[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 3: Philosophy ] 1960Investigación en torno al bien común : nominalismo y comunidad / Saturnino Alvarez Turienzo. // IN: Ciudad de Dios. 173 (1960):72-117. See El individualismo de Locke (p. 112-117) B 106 Lillusion de lextensibilité infinie de la vérité / Amir Mehdi Badiˁ. Lausanne : Payot, 1957- . See vol. 2, Vers une conaissance objective (1960). 157 p. Abstract: BPh 8:1. Locke and Stevenson on comparative morality. See entry in Chapter 10. Berkeley on the immortality of the soul / Harry M. Bracken. // IN: Modern schoolman. 37 (1959/60):77-94, 197-212. Locke, Berkeley, Hume / Harry M. Bracken ; traducción, Linia Herrera. // IN: Revista de filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica. 2:no. 8 (1960):351-355. English version: /Locke, Berkeley, Hume : the end of a triumvirate / Harry M. Bracken. // IN: Indian journal of philosophy. 3 (1961/62):1-8. H&W 263; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1961.4 Esperienza e libertà in J. Locke / Romeo Crippa. Milano : Marzorati, 1960. 163 p. (Studi sulla coscienza etica e religiosa del seicento ; [2]). (Pubblicazioni dellIstituto di Filosofia dellUniversità di Genova ; 15) Reviews: D. Orlando, Rass. di Ped. 1961:137-139; M. Raschini, Gior. di Metafisica 16 (1961):508-510. H&W 396; M 189; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.6 The Molyneux problem / by John W. Davis. // IN: Journal of the history of ideas. 21 (1960):392-408. H&W 263; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.7 John Lockes theory of meaning : an exposition and critique / by Sister Mary Pauline Fitts. Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press, 1960. xi, 51 p. (Catholic University of America. Philosophical studies ; 196) Abstract of thesis (Ph.D.)Catholic University, 1958. H&W 396; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.12 An ambiguity in Berkeleys Principles / E.J. Furlong. // IN: Hermathena. 94 (1960):84-102. Also appeared in: Philosophical quarterly. 14 (1964):334-344. The edge of objectivity : an essay in the history of scientific ideas /by Charles Coulston Gillispie. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1960. See p. 159-164. H&W 1983 The Scottish philosophy of common sense / by S.A. Grave. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1960. See p. 53-63, etc. Shizenhōron ni okeru Rokku no ninshikiriron = [Lockes epistemology in the Essays on the law of nature] / A. Hirano. // IN: Tōyō Daigaku kyōyōbu kiyō. 1 (1960). Unverified. H&W 1983 Die psychologischen Ansichten John Lockes / vorgelegt von Urs Maag. Aarau : Keller, 1960. 117 p. Inaug.-Diss.Basel. H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.16 Enkele opmerkings oor die doel von Locke se Essay / A.M.T. Meyer. // IN: Festschrift H.J. de Vleeschauwer. Pretoria : University of South Africa, 1960. (Communications of the University of South Africa ; series C, supplement 1). p. 207-210. LNL 4:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.17 The philosophy of the person / by P.A. Minkus. Oxford : B. Blackwell, 1960. See 2, Some of Lockes doctrines with a bearing on personal identity (p. 2-22) H&W 396; H&W 1983 Histoire de la psychologie de lantiquité à nos jours / Fernand-Lucien Mueller. Paris : Payot, 1960. See Locke ou lexigence empiriste (p. 233-242) B 107; H&W 1983 Dzhon Lokk i ego filosofii͡a / I. Narskiĭ. // IN: Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii͡a / D. Lokk (1960). vol. 1:5-54. [Locke #875] Filosofi͡a Dzhona Lokka / I.S. Narskiĭ. Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1960. 61 p. H&W 396; H&W 1983 La politique morale de John Locke. See entry in Chapter 7. Il problema dei principi morali in Giovanni Locke / Anna Romagnano. Salerno : Javane, [1960?]. 87 p. Unverified. M 191; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.19 Existential metaphysics / by Alvin Thalheimer. New York : Philosophical Library, ©1960. viii, 632 p. See esp. Ch. 15, The qualities and relations of an individual essence (p. 460-498) The imagination as a means of grace : Locke and the aesthetics of Romanticism / Ernest Lee Tuveson. Berkeley ; London : University of California Press, 1960. 218 p. Reviews: R.L. Brett, Rev.Eng.St. 12 (1961):298-299; Stillinger, Bks Abroad 35 (1961):293; H.A. Smith, Mod.Lang.Rev. 56 (1961):591-592; A.O. Aldridge, Mod.Lang.Q. 22 (1961):215-216; M.H. Abrams, Mod.Lang.Notes 76 (1961):880-885; J.L. Jarrett, Wn.Hum.Rev. 15 (1961):281-282. H&W 263; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1960.22 |