[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 3: Philosophy ] 1953Symbol and existence in Locke and Dewey / A. Austin. Thesis (Ph.D.)Columbia University, 1953. Unverified. H&W 1983 Philosophy : an introduction / Archie J. Bahm. New York : Wiley ; London : Chapman & Hall, ©1953. See 3, Representative realism (p. 50-56) John Stuart Mill / Karl Britton. Melbourne ; London ; Baltimore : Penguin Books, 1953. 224 p. Lockes composition theory / by Charles Roderick Burton. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of California, Berkeley, 1953. iii, 186 leaves. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1954.2 [sic] The status of universals in Locke, Berkeley and Hume / W.B. Carter. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Toronto, 1953. 365 leaves. LNL 6:19; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1954.4 [sic] Descartes and English thought up to the eighteenth century / by Megan R. Davis. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of London (Queen Mary College), 1953. 2 vol. (1063 leaves) See Ch. 4, The comparative relations of Locke and Descartes (leaves 693-848) The nature of the self : a functional interpretation. See entry for Spanish edition (1950) Dōtokutetsugaku toshiteno kinseishizenhō = Modern natural law as the moral philosophy / K. Fukuda. // IN: Kokka gakkai zasshi = Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences. 67 (1953):277-339. Reprinted in Fukuda, Kindai seiji genri seiritsu shi josetsu (1971) H&W 1983 Definizione operativa dei concetti di sostanza e di tabula rasa in J. Locke / Alberto Pala. // IN: Annali delle Facoltà di lettere, filosofia e magistero dellUniversità di Cagliari. 21 (1953):221-270. H&W 395; M 167; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1953.13 John Locke e il criticismo / Pasquale Palmeri [sic]. // IN: Giornale di metafisica. 8 (1953):686-696. Review of Pellizzis Italian translation of the Essay (1951) Abstract: BullSig 9:7587. H&W 395; M 168; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1953.14 Descartes, the British empiricists, and formal logic / J.A. Passmore. // IN: Philosophical review. 62 (1953):545-553. H&W 262; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1953.15 The English philosophers / by Leslie Paul. London : Faber and Faber, 1953. See Ch. 5, The founder of empiricism John Locke (p. 109-124) H&W 1983 Thinking and experience / H.H. Price. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1953. See Ch. 9, Images as general symbols (p. 265-297) H&W 262; H&W 1983 Lintentionnalité des sensations de Locke à Berkeley / Jean Rohmer. // IN: Revue des sciences réligieuses / Université de Strasbourg. 27 (1953):250-269. Abstract: BullSig 8:4185. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1953.17 The great philosophers / Radoslav A. Tsanoff. New York : Harper, ©1953. See Ch. 19, John Locke and the philosophy of experience (p. 344-362) B 104; H&W 1983 The importance of Shaftesbury / by Ernest Tuveson. // IN: ELH, a journal of English literary history. 20 (1953):267-299. Berkeley / G.J. Warnock. London ; Baltimore : Penguin Books, 1953. See esp. p. 91-109. H&W 1983 |