Aarsleff, H.
The state of nature and the nature of man in Locke.
See entry in Chapter 7.
Armstrong, R. L.
Cambridge Platonists and Locke on innate ideas / by Robert L. Armstrong. // IN:
Journal of the history of ideas. 30 (1969):187-202.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.1
Ashcraft, R.
Faith and knowledge in Lockes philosophy / by Richard Ashcraft. // IN:
John Locke, problems and perspectives
/ edited by John W. Yolton (1969).
p. 194-223.
Italian translation: Fede e conoscenza nella filosofia di Locke in
Locke / a cura di Fiorella Pintacuda De Michelis (1978). p. 224-267.
H&W 267; H&W 1983
Bailie, S. H.
An analysis of general terms in Locke and Hume
/ by Samuel H. Bailie.
Thesis (M.A.)Queens University, Belfast, 1969. 164 leaves.
Y&Y 1970.5 [sic]
Bréhier, É. &
Julia, D.
Filosofia occidentale / Émile Bréhier, Didier Julia ;
adattato da Maria Teresa Scarsi. // IN:
Enciclopedia generale illustrata Rizzoli-Larousse. Milano : Rizzoli, 1969. vol. 3.
See p. 361-362.
M 348
Brittan, G. G., Jr.
Measurability, commonsensibility, and primary qualities / Gordon G. Brittan, Jr. // IN:
Australasian journal of philosophy. 47 (1969):15-24.
Abstract: PhI 1969:295-296.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.6
Buchdahl, G.
Metaphysics and the philosophy of science :
the classical origins, Descartes to Kant / Gerd Buchdahl.
Oxford : B. Blackwell ; Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1969.
See Ch. 4, Locke : narrowing the limits of scientific knowledge (p. 181-274).
Review: J. W. Yolton, Philosophy of science from Descartes to Kant (1971).
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.7
Capaldi, N.
Human knowledge : a philosophical analysis of its meaning and scope / Nicholas Capaldi.
New York : Pegasus, ©1969. (Traditions in philosophy)
See p. 43-47, 94-99.
B 186
Crippa, R.
J. Locke e lilluminismo / Romeo Crippa. // IN:
I problemi dellilluminismo e la loro attualità nella cultura di lingua italiana
e nella cultura di lingua tedesca nel quadro dellunità culturale europea :
atti del VI convego internationale di studi italo-tedeschi =
Die Probleme der Aufklärung und ihre Aktualität in der deutschen und italienischen Kultur
im Rahmen der europäischen Kultureinheit :
Akten der VI internationalen Tagung deutsch-italienischer Studien, Merano, Aprile 21-26, 1965.
Bolzano : La Bodoniana, 1969. p. 295-299.
M 239; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.8
Danto, A.
Semantical vehicles, understanding and innate ideas / Arthur Danto. // IN:
Language and philosophy : a symposium / edited by Sidney Hook.
New York : New York University Press ; London : University of London Press, 1969. p. 120-137.
H&W 1983
Dillon, G. L.
The art how to know men : a study of rationalist psychology and neo-classical dramatic theory /
by George Lewis Dillon. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of California, Berkeley, 1969. iii, 252 leaves.
See leaves 92-99.
Abstracts: DAI 31A:727; BullSig 25:1304.
Faggiotto, P.
Il problema della metafisica nel pensiero moderno / Pietro Faggiotto.
Padova : CEDAM, 1969- . (Pubblicazioni della Scuola di Perfezionamento
in Filosofia dellUniversità di Padova. Lezioni e conferenze)
See Ch. 6, Giovanni Locke (vol. 1:173-237)
M 241; H&W 1983
Giovannini, G.
Il pensiero filosofico nel Rinascimento e nellEtà moderna :
questionario di storia della filosofia / Giovanni Giovannini.
Firenze : R. Sandron, 1969.
See La critica della conoscenza di Giovanni Locke (p. 251-272)
M 246b
Gruner, R.
Berkeley on general ideas / Rolf Gruner. // IN:
Dialogue (Montréal). 8 (1969/70):481-485.
Abstract: PhI 1970:515.
Hammond, A. L.
Ideas about substance / Albert L. Hammond.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.
See Ch. 4, The English way of ideas (p. 92-116)
H&W 1983
Harris, E. E.
Fundamentals of philosophy : a study of classical texts / Errol E. Harris.
New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, ©1969.
See ch. 15-19 (p. 223-278)
Also published as: Foundations of philosophy / by Errol Harris.
London : G. Allen & Unwin, 1969. See Ch. 14-18 (p. 169-205)
LNL 6:22; H&W 1983
Helm, P.
John Locke and Jonathan Edwards : a reconsideration / Paul Helm. // IN:
Journal of the history of philosophy. 7 (1969):51-61.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.14
Howell, W. S.
John Locke and the new logic / Wilbur Samuel Howell. // IN:
Action and conviction in early modern Europe : essays in memory of E.H. Harbison /
editors, Theodore K. Rabb, Jerrold E. Seigel.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1969. p. 423-452.
LNL 3:6; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.15
Kantor, J. R.
The scientific evolution of psychology / J.R. Kantor.
Chicago Ill. : Principia Press, 1963-69.
See Ch. 23, John Locke and the cognitive soul (vol. 2 (1969):71-87)
H&W 1983
Lewis, D.
The existence of substances and Lockes way of ideas / by Douglas Lewis. // IN:
Theoria. 35 (1969):124-146.
Abstract: BullSig 24:1315.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.19
McCracken, C. J.
The reception of Malebranches philosophy in Britain / by Charles James McCracken.
Thesis (Ph.D.)University of California, Berkeley, 1969.
See 4, Lockes refutation of Malebranche (leaves 197-275)
and 5, John Norris (leaves 276-353)
Abstracts: DAI 31:802; BullSig 25:1326.
Odegard, D.
Locke and substance / Douglas Odegard. // IN:
Dialogue (Montréal). 8 (1969/70):243-255.
Abstracts: PhI 1969:490; BullSig 24:3779.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.23
Odegard, D.
Locke and the unreality of relations / by Douglas Odegard. // IN:
Theoria. 35 (1969):147-152.
Abstracts: PhI 1970:643; BullSig 24:1317.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.24
Odegard, D.
Locke, Leibniz and identical propositions / by Douglas Odegard. // IN:
Studia Leibnitiana. 1 (1969):241-253.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.25
Opie, J.
Jonathan Edwards and the Enlightenment / edited with an introduction by John Opie.
Lexington, Mass. : D.C. Heath, ©1969. (Problems in American civilization)
See The influence of John Locke upon Edwards (p. 1-21);
includes texts from Locke and Edwards.
A [342]
Park, D.
Locke and Berkeley on the Molyneux problem / by Désirée Park. // IN:
Journal of the history of ideas. 30 (1969):253-260.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.27
Pellizzi, C.
Materiali per una sistematica sociolinguistica : da Locke a Vico / Camillo Pellizzi. // IN:
Rassegna italiana di sociologia. 10 (1969):5-42.
H&W 1983
Price, H. H.
Belief / by H.H. Price.
London : G. Allen & Unwin ; New York : Humanities Press, 1969.
(Giffard lectures delivered at the University of Aberdeen in 1960)
See Degrees of assent : Newmans criticisms of Locke (p. 130-156)
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.29
Rousseau, G. S.
Science and the discovery of the imagination in enlightened England.
See entry in Chapter 10.
Sartorius, R.
A neglected aspect of the relationship
between Berkeleys theory of vision and his immaterialism / Rolf Sartorius. // IN:
American philosophical quarterly. 6 (1969):318-323.
H&W 267; H&W 1983
Seung, T. K.
Kants transcendental logic / by Thomas Kaehao Swing [sic].
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 1969.
See What position did Kant eventually take on the Locke-Leibniz dispute? (p. 174-188)
Shapiro, B. J.
Law and science in seventeenth-century England / Barbara J. Shapiro. // IN:
Stanford law review. 21 (1968/69):727-766.
Smith, J. E.
The reflexive turn, the linguistic turn, and the pragmatic outcome / John E. Smith. // IN:
Monist. l 53 (1969):588-605.
Abstract: PhI 1970:710.
Weeden, J. L.
Philosophy as a rationale for rhetorical systems : a case study derivation
of rhetorical cognates from the philosophical doctrines of John Locke
/ by Jerry Lee Weedon.
Thesis (Ph.D.)University of California, Los Angeles, 1969. ix, 333 leaves.
Abstracts: DAI 31A:851-852; BullSig 25:1322.
H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.33
Wells, R.
Innate knowledge / Rulon Wells. // IN:
Language and philosophy : a symposium / edited by Sidney Hook.
New York : New York University Press ; London : University of London Press, 1969. p. 99-119.
H&W 396; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.34
Wilkins, B. T.
Burke on words / Burleigh T. Wilkins. // IN:
Studies in Burke and his time. 11 (1969/70):1305-1309.
LNL 6:22; H&W 1983
Williams, C. J. F.
Are primary qualities qualities? / by C.J.F. Williams. // IN:
Philosophical quarterly. 19 (1969):310-323.
Abstracts: PhI 1970:755; BullSig 24:2461.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.35
Woolhouse, R.
Geach, Locke, and nominal essences / by Roger Woolhouse. // IN:
Philosophical studies. 20 (1969):77-80.
Comment on Barclay, Geach, Locke, and nominal essences (1967);
see also comment by Odegard, Locke, Geach and individual essences (1971);
and reply by Woolhouse, Locke, Geach, and individuals essences (1973)
Abstracts: PhI 1970:762; BullSig 24:2017.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.37
Woolhouse, R.
Substance and substances in Lockes Essay / by Roger Woolhouse. // IN:
Theoria. 35 (1969):153-167.
Abstracts: PhI 1969:607; BullSig 24:1316.
H&W 267; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1969.38