Nouvelle édition. A Genève, chez Pellissari & Comp. MDCCXXXVIII [1738]. XII, 280, [4] p. 8o.

Reprint of 1720 ed., but with the extract by Le Clerc preceding Wynne’s abridgement.

Y 134; C 98


Abregé de l’Essay de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par Mr. Bosset. Nouvelle édition. A Londres, chez Jean Nourse. M.DCC.XLI [1741]. XVI, 376, [8] p. port. 12o.

Frontispiece is a portrait of Locke after Kneller signed “Cl. Duflos sculp.”

Probably printed in Paris–Yolton.

Y 135



Abregé de l’Essai de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par J. P. Bosset. Troisiéme édition plus exacte que les précédentes. A Genève, chez Henry-Albert Gosse & Comp. MDCCXLI [1741]. XXIV, 283, [5] p. 8o.

A new compilation by an unknown editor; includes Bosset’s translation of Wynne’s abridgement and Le Clerc’s summary of Book I, but omits Bosset’s dedication; it adds “Analyse de l’ouvrage suivant” [similar to Gilbert’s Abstract [Locke #282]; and a translation of “Rules of a society” [Locke #802 (1720)]

Y 136; C 98


Abrégé de l’Essay de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par Mr. Bosset. Nouvelle édition. A Londres, chez Jean Nourse. M.DCC.XLVI [1746]. XVI, 376, [6] p. 12o.

Probably printed in Paris–Yolton.

Y 137; C 98


Abbrégé de l’Essay de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par Mr. Bosset, Nouvelle édition. A Londres, chez Jean Nourse. M.DCC LI [1751]. XVI, 376, [6] p. port. 12o.

Probably printed in Paris–Yolton.

Frontispiece is a portrait of Locke after Kneller signed “Cl. Duflos sculp.”

Y 138; C 98


Abrégé de l’Essai de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois par J. P. Bosset. Quatrième édition plus exacte que les précédentes. A Genève. 1788. XXI, [1], 228, [2] p. 8o.

Y 139



Abrégé de l’Essai de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain, traduit de l’anglois. Dresden: Walther, 1788.

Unverified; source: Gesammtverzeichnis 1700-1910 89 (1888):366-367.

Y 140


Abbrégé de l’Essay de Monsieur Locke, sur l’entendement humain. Traduit de l’anglois par Monsieur Bosset. [Colophon:] A Upsal, chez la veuve du direct. Jean Edman. MDCCXCII [1792]. X, 284, [4] p. 8o.

Y 140


“Essais sur l’entendement humain” / Locke. // IN: Résumés philosophiques / par P.L. Lezaud. – Paris : F. Didot Frères, 1847. – p. 197-327.

Reprinted in 1853; see p. 19-127.

C 98


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain / J. Locke ; avec introduction et analyse par Paul Lemaire. – Paris : A. Hatier, 1925. – 64 p. – (Les classiques pour tous. Collection étrangère ; no. 297)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Unverified; source: BN Cat.

Essay concerning human understanding.   French.   Selections


Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain : analyse complète et extraits des livres II et IV / Jean Locke ; préface et notes de Gonzague Truc. – Paris : La Renaissance du livre, [19--?]. – 239 p. – (Les cent chefs-d’oeuvre étrangers ; 44)

Unverified; source: BN Cat.


Locke : sa vie, son oeuvre : avec un exposé de sa philosophie / par André-Louis Leroy (1964)

Includes selections from the Essay (p. 54-112)


“Principes de la philosophie de Locke.” // IN: Histoire des idées en Grande-Bretagne / Pierre Vitoux (19690. – p. 249-258.



Identité et difference : l’invention de la conscience : An Essay concerning Human Understanding II, xxcii, Of identity and diversity / présenté, traduit et commenté par Étienne Balibar. – Paris : Éditions du Seuil, ©1998. – 324 p. – (Points. Essais ; 367)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

ISBN 2-02-026300-9.


LS 2:4



Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain. Livre IV, chapitre XIX, “De l’enthousiasme” / John Locke ; traduction e commentaire par Pascal Taranto. – Paris : Ellipses, 2000. – 63 p. – (Philo-textes)

ISBN 2-7298-0030-1.


Essay concerning human understanding.   German.



[Christophersen, citing Fox Bourne, The life of John Locke (1878), mentions a German translation published at Königsberg in 1755. I have found no evidence of its existence. Yolton (#107, p. 145) suggests that Fox Bourne is confusing this with the German translation of the Conduct.]


Herrn Johann Lockens Versuch vom menschlichen Verstande. Aus dem englischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Heinrich Engelhard Poleyen … Altenburg, in der Richterischen Buchhandlung. 1757. [58], 768, [24] p. port. 4o.

There are four states of the final gathering, with different numbers of errata.

Frontispiece is an engraving of the Kneller portrait, “G. Kneller Eques pinxit. 1697. I.C. Sysang sc.”

Includes “Des Herrn Coste Lobschrift auf den Herrn Locke” (German version of Coste’s biographical sketch [1705; Locke #688]) and “Herrn Gilberts … Auszug aus dem Versuche vom menschlichem Verstande” (German translation of Locke #282)

Based on Coste’s translation.

Y 108; C 97-98

Reprinted in: Locke in Germany : early German translations of John Locke, 1709-61 / selected and introduced by Konstantin Pollok. – Bristol : Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. – vol. 4-5.


Locke’s Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt mit einigen Anmerkungen und einer Abhandlung: über den Empirismus in der Philosophie von D. Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann. Iena, im Verlag des akademischen Leseinstituts. 1795-97. 3 vols. (XLVIII, 536; [4], 531, [1]; VI, [2], 488 p.) 8o.

Vols. 2 and 3 have imprint: Leipzig, bey Iohann Ambrosius Barth, 1797.

Includes “Vorrede der Uebersetzers” (vol. 1:iii-xvi) and “Abhandlung ¨ber den Empirismus in der Philosophie vorzüglich den Lockischen” (vol. 3:420-470)

For Tennemann’s “Abhandlung …,” see entry in Chapter 3.

Y 109; C 98


John Locke’s Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand in vier Büchern / übersetzt und erläutert von J.H. v. Kirchmann. – Berlin : L. Heimann, 1872-73. – 2 vol. – (Philosophische Bibliothek ; Bd. 50-51)

Also published: Berlin : Philos.-Histor. Verlag, 1894; reprinted in 1901; 4., durchges. Aufl., unveränd. Nachdr. mit erg. Bibliogr. – Hamburg : Meiner, 1988. – (Philosophische Bibliothek ; 76). – ISBN 3-787-30525-4. – Unverified.

C 98


Über den menschlichen Verstand : eine Abhandlung / von John Locke ; aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Th. Schultze. – Leipzig : P. Reclam, [1898]. – 2 vols.

Reprinted in 1905 and 1908.

C 98


John Locke’s Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand / übersetzt von Carl Winckler. – Leipzig : F. Meiner, 1911-13 [vol. 2, 1911]. – 2 vols. – (Die philosophische Bibliothek ; Bd. 75-76)

Translation of the text of Fraser’s 1894 edition [Locke #263]

For Winckler’s introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

C 98


Über den menschlichen Verstand : in vier Büchern / John Locke ; [übersetzt von Carl Winckler]. – Hamburg : F. Meiner, 1962. – 4 vols. in 2. – (Die philosophische Bibliothek ; Bd. 75-76)

Reprint of the 1911-1913 edition, with an essay “Die Prinzipien der Erkenntnistheorie von John Locke” by A.L. Subbotin.

Reprinted in 1968 and 1981 [unverified]



Essay über den menschlichen Verstand / John Locke ; herausgegeben von Udo Thiel. – Berlin : Akademie Verlag GmbH, ©1997. – vii, 302 p. – (Klassiker Auslegen ; Bd. 6)

ISBN 3-050-02864-5.


Essay concerning human understanding.   German.   Abridgment.


Locke vom menschlichen Verstande zu leichtem und fruchtbarem Gebrauch zergliedert und geordnet von Gotlob August Tittel … Mannheim, in der Hofbuchhandlung bei Schwan und Eds, 1791. XXXII, 557, [3] p. 8o.

Y 142; C 99

Essay concerning human understanding.   German.   Selections.


Von der Enthusiasterei : neunzehntes Hauptstüd aus John Lockes Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand aus dem Jahre 1699. Ulm, 1720.

Essay IV,xix; reprinted in: Aus der Frühzeit der deutschen Aufklärung : Christian Thomasius und Christian Weise / herausgegeben von Fritz Brüggemann. – Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966. – (Deutsche Literatur. Reihe 14 ; Bd. 1) – p. 109-121.


“John Locke (1632-1704).” // IN: Philosophisches Lesebuch : Texte zur neueren Philosophiegeschichte / ausgewählt und erläutert von Hermann Glockner. – Stuttgart : A. Kröner, 1949-50. – Bd. 1:74-91.

Essay II,x.

B 103



“John Locke” / Martin Lenz. // IN: Ideen : Reprasentationalismus in der frühen Neuzeit / herausgegeben von Dominik Perler und Johannes Haag. – Berlin ; New York : Walter De Gruyter, ©2010. – (De Gruyter Studienbuch). – Band 1, Texte, p. 259-298.

Includes “Einleitung” (p. 259-263) and “Zentrale Passagen zu John Lockes Ideentheorie : Auszüge aus Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand” (p. 264-298)


Essay concerning human understanding.   Greek.   Abridgment.


Encheiridion metaphysiko-dialektikon ē epitomē akrivestatē tou deigmatos tou kyriou Lokkiou. … Enetiēsin [Venice], 1796. [16], 316 p. 8o.

Translation of Soave’s Italian version of the Wynne abridgement [Locke #393]

Y 143

Essay concerning human understanding.   Hebrew.   Abridgment.


An essay concerning human understanding / John Locke ; in the abridgement of A.S. Pringle-Pattison ; translated into Hebrew by Joseph Ur ; edited by Leon Roth. – Jerusalem : at the University Press, 1935. – 3 vols. – (Philosophical classics)

Translation of Locke #308.

Essay concerning human understanding.   Italian.


Saggio sull’umano intelletto / di Giovanni Locke ; volgarizzato. – Pavia : Pietro Bizzoni, 1819-26. – 8 vols. in 4. – (Collezione dei classici metafisici)


Saggio sulla intelligenza umana / John Locke ; traduzione di Camillo Pellizzi ; prefazione di Armando Carlini ; in appendice, Il primo abbozzo del Saggio, a cura di Vittorio Sainati. – Bari : Laterza, 1951. – 2 vols. (xxiv, 548, 599 p.). – (Classici della filosofia moderna. Collana di testi e di traduzioni ; 26)

Includes “Il primo abbozzo del Saggio” [Draft A] / a cura di Vittorio Sainati (vol. 2:449-571); also published separately [Locke #935]

For Carlini’s preface, see entry in Chapter 3.

Review: Palmieri, “John Locke e il criticismo” (1953)

M 37


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / di John Locke ; a cura di Marian e Nicola Abbagnano ; [traduzione di Marian Taylor Abbagnano]. – Prima ediz. – Torino : Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1971. – 831 p., [7] leaves of plates. – (Classici della filosofia ; 9)

For the introduction by Nicola Abbagnano, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 56


Saggio sull’intelligenza umana / John Locke ; traduzione di Camillo Pellizzi ; con una introduzione di Carlo Augusto Viano. – Bari : Laterza, 1972. – 4 vols. – (Universale Laterza ; 221-224)

For Viano’s introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 59

Essay concerning human understanding.   Italian.   Abridgments.


Saggio filosofico di Gio. Locke su l’umano intelletto. Compendiato dal Dr. Wynne. Tradotto, e commentato da Francesco Soave … In Milano. Per Gaetano Motta. MDCCLXXV [1775]. 3 vols. ([16], 182, [2]; 96 [= 196], [4]; 187, [5] p.) 8o.

Translation from Bosset’s French translation of the Wynne abridgement [Locke #365], with a number of appendices interspersed.

Y 144


Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l’umano intelletto. Compendiato dal Dr. Winne. Tradotto, e commentato da Francesco Soave … Seconda edizione veneta. In Venezia, nella Stamperia Baglioni, 1790. 3 vols. 12o.

Includes as vol. 3: Guida dell’intelletto nella ricerca della verità. Opera postuma di Gio: Locke. Tradotta, e commentata da Francesco Soave … Seconda edizione veneta. In Venezia, nella Stamperia Baglioni. 1790.

Y 145


Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l’umano intelletto. Compendiato dal Dr. Winne. Tradotto, e commentato da Francesco Soave … Terza edizione veneta. Venezia, MDCCXCIV [1794]. Nella Stamperia Baglioni. 3 vols. (XII, 238, [2]; 168; 156 p.) 12o.

Includes as vol. 3: Guida dell’intelletto nella ricerca della verità. Opera postuma di Gio: Locke. Tradotta, e commentata da Francesco Soave

Y 146


Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l’umano intelletto / compendiato dal Dr. Winne ; tradotto, e commentato da Francesco Soave. – Quarta edizione veneta. – Venezia : nella Stamperia Baglioni, 1801. 3 vols. (xii, 237, 168, 156 p.)

Includes as vol. 3: Guida dell’intelletto nella ricerca della verità : opera postuma / di Gio: Locke ; tradotta, e commentata da Francesco Soave. – Quarta edizione veneta. – Venezia, nella Stamperia Baglioni, 1801.


Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l’umano intelletto / compendiato dal Dr. Winne ; tradotto, e commentato da Francesco Soave. – Quinta edizione veneta. – Venezia : nella Stamperia Baglioni, 1807. 3 vols.

Includes as vol. 3: Guida dell’intelletto nella ricerca della verità : opera postuma / di Gio: Locke ; tradotta, e commentata da Francesco Soave. – Quinta edizione veneta. – Venezia, nella Stamperia Baglioni, 1807.


Saggio filosofico di Gio: Locke su l’umano intelletto / compendiato dal Dr. Winne ; tradotto, e commentato da Francesco Soave. – Milano : Presso Ferdinando Baret, 1815. – 2 vols. – (Raccolta delle opere complete di Soave ; t. 9-10)

C 98


Saggio su l’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; a cura di Augusto Guzzo. – Firenze : Vallecchi, 1924. – xviii, 278 p. – (Testi filosofici commentati)

For the preface, see entry in Chapter 3.

Also: 2a ediz. – Firenze : Vallecchi, [1926].

M 10


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; traduzione, introduzione e note di Cecilia Dentice di Accadia. – Messina : G. Principato, [1925]. – xviii, 182 p. – (Letture filosofiche ; no. 8)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Also: (1) 3a ediz., 1938; (2) 4a ediz., 1949; (3) 4a ediz. riveduta, 1956.

M 12


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / G. Locke ; traduzione e introduzione di Andrea Ferro. – Roma : P. Maglione, [1926?]. – xxix, 114 p. – (Collezione di filosofia e pedagogia)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 13


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; trad. a cura di S. Del Boca ; intr. e note di A. Faggi. – Napoli : Loffredo, 1935.

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 21


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; a cura di G. Bianchi. – Brescia : La Scuola, 1940.

Review: M. Sbezzi, Riv.Fil.Neosc. 1941:345-346.

M 26


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / G. Locke ; introduzione, traduzione e commento di M. Goretti. – Verona : La Scaligera, 1942. – 147 p. – (Classici di filosofia e pedagogia ; 32)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Also published: Milano : C. Signorelli, 1955 [unverified]

M 39


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; a cura di Pietro Feola. – Napoli : Conte, 1943. – 175 p. – (Classici filosofici e pedagogici)

Revision of Soave’s translation of Wynne’s abridgment [Locke #393]; also published as: (1) 2a ediz. riveduta. – Napoli : Istituto editoriale del mezzogiorno, 1954. – (Collana di classici di filosofia e pedagogia); (2) 3a ediz. riveduta ed accresciuta, 1959; (3) 5a ediz., 1966.

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 29


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / John Locke ; traduzione, introduzione e note a cura di Giancarlo Penati. – Brescia : La Scuola, 1962. – lviii, 221 p. – (Il pensiero)

For Penati’s introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Also published as: 2a ediz., 1966; 3a ediz., 1969 [unverified]; 4a ediz., 1974.

Review: A. Bausola, Riv.Fil.Neosc. 1963:257-8.

M 48

Essay concerning human understanding.   Italian.   Selections.


Saggio sull’intelletto umano : passi scelti.” // IN: Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume : opere scelte e inquadrata nella storia del pensiero moderno fino al secolo XVIII / a cura di A. Aliotta. – Napoli : F. Perrella, 1924. – p. 80-168.

M 8


Saggio sull’intelligenza umana / Giovanni Locke ; traduzione, scelta, introduzione e commento a cura di Adelchi Baratono. – Bologna : L. Cappelli, 1924.

Also published as: Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; traduzione, scelta e commento di Adelchi Baratono. – Bologna : L. Cappelli, 1931. – 253 p. – (Collana di testi filosofici e pedagogici ; 3)

The introduction was also published in a collection of Baratono’s essays (1930); see entry in Chapter 3.

M 9


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; passi scelti e tradotti, con introduzione e note di C. Mazzantini. – Torino : G.B. Paravia, 1926.

Reprinted in 1937 in series “Piccola biblioteca di filosofia e pedagogia”; also published as: I principi dell’illuminismo eclettico : estratti dal Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; traduzione dall’originale inglese con introduzione e note critiche, a cura di Carlo Mazzantini. – Torino : G.B. Paravia, 1927. – li, 260 p.

M 15, 17


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; estratti tradotti da G. Guzzo Capone ; con introduzione di A. Aliotta. – Napoli : F. Perrella, [1934?]. – p. 63-168. – (Semina flammae : classici del pensiero ; vol. 3, pt. 2)

For Aliotta’s introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Also published: Roma : Parrella, 1940. – 110 p.

M 20


Saggio sull’intelletto umano : passi scelti / Giovanni Locke ; con introduzione e note di Nicola Abbagnano. – Milano : A. Mondadori, 1938. – 98p. – (Collana di testi filosofici)

Also: 2a ediz., 1940.

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 24


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; passi scelti, tradotti e commentati da Guido De Ruggiero. – Bari : Laterza, 1938. 2 viii, 121 p. – (Piccola biblioteca filosofica)

Also: 2a ediz., 1943; 3a ediz., 1947; 4a ediz., 1952; 5a ediz., 1956; 7a ediz., 1966.

M 23


Saggio sull’intelletto umano / Giovanni Locke ; passi tradotti e commentati da Giuseppe Saitta. – Bologna : N. Zanichelli, 1941. – xxv, 318 p.

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Reprinted in 1943 and 1947; also published: Firenze : G.C. Sansoni, 1961. – xxvi, 275 p. – (Collana scolastici di test filosofici)

M 27, 45


“Una scelta di testi.” // IN: Hume e l’illuminismo inglese / a cura di Adelchi Baratono. – Milano : Garzanti, 1943. – p. 179-216.

Essay II,xxii-xxviii; IV,ii-x.

M 30


“La conoscenza.” // IN: John Locke e i limiti della scienza / Maria Antonietta Giganti. – Padova : CEDAM, 1957. – (Il pensiero moderno ; 2a serie, vol. 7). – p. 37-107.

M 181


Saggio sull’intelligenza umana : estratti organicamente scelti / Giovanni Locke ; con introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Vittorio Sainati. – Firenze : Le Monnier, 1958. – 154 p. ֪ (Collana di testi di filosofia e pedagogia ad uso delle scuole)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

M 42


“Locke.” // IN: Teoretica / a cura di Carmelo Lacorte, Italo Cubeddu, Giorgio Baratta. – Firenze : G.C. Sansoni, ©1965-68. – (Storia antologica dei problemi filosofici) – vol. 2:435-492.


“Non esistono princìpi innati” / Locke. // IN: Morale / a cura di Augusto Guerra e Antimo Negri. – Firence : G.C. Sansoni, 1965. – (Storia antologica dei problemi filosofici). – vol. 2:139-149.

See also “L’etica dell’empirismo” / [Negri] (vol. 2:85-121)


Antologia dai libri III e IV del Saggio sull’intelletto umano : dispense per il corso di storia della filosofia II, anni 1970- 1971 / traduzione a cura di C. Pellizzi. – Milano : CUEM, [1971].

M 58


“John Locke.” // IN: Con Dio e contra Dio : raccolta sistematica degli argomenti pro e contro l’existenze di Dio / a cura di Michele Federico Sciacca. – Milano : Marzorati, 1975. – vol. 1:483-486.

Essay IV.x.

M 63

Essay concerning human understanding.   Korean.



인간지성론. [Books] 1-2 / 존 로크 지음 ; 정병훈, 이재영, 양선숙 옮김. – 파주 : 한길사, 2014. – 2 volumes. – (한국연구재단 학술명저번역총서. 서양편 ; 83-84)

ISBN 978-89-356-6295-1 (book 1), 978-89-356-6296-8 (book 2)




인간지성론. [Books] 1-2 / 존 로크 [지음] ; 추영현 옮김. – 서울 : 동서문화사, 2017. – 998 pages. – (세계사상전집 ; 062)

Ingan jiseongnon. [Books] 1-2. – Seoul : Dongseo Munhwasa, 2017. – 998 pages.

ISBN 978-89-497-15760-6 (book 1). 978-89-497-1577-3 (book 2)


LS 18:12

Essay concerning human understanding.   Latin.

Locke had desired from the outset to have his Essay translated into Latin, still the language of learned communication. Both Le Clerc and later Molyneux had tried unsuccessfully to find a translator. Finally, in 1695, Molyneux invited an Irish acquaintance, Ezekiel Burridge, to undertake the task. Burridge labored for several years and, in 1701, the Latin translation was finally published by the Churchills. This version was twice reprinted on the continent, and in 1741 there came out another translation, “in purer Latin style,” by G.H. Thiele.


De intellectu humano. In quatuor libris. Authore Johanne Lockio armigero. Editio quarta aucta & emendata, & nunc primum Latine reddita … Londini: impensis Aunshami & Johan. Churchil, … MDCCI [1701]. [26], 68, 65-164, 177-317, [1] p. 2o.

Frontispiece is an engraving by Vanderbanck after the Brounower drawing, as in the 3rd ed. (1698) of the Essay [Locke #230]

On Ezekiel Burridge, the translator, see “Two notes on Burridge” / P.H. Nidditch. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 4 (1973):41-43.

Review: Anon., Acta eruditorum (1702) (1702)

Y 110; C 28; H&L 1800


Johannis Lockii, armigeri Libri IV de intellectu humano. … Novissima editio juxta exemplar Londini anno 1701 in fol. editum, expressa, summoque studio a vitiis typographicis in illo occurrentibus purgata. Lipsiæ, sumptibus Theophili Georgi, 1709. [62], 943, [1] p. port. 8o.

Frontispiece is an engraved portrait after Greenhill, in an oval frame over a pedestal, subscribed “Mr. John Locke.”

The corrections to the text are probably by Gotthelf Heinrich Thiele.

Y 111; C 97

Reprinted in: Locke in Germany : early German translations of John Locke, 1709-61 / selected and introduced by Konstantin Pollok. – Bristol : Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. – vol. 2-3.


Johannis Lockii, armigeri Libri IV de intellectu humano. Amsterdam, 1729. [60], 943, [1] p. 8o.

Unverified; a ghost?

C 97


Johannis Lockii armigeri Libri IV. de intellectu humano, denuo ex novissima editione idiomatis Anglicani, longe acuratiori in puriorem stylum Latinum translati. Praefixae sunt huic editioni auctoris scripta et vita, nec non elenchus capitum. Cura M. Gotthelff Henr. Thiele … Lipsiae, apud Theophilum Georgi, MDCCXXXXI [1741]. [14], 79, [47], 1000 p. 8o.

Includes a translation by Thiele of Le Clerc’s “Life”; the frontispiece is a portrait as in the 1709 edition.

Y 112; C 97 [“1731”]


Johannis Lockii armigeri Libri IV. de intellectu humano, denuo ex novissima editione idiomatis Anglicani, longe acuratiori in puriorem stylum Latinum translati, & nuper aliquot notis criticis illustati. … Cui præfixa sunt auctoris scripta et vita, & elenchus capitum. Cura M. Gotthelff Henrici Thiele … Lipsiæ, apud Theophilum Georgi. MDCCLVIII [1758]. 2 vols. (lvj, 360; 304 p.) port. 8o.

Reprint of 1741 ed.; the frontispiece is an engraved portrait after Verelst, “Antonio Baratti scul.”

Y 113


Johannis Lockii armigeri Libri IV. de intellectu humano, denuo ex novissima editione idiomatis Anglicani, longe acuratiori in puriorem stylum Latinum translati: notis criticis Domini Gothelff Henrici Thiele, Domini Coste, ac Francisci Soave illustrati; accedunt nonnullæ meditationes Doct. Johannis Leonardi Marugj ad textum illustrationesque accommodatæ. … Cui præfixa sunt scripta, vita, & elenchus capitum. Neapoli, ex Officina Vincentii Manfredii Superiorum Facultate. MDCCLXXXVIII-MDCCLXXXIX [1788-91]. 5 vols. (352; 308; 328; 324; 281, [3] p.) 8o.

Y 114

Essay concerning human understanding.   Magyar.


Értekezés az emberi értelemről : első kötet / John Locke ; fordította, Dienes Valéria ; a fordítást ellenőrizte, Simon Endre és Szalai Sándor. – Budapest : Adadémiai Kiadó, 1964. – 2 vols. (400; 471 p.). – (Filozófiai írók tára ; 26-27 kötet)

Essay concerning human understanding.   Polish.


Rozwżnia dotyczące rozumu ludzkiego / John Locke ; z oryginału angielskiego przełożył Bolęsław J. Gawęcki ; przekład przejrzał Częsław Znamierowcki. – [Wyd. 1]. – [W Krakówie] : Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1955. – 2 vols. – (Biblioteka klasyków filozofii)

Includes a translation of Of the conduct of the understanding.

Essay concerning human understanding.   Polish.   Abridged.



Logika czyli myśli z Lokko o ludzkim wyjęte. Cracow, 1784.

An abridged translation (with omissions in Books I and III, by Andrzej Cyankiewicz; the translation was probably commissioned by Hugo Kołłątaj, who may have been responsible for the abridgment. The title means “Logic or Thoughts about human reason from Locke.”

On this translation, see Rosicka, “Locke and the Polish Enlightenment” (1994), p. 249.

Y 114.1

Essay concerning human understanding.   Portuguese.


A Portuguese translation of the Essay [possibly abridged?} by A. Aiex and E.J. Monteiro was included in Locke #874.



Ensaio acerca do entendimento humano / John Locke ; tradução Anoar Aiex ; [consultoria de Carlos Estevam Martins, João Paulo Monteiro]. – São Paulo : Nova Cultural, 1988. – 212 p. – (Os pensadores)

Reprinted in 1999.

ISBN 85-130-0906-7.




Ensaio sobre o entendimento humano / John Locke ; tradução, apresentação e notas Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta. – São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 2012. – 833 pages.

ISBN 978-85-8063-026-8.




Ensaio sobre o entendimento humano / John Locke ; introducción, notas, coordinacción de traducción Eduardo Abranches de Soveral ; revisión da traducción Gualter Cunha, Ana Luísa Amaral. – 5a ed. – Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2014. – 2 volumes (XX, 1029 pages). – (Textos clássicos)

ISBN 978-9-7230-0856-9.


LS 17:20

Essay concerning human understanding.   Portuguese.   Abridgment.


“Ensaio philosóphico sobre o entendimento humano : resumo dos livres I e II submetido à Real Mesa Censória nos fins do século XVIII” / João Locke. // IN: Boletim da Biblioteca da Universidade do Coimbra. – 20 (1951):1-212.

A partial translation of Wynne’s abridgment [Locke #267], made ca.1790.

Includes “Introdução” / Joaquim de Carvalho (p. 1-70) and critical appendices to introduction (p. 169-212); for the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

Essay concerning human understanding.   Russian.   Selection.



“O poznanīi : bozhii͡a bymii͡a.” = [On the consciousness of the nature of God]. // IN: Vecherni͡ai͡a zari͡a. ch. 3 (1782):18-42.

Translation of Essay IV.x.


Y 153

Essay concerning human understanding.   Serbian.


Ogled o ljudskom razumu / Džon Lok ; predgovor, Gajo Petrović ; [preveo, Dušan Puhalo]. – Beograd : Kultura, 1962. – 2 vols. (lxxvi, 795 p.)

Includes “Znarnje i mnjenje u filozofiji Džona Loka” / Gajo Petrović (p. v-lxxvi)

Essay concerning human understanding.   Spanish.


Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano / John Locke ; traducción de Edmundo O’Gorman. – Buenos Aires ; México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1956. – 754 p. – (Collección de textos clásicos de filosofía)

Unverified; source: RBP 10:2976

Also: Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano / John Locke ; prólogo de José A. Robles y Carmen Silva ; traducción de Edmundo O’Gorman. – 2a ed. – México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1999. – 753 p. – (Obras de filosofía). – ISBN 96-8166-042-0. – Unverified.


Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano / John Locke ; traducción, Sergio Rabade y Esmeraldo García. – Madrid : Nacional, 1980-  .

Unverified; source: RBP 33:4455



Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano / John Locke. – México : Porrúa, 1999. – xxvi, 585 p. – (Sepan cuantos … ; 703)

ISBN 97-0071-621-X.


Essay concerning human understanding.   Spanish.   Abridgments.



Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano : [compendio] / John Locke ; traducción, Luís Rodríguez Aranda. – Madrid : Aguilar, 1982. – 224 p. – (Colección Biblioteca de iniciacón filosófica)

ISBN 84-038-7021-3.

Unverified; source: RBP 1983:5005.

Reprinted in 1987.



Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano / Locke ; introducción, selección, notas y propuestas de trabajo, Fernando Juarez. – México : Ediciones Nuevomar, 1983. – 169 p. – (Lecturas críticas ; 2)

ISBN 96-8469-040-1.




Compendio del Essayo sobre el entendimiento humano / John Locke ; estudio preliminar y traducción de Juan José García Norro y Rogelio Rovira. – Madrid : Tecnos, 1999. – xxxv, 61 p. – (Clásicos del pensamiento ; 138)

For the introduction, see entry in Chapter 3.

ISBN 84-309-3293-3.


Essay concerning human understanding.   Spanish.   Selections


“Extractos de la obra de Locke.” // IN: John Locke : selección de textos precedidos de un estudio / de Åke Petzäll ; traducción y notas de Léon Dujovne. – Buenos Aires : Editorial Sudamericana, 1940. – (Breviarios del pensamiento filosófico). – p. 151-191.

The introductory study is a Spanish translation of Petzäll, Ethics and epistemology … (1937)


Locke, empirismo y experiencia : [antología y critica] / Augustín González Gallego. – Barcelona : Montesinos, 1984. – 126 p. – (Biblioteca de divulgación filosófica ; 2)



Del abuso de las palabras / John Locke ; traducción de Martin Schifino. – [Madrid] : Taurus, [2014]. – 140 pages. – (Great ideas)

ISBN 978-8-4306-1655-8.


LS 17:20

Essay concerning human understanding.   Turkish.



İnsanın anlama yetisi üzerine bir deneme / John Locke ; Türkçesi Meral Delikara Topçu. – Ankara : Öteki Yayınevi, 1999. – 2 volumes.

Reprinted. 3. bs. -- Ankara : Öteki Yayınevi, 2007. – 534 pages.

ISBN 97-558-4050-8.


Early criticism of the Essay

“Mr. Locke’s new Book admits no indifferent Censure, for tis either extreamly commended, or much decry’d, but has ten Enemies for one friend.” [Locke #847, vol. 3:793] For some years after its publication, Locke’s Essay elicited few reactions – but those were indeed mixed. The book was praised by Le Clerc (in his review), by William Molyneux (in letters to Locke) and by William Wotton. It was used as a text in the universities (see above), although Locke’s friends at Oxford reported that it aroused considerable opposition there. The only published criticisms before 1696 were those of John Norris, an English follower of Malebranche, and James Lowde. Both men concentrated on Locke's theory of perception and his attack on innate ideas. Lowde, in particular, felt that a denial of innate moral principles was dangerous to the Christian religion. This attitude was to set the tone for subsequent criticism, which began at the end of 1696. As Locke remarked the following year, “My book crept into the world about six or seven years ago, without any opposition, and has since passed amongst some for useful, and, the least favourable, for innocent. But, as it seems to me, it is agreed by some men that it should no longer do so. Something, I know not what, is at last spyed out in it, that is like to be troublesome, and therefore it must be an ill book, and be treated accordingly.” [Locke #847, vol. 6:6] This change of attitude was probably due to the publication in 1695 of Locke’s Reasonableness of Christianity (see below) and in 1696 of John Toland’s Christianity not mysterious (Locke #674). These books directed the attention of conservative Churchmen to the implications of Locke’s philosophy for religion. His denial of innate ideas seemed to threaten morality and religious doctrine. His denial that there can be certain knowledge of substance seemed to threaten belief in the Trinity. His suggestion that God might endow matter with the ability to think seemed to threaten belief in an immortal, immaterial soul. The use of his epistemological scepticism by free thinkers such as Toland only confirmed the dangers of his thought. This was the tone of the attack leveled by Edward Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester, in his Discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity (1696). Locke felt obliged to respond, defending his religious orthodoxy, and a long and inconclusive controversy ensued, ended only by the death of Stillingfleet in 1699.


Norris, J. Cursory reflections upon a book call’d, An essay concerning human understanding (1690).


Lowde, J. A discourse concerning the nature of man … (1694).


Wotton, W. Reflections upon ancient and modern learning (1694)


[Masham, D.] A discourse concerning the love of God. (1696)

Contains a reply to Norris’s Cursory reflections ….


Stillingfleet, E. A discourse in vindication of the doctrine of the Trinity (1697)

Locke, J.   A letter to the … Bishop of Worcester.



A letter to Edward Ld Bishop of Worcester, concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke’s Essay of humane understanding: in a late discourse of his Lordships, in vindication of the Trinity. By John Locke, Gent. London: printed for A. & J. Churchill, … 1697. [4], 227, [1] p. 8o. Dated: Oates, Jan. 7.1696/7.

Second issue, with a cancel title page: A letter to the right reverend Edward Ld Bishop of Worcester, concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke’s Essay of humane understanding: in a late discourse of his Lordships, in vindication of the Trinity. By John Locke, Gent. London: printed by H. Clark, for A. & J. Churchill, …; and Edw. Castle, … 1697. [4], 227, [1] p. 8o. There are three states of this issue, with minor differences in the publishers’ addresses.

Locke’s list of presentation copies is in MS. Locke c. 25, f. 53v, captioned “1697.”

Reviewed (with Stillingfleet’s Answer): Anon., Acta eruditorum (1699)

Y 248; C 37; Wing L2748A, 2749; H&L 1793, 1796

Locke, J.   A letter to the … Bishop of Worcester.   Selections.


“The nature of man.” // IN: Jonathan Swift, the contemporary background / [compiled by] Clive T. Probyn. – Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1978. – (Literature in context). – p. 172-192.

Includes selections from Locke’s Letter and from Stillingfleet’s Answer.

Locke, J.   A letter to the … Bishop of Worcester.   Italian.


An Italian translation was included in Locke #873.


Stillingfleet, E. The Bishop of Worcester’s answer to Mr. Locke’s letter (1697)

Locke, J.   Reply to the … Bishop of Worcester.


Mr. Locke’s reply to the right reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester’s Answer to his letter, concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke’s Essay of humane understanding: in a late discourse of his Lordships, in vindication of the trinity. London: printed by H. Clark, for A. and J. Churchill, …; and E. Castle, … 1697. [4], 174, [2], 7, [5] p. 8o. Dated: London, 29 June, 1697.

Published in late August or early September.

Includes “An answer to remarks upon an Essay concerning humane understanding,” a reply to Burnet’s Remarks; reprinted (with Burnet’s Remarks): New York : Garland, 1984 and Doncaster : Brynmill, 1989.

Locke’s list of presentation copies is in MS. Locke c. 25, f. 55r, captioned “Reply Copys 97.”

Review (with Stillingfleet’s Answer …): Anon., Acta eruditorum (1699)

Y 249; C 40-41; Wing L 2753; H&L 1797


Stillingfleet, E. The Bishop of Worcester’s answer to Mr. Locke’s second letter (1698)

Locke, J.   [Second] Reply to the … Bishop of Worcester.


Mr. Locke’s reply to the right reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester’s Answer to his second letter: wherein, besides other incident matters, what his Lordship has said concerning certainty by reason, certainty by ideas, and certainty by faith. The resurrection of the same body. The immateriality of the soul. The inconsistency of Mr. Locke’s notions with the ariticles of the Christian faith, and their tendancy to scepticism, is examined. London: printed by H.C. for A. and J. Churchill, …; and E. Castle, …, M DC XCIX [1699]. [2], 452, [2] p. 8o. Dated: Oates, May 4, 1698.

Published in November 1698.

Locke’s list of presentation copies is in MS. Locke c. 25, f. 53v, captioned “3 Rep to Bp Worcester 1698.”

Review: J. Bernard, Nouvelles de la république des lettres (1699)

Y 250; C 42; Wing L2754; H&L 1798

Locke, J.   [Second] Reply to the … Bishop of Worcester.   Selections.


John Locke.” // IN: The resurrection of the same body not an article of the Christian faith : being a collection of the principal authorities upon this subject. – London : W. White, 1856. – p. 1-48.

The Locke-Stillingfleet controversy (1696-1699)


Locke’s replies to Stillingfleet were included in Works, begining with the 1st edition, 1714 [Locke #848]; St. John summarized the controversy in his Philosophical works (1854) [Locke #864]



Replies to Edward Stillingfleet / John Locke ; edited by Matthew Stuart. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, in preparation. – 2 vols. – (The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke)

Unverified; see The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke.

Attack and defense (1697-1712)

Stillingfleet’s attack seemed to open the gates to a flood of adverse and often abusive criticism. Locke’s foes included Thomas Burnet, (author of three successive Remarks on the Essay), John Sergeant, John Edwards (who alwo wrote diatribes against the Reasonableness of Christianity), Henry Lee, William Carroll and William Sherlock. From the continent came critical notices from Pierre Bayle, from Leibniz and from the author of Fides et ratio and a commendation from Jean Barbeyrac. In general Locke found the attacks contentious and ill-founded. Except for a brief “Answer …” to Burnet’s first Remarks, Locke did not answer any of them in print. However, he did not lack defenders. Lady Masham replied to Norris, Catherine Cockburn defended him against Burnet, LeClerc countered Bayle, and Samuel Bold took on the abusive Edwards. Locke’s death did not halt the debate, but it eventually died down, as threatened Churchmen found more current targets and as authors began to absorb Locke’s ideas and use them for their own purposes.

The best account of early reactions to Locke’s Essay is: John W. Yolton, John Locke and the way of ideas (1956).


[Burnet, T.] Remarks upon An essay concerning humane understanding (1697)


[Burnet, T.] Second remarks upon An essay concerning humane understanding (1697)


Elys, E. A refutation of some of the false conceits in Mr. Locke’s Essay concerning human understanding (1697)


[Sergeant, J.] Solid philosophy asserted, against the fancies of the idealists (1697)


B., F. A free but modest censure of the late controversial writings and debates of the Lord Bishop of Worcester and Mr. Locke … (1698)


Beconsall, T. The grounds and foundation of natural religion, discover’d … (1698)


Jenkin, R. The reasonableness and certainty of the Christian religion (1698)


Bold, S. Some considerations on the principal objections and arguments which have been publish’d against Mr. Lock’s Essay of humane understanding (1699)


[Burnet, T.] Third remarks upon An essay concerning humane understanding (1699)


Edwards, J. The eternal and intrinsick reasons of good and evil (1699)


Lowde, J. Moral essays (1699)


[Elys, E.] Observations on several books (1700)


[Milner, J.] An account of Mr. Locke’s religion, out of his own writings, and in his own words (1700)


Whitby, D. A paraphrase and commentary upon all the Epistles of the New Testament (1700)


Edwards, J. A free discourse concerning truth and error, especially in matters of religion (1701)


Norris, J. An essay towards the theory of the ideal or intelligible world (1701)


[Cockburn, C.] A defence of the Essay of human understanding … (1702)


Lee, H. Anti-scepticism (1702)


Parker, S. Essays on divers weighty & curious subjects (1702)


[Coward, W.] Second thoughts concerning human soul … (1702)


Broughton, J. Psychologia: or, An account of the nature of the rational soul (1703)


[Layton, H.] Observations upon a treatise intit’led Psychologia … (1703)


C[oward], W.] The grand essay … (1704)


[Bayle, P.] Réponse aux questions d’un provincial. (1704-07)


Sherlock, W. A discourse concerning the happiness of good men … (1704)


[Layton, H.] Observations upon a treatise intitled, A discourse concerning the happiness of good men in the next world (1704)


[Anonymous.] A philosophick essay concerning ideas, according to Dr. Sherlock’s principles. (1705)


[Bold, S.] A discourse concerning the resurrection of the same body … (1705)


[Astell, M.] The Christian religion, as profess’d by a daughter of the Church of England (1705)


[Carroll, W.] Remarks upon Mr. Clarke’s sermons, preached at St. Paul’s, against Hobbs, Spinoza, and other atheists. … (1705)


Carroll, W. A disssertation upon the tenth chapter of the fourth book of Mr. Locke’s Essay, concerning humane understanding. (1706)


[Collins, A.] An essay concerning the use of reason in propositions, the evidence whereof depends upon human testimony. (1707)


Car[r]oll, W. A letter to the Reverend Dr. Benjamin Prat, … wherein, the dangerous errors in a late book, intituled, An essay concerning the use of reason in propositions … are detected, confuted and gradually deduc’d from the very basis of atheism, upon which alone they are bottom’d. (1707)


[Parker, S.] A letter to Mr. Bold, occasion’d by his late discourse concerning the resurrection of the same body. (1707)


[Witty, J.] The first principles of moder Deism confuted. (1707)


[Witty, J.] Reasonableness of assenting to the mysteries of Christianity asserted and vindicated. (1708)


[Leibniz, G. W.] “Réflexions de Mr. L------- sur l’Essay de l’entendement humain de Monsieur Locke” (1708)


[Metternich, W. von.] Fides et ratio collatae, ac suo utraque loco redditae, adversus principia Joannis Lockii. (1708)


Jäger, J. W. Judicium sine affectu de duobus adversariis Joh. Lockio & Petro Poireto eorumque pugna de ratione et fide … (1708)


[Carroll, W.] Spinoza reviv’d: or, A treatise, proving the book entitled, The rights of the Christian Church, &c. … to be the same with Spinoza’s Rights of the Christian clergy, &c. and that both of them are grounded upon downright atheism. (1709)


[Goodwin, T.] The life and character of that eminent and learned prelate, the late Dr. Edw. Stillingfleet, Lord Bishop of Worcester. (1710)


Hampton, B. The existence of human soul after death: proved from Scripture, reason, and philosophy. Wherein Mr. Lock’s notion, that understanding may be given to matter … and all other such books and opinions, are briefly and plainly confuted. (1711)


Lupton, W. The resurrection of the same body. (1711)


Ditton, H. A discourse concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (1712)