Aaron, R. I.

“Note on a puzzling point of interpretation.” // IN: Locke newsletter. – 4 (1973):61-63.

See also the comment by Biddle, “A further note on that ‘puzzling point’ ” (1975)

Acton, H. B.

“The Enlightenment et ses adversaires” / Harry Burrows Acton. // IN: Histoire de la philosophie / sous la direction de Brice Parain [et Y. Belaval]. – Paris : Gallimard, 1969-74. – (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade ; 26, 36, 38). – vol. 2 (1973):621-671 [esp. 624-639]

H&W 1983

Armstrong, D. M.

Belief, truth and knowledge / D.M. Armstrong. – Cambridge : University Press, 1973.

See “Simple and complex concepts and ideas” (p. 54-59)

H&W 1983

Babolin, A.

“L’identità personale in Locke e Butler” / Albino Babolin. // IN: Ethica. – 12 (1973):73-75.

Abstract: BullSig 28:2956.

M 262; LNL 5:3; H&W 1983

Bardi, J.

“John Locke and the problem of substance” / John Bardi. // IN: Dianoia. (spring 1973):16-25.

Unverified; citation incorrect; not in 1973 issues.

H&W 1983

Bolton, M. B.

The distinction between primary and secondary qualities : a philosophical and historical study / by Martha Brandt Bolton. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Michigan, 1973. – 223 leaves.

See “Locke’s doctrine of primary and secondary qualities” (leaves 123-199)

Bracken, H. M.

“Essence, accident and race” / H.M. Bracken. // IN: Hermathena. – 116 (1973):81-96.

See also the reply by Squadrito, “Locke’s view of essence and its relation to racism.” (1975).

Abstract: PhI 1974:673-674.

LNL 6:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.1

Butler, R. J.

“Substance un-Locked” / by R.J. Butler. // IN: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. – New series:74 (1973/74):131-160.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:694; BullSig 29:4894.

LNL 5:3; H&W 1983, Y&Y 1974.7

Casini, P.

Introduzione all’illuminismo : da Newton a Rousseau / Paolo Casini. – Bari : Laterza, 1973.

See esp. p.37, 41, 53-54, 62-70, 133-135 (Locke and Berkeley), 249-251 (Locke and Newton), 369-371, 400-402 (Locke and Condillac)

M 264

Colman, J.

The moral epistemology of John Locke / John Colman. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Edinburgh, 1973. – vii,320 leaves.

LNL 6:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1975.7

Cooney, B.

“John Sergeant’s criticism of Locke’s theory of ideas” / Brian Cooney. // IN: Modern schoolman. – 50 (1972/73):143-158.

Abstracts: PhI 1973:591; BullSig 28:1703.

LNL 5:3; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.2

Reprinted in: Seventeenth-century British philosophers / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell. – New York ; London : Garland Publishing, 1992. – (Essays on early modern philosophers ; vol. 6). – p. 241-256.

Cummins, P. D.

“Locke’s anticipation of Hume’s use of ‘impression’ ” / Phillip D. Cummins. // IN: Modern schoolman. – 50 (1972/73):297-301.

Abstract: PhI 1974:742.

LNL 6:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.4

Di Trocchio, F.

“Il problema del Molyneux” / Federico Di Trocchio. // IN: Rivista critica di storia della filosofia. – 28 (1973):297-309.

Dolby, R. G. A.

“Philosophy and the incompatibility of colours” / by R.G.A. Dolby. // IN: Analysis. – 34 (1973/74):8-16.

Duchesneau, F.

L’empirisme de Locke / François Duchesneau. – La Haye : M. Nijhoff, 1973. – xv, 261 p. – (Archives internationales d’histoire des idées = International archives of the history of ideas ; 57)

Reviews: E. Matthews, LNL 5 (1974):80-87; J. Yolton, J.Hist.Phil. 13 (1975):410-413.

Abstract: BullSig 27:3706.

LNL 5:3; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.6; T 267

Duchesneau, F.

“John Locke, analyste de l’entendement humain” / François Duchesneau. // IN: La philosophie et les philosophes de Socrate à Marx. – Montréal : Bellarmin ; Paris : Desclée, 1973. – (Collection L’Univers de la philosophie ; 1). – p. 117-139.

Y&Y 1973.7

Durrant, M.

“Numerical identity” / Michael Durrant. // IN: Mind. – New series:82 (1973):95-103.

Abstracts: PhI 1973:629; BullSig 28:603.

LNL 4:3; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.8

Englebretsen, G.

“Locke’s language of proper names” / George Englebretsen. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 4 (1973):25-31.

Abstracts: PhI 1973:638; BullSig 28:4540.

LNL 5:3; H&W 1983

Ganslandt, H. R.

Irrwege des Empirismus : eine kritische Studie zur Wissenschaftstheorie der empirischen Sozialwissenschaften / Herbert R. Ganslandt. – Diss.–Konstanz, 1973.


Glenn, J. W.

To what extent is a Lockean phenomenology vulnerable to criticism from the standpoint of linguistic philosophy? / by J.W. Glenn. – Thesis (M.A.)–Queen’s University, Belfast, 1973. – 156 leaves.

Y&Y 1974.14

Gusdorf, G.

L’avenement des sciences humaines au siècle des lumières / Georges Gusdorf. – Paris : Payot, 1973. – (Les sciences humaines et la conscience occidentale ; 6)

See 1. partie, “La psychologie” (p. 21-93)

Abstract: BPh 21:543.

Hall, R.

“Some errata in Fraser’s text of the Essay” / Roland Hall. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 4 (1973):46-48.

Corrections to Fraser’s ed. of the Essay (1894)

Abstract: BullSig 28:4541.

LNL 5:3; H&W 1983

Hartnack, J.

History of philosophy / Justus Hartnack. – Odense : Odense University Press ; New York : Humanities Press, 1973.

See “John Locke” (p. 128-142)

Heintz, G.

“Point de vue : Leibniz und die These vom Weltbild der Sprache” / von Günter Heintz. // IN: Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. – 27 (1973):86-107.

Abstract: BullSig 28:1499.

Helm, P.

“Locke on faith and knowledge” / by Paul Helm. // IN: Philosophical quarterly. – 23 (1973):52-66.

Abstracts: PhI 1973:718; BullSig 28:4542.

LNL 5:4; Y&Y 1973.14; T 281

Helm, P.

The varieties of belief / by Paul Helm. – London : G. Allen and Unwin ; New York : Humanities Press, 1973. – (Muirhead library of philosophy)

See Ch. 5, “Probability” (p. 85-100)

LNL 5:4; H&W 1983

Hooker, C. A.

“The non-necessity of qualitative content” / C.A. Hooker. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). – 12 (1973):447-453.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:892; BullSig 28:5450.

Humber, J. & Madden, E. H.

“Natural necessity” / by James Humber and Edward Madden. // IN: New scholasticism. – 47 (1973):214-227.

Abstracts: PhI 1973:736; BullSig 28:5453.

LNL 5:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.15

Kelemen, J.

“Az ideák jelei : Locke nyelvelmélete” / Kelemen János. // IN: Világosság. – 14 (1973):736-743.

English translation: “Locke’s theory of language and semiotics” / János Kelemen. // IN: Language sciences. – 40 (1976):16-24.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1976.25

Kligerman, J.

“ ‘Dress’ or ‘incarnation’ of thought : nineteenth-century attitudes towards language and style” / Jack Kligerman. // IN: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. – 117 (1973):51-58.

Krüger, L.

Der Begriff des Empirismus : erkenntnistheoretische Studien am Beispiel John Lockes / von Lorenz Krüger. – Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter, 1973. – xii, 283 p. – (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie ; 6)

Review: G.M. Ross, LNL 7 (1976):141-147.

LNL 5:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.16; T 289 [“1972”]

Mabbott, J. D.

John Locke / J.D. Mabbott. – London : Macmillan, 1973. – 199 p. – (Philosophers in perspective)

Reviews: R. Aaron, LNL 4 (1973):51-61; J. Jenkins, Ph.Books 15:no.1 (1974):12-14; W.B. Carter, Dialogue 13 (1974):190-192; R.S. Woolhouse, Mind 84 (1975):292-293; G. Parkinson, “From Descartes to Collingwood.” (1975).

LNL 4:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.17

Maskell, D.

“Locke and Sterne, or Can philosophy influence literature?” – See entry in Chapter 10.

Moulder, J.

“Flew, Strawson and Locke’s parrot” / James Moulder. // IN: Philosophy. – 48 (1973):183-185.

Abstract: BullSig 28:3512.

Naert, É.

Locke, ou, La raisonnabilité / présentation, choix de textes, biographie, bibliographie par Émilienne Naert. – Paris : Seghers, ©1973. – 175p. – (Philosophes de tous les temps)

Includes “Choix de textes” (p. 87-166) [Locke #890]

LNL 5:5; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.14; T 302

Nathanson, S. L.

“Locke’s theory of ideas” / Stephen L. Nathanson. // IN: Journal of the history of philosophy. – 11 (1973):29-42.

Abstracts: PhI 1973:876; BullSig 28:1519.

LNL 4:5; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.24

Naulty, R. A.

“Newman’s dispute with Locke” / R.A. Naulty. // IN: Journal of the history of philosophy. – 11 (1973):453-457.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:1049; BullSig 29:2928; HistAbst 20:880.

LNL 5:5; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.25

Page, A.

“Sherlock Holmes, Locke’s disciple” / Andrew Page. // IN: Baker Street journal. – 23 (1973):36-43.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.27

Reprinted in: A Locke miscellany … / edited by Jean S. Yolton (1990). – p. 305-317.

Pieter, J.

“Podstawowe problemy nauki o osobowści” / Józef Pieter. // IN: Studia filozofiszne. – 90 (1973):109-126.

Abstract: BullSig 29:149.

Quinton, A.

The nature of things / by Anthony Quinton. – London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1973.

See esp. p. 46-50, 63-66.

Rábade Romero, S.

“La noción de experiencia en el empirismo inglés : Hume” / Sergio Rábade Romero. // IN: Dialogos. – 9 (1973):33-51.

Abstract: PhI 1974:1108.

Raschini, M. A.

Da Bacone a Kant / Maria A. Raschini. – Milano : Marzorati, ©1973. – (Storia del pensiero occidentale ; vol. 4)

See p. 258-280.

M 267; H&W 1983

Rey, A.

Théories du signe et du sens : lectures I / Alain Rey. – Paris : Klincksieck, 1973. – (Initiation à la linguistique. Series A, Lectures ; 5)

See “John Locke” (p. 121-125)

Rohatyn, D. A.

“Locke’s intentions” / Dennis A. Rohatyn. // IN: Studia Leibnitiana. – 5 (1973):145-149.

Abstract: BullSig 29:726.

LNL 5:5; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.28

Rorty, A. O.

“Persons, policies, and bodies” / Amelie Oksenberg Rorty. // IN: International philosophical quarterly. – 13 (1973):63-80.

Rosenblum, N. L.

“Bentham’s social psychology for legislators” / Nancy L. Rosenblum. // IN: Political theory. – 1 (1973):171-185.

Rubin, R.

Locke’s theory of primary and secondary qualities / by Ronald Rubin. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–Cornell University, 1973. – 176 leaves.

Abstract: DAI 34A:1323.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.29

Rychlak, J. F.

“A question posed by Skinner concerning human freedom, and an answer” / Joseph F. Rychlak. // IN: Psychotherapy : theory, research and practice. – 10 (1973):14-23.

Sakai, H.

“Rokku dōtokuron no nijyūkōzō to kyōikuron” = “Two phases of John Locke’s moral theory and his educational theory” / H. Sakai. // IN: Nagoya Daigaku Kyōikugakubu kiyō = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Nagoya University. – 20 (1973):147-155.

Includes English summary (p. 232)

H&W 1983

Savigny, E. von.

“Bemerkungen zur Rolle der inneren Wahrnehmung im englischen Empirismus” / von Eike von Savigny. // IN: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. – 55 (1973):36-46.

Abstract: BullSig 28:2958.

Sperry, S. M.

Keats the poet / Stuart M. Sperry. – Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1973.

See Ch. 1, “A poetry of sensation” (p. 3-29)

Squadrito, K. M.

A defense of Locke’s theory of sensitive knowledge / by Kathleen Marie Squadrito. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1973. – v, 277 leaves.

Abstract: DAI 34A:1975.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.33

Tanaka, S.

“Rokku no hyōbanhō to Smith no dōtokukanjōron” = [Locke’s view of the law of opinion and Smith’s theory of moral sentiments] / Tanaka Shōji. // IN: Shisō. – no. 589 (1973):21-40.

H&W 1983

Vullo, C.

“La filosofia moderna e il cominciamento del filosofare” / Carmelo Vullo. // IN: Teoresi. – 28 (1973):325-330.

Abstract: PhI 1974:1262.

Walther, S.

Zum Verhältnis von bürgerlicher Ideologie und Erkenntnistheorie bei John Locke / Siegfried Walther. – Thesis–Leipzig, 1973. – 189 p.


LNL 11:16; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.36

Woolhouse, R. S.

“Locke, Geach, and individuals’ essences” / R.S. Woolhouse. // IN: Philosophical studies. – 24 (1973):204-207.

Reply to Odegard, “Locke, Geach and individual essences” (1971)

Abstracts: PhI 1973:1086; BullSig 28:4546.

LNL 4:7; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.39

Yolton, J. W.

“Méthode et métaphysique dans la philosophie de John Locke” / John W. Yolton ; traduit par Jean-Michel Luccioni et Armand Himy. // IN: Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger. – 163 (1973):171-185.

Abstract: BullSig 28:2959.

LNL 5:6; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1973.40

Yolton, J. W.

The philosophy of John Locke. – Saratoga Springs, N.Y. : Empire State College, 1973. – 18 p. – (Empire State study modules)
