[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 3: Philosophy ] 1957Über Lockes Allgemeines Dreieck / von Evert Willem Beth. // IN: Kant-Studien. 48 (1956/57):361-380. See also the comment by Korth, Zum Problem der geometrischen Methode (1959) H&W 1983 Dominant themes in modern philosophy : a history / George Boas. New York : Ronald Press Co., ©1957. See p. 184-205. H&W 1983 Perceiving : a philosophical study / by Roderick M. Chisholm. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1957. (Contemporary philosophy) See Ch. 9, Secondary qualities (p. 126-141 [esp.130-137]) B 105; H&W 1983 Gassendi et non Locke créateur de la doctrine sensualiste moderne sur la génération des idées / par Gaston Coirault. // IN: Actes du Congrès du Tricentenaire de Pierre Gassendi. [Paris] : Presses Universitaires de France, [1957]. p. 69-94. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1957.4 Imagism in Locke, Berkeley, and Hume / by John Whitney Davis. Thesis (Ph.D.)Boston University, 1957. ix, 514 leaves. See Ch. 3, Locke and imagism (leaves 127-264) Abstract: DAI 17 (1957):1570. H&W 395; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1957.8 Rousseau e Marx : e algri saggi di critica materialistica / Galvano Della Volpe. Roma : Riuniti, ©1957. See Nota su Locke (p. 35-37) M 179; H&W 1983 Mental acts : their content and their objects / by Peter Geach. London : Routledge & K. Paul, 1957. (Studies in philosophical psychology) Also published: New York : Humanities Press, 1957. See p. 20-21, 36-38. H&W 1983 John Locke e i limiti della scienza / Maria Antonietta Giganti. Padova : CEDAM, 1957. 110p. (Il pensiero moderno ; 2a serie, vol. 7) Includes La conoscenza [selections from the Essay] (p. 37-107) [Locke #415] Review: C. Dollo, Sophia 1959:256-257. M 181; H&W 1983 Crucial problems of modern philosophy / by D.J.B. Hawkins ; with an introduction by John P. Dolan. London ; New York : Sheed and Ward, 1957. See Ch. 2, The British empiricists and the narrowing of the field (p. 22-33 [2nd ed., 1962: p. 30-41]) Rola Lockea i Condillaca w dziejach teorii definicji / Stanisław Kamiński. // IN: Roczniki filozoficzne. 5:no. 4 (1957):67-101. H&W 395; H&W 1983 Editors introduction. // IN: Freedom of the will / Jonathan Edwards ; edited by Paul Ramsey. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1957. (The works of Jonathan Edwards ; vol. 1). p. 1-128. See Edwards and John Locke (p. 47-65) H&W 1983 El sentido común en las obras filosóficas del P. Claude Buffier, S.J. : contribución a la historia de la filosofía del sentido común / Juan A. Ventosa Aguilar. Barcelona : Seminario Conciliar de Barcelona, 1957. (Oración inaugural del curso académico ; 1957-1958) See p. 22-24, 63-66. B 105 Social thought in America : the revolt against formalism / by Morton White. [Beacon paperback ed.] with a new preface and an epilogue. Boston : Beacon Press, 1957. See Epilogue for 1957 (p. 266-271) B 105; H&W 1983 Personal identity and individuation / by B.A.O. Williams. // IN: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. New series:57 (1956/57):229-252. Reprinted in: Problems of the self : philosophical papers, 1956-1972 / Bernard Williams. Cambridge : University Press, 1973. p. 1-18. |