[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 3: Philosophy ] 1983The coherence of Berkeleys theory of mind / Margaret Atherton. // IN: Philosophy and phenomenological research. 43 (1983):389-399. Abstract: PhI 1983:232. Locke and the issue over innateness / Margaret Atherton. // IN: How many questions? : essays in honor of Sidney Morgenbesser / edited by Leigh S. Cauman [and others]. Indianapolis, Ind. : Hackett, ©1983. p.223-242. Reprinted in Locke / edited by Vere Chappell (1998), p. 48-59. Lockes theory of personal identity / Margaret Atherton. // IN: Contemporary perspectives on the history of philosophy / editors, Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling, Jr., Howard K. Wettstein. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1983. (Midwest studies in philosophy ; vol. 8). p. 273-293. Abstract: PhI 1983:232. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4975.1983.tb00470.x LNL 19:4 Reprinted in: John Locke, theory of knowledge / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992). p. 85-105. Unilateralism, morality and faith / Robin Attfield. // IN: Scottish journal of religious studies. 4 (1983):1-14. Comment on Gauthier, Social contract (1977) Locke and Pyrrhonism : the doctrine of primary and secondary qualities / Martha Brandt Bolton. // IN: The skeptical tradition / edited by Myles Burnyeat. Berkeley : University of California Press, ©1983. (Major thinkers series ; 3). p. 353-375. LNL 15:3 Reprinted in: John Locke, theory of knowledge / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992). p. 255-277. Philosophie et discours littéraire : identité personnelle et conscience de soi chez Hume et dans lessai périodique / Alain Bony. // IN: Genèse de la conscience moderne : études sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental / réunies par Robert Ellrodt. Paris : Presses universitaires de la France, 1983. (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série littérature II ; 14). p. 182-192. The centre-point of Lockes philosophy / Reinhard Brandt ; translated from the German. // IN: Locke newsletter. 14 (1983):27-33. LNL 15:3 Le modèle visuel de la connaissance chez Berkeley / Geneviève Brykman. // IN: Revue philosophique de la France et de létranger. 173 (1973):427-441. John Lockes moral philosophy / John Colman. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, ©1983. viii, 282 p. Reviews: J.D. Mabbott, LNL 15:69-76; J. Tully, Ethics 94 (1983/84):536-538; T. Mautner, Ph.Bks. 25 (1984):94-97; Urmson, Suitably binding (1984); C. Stewart, J.Hist.Phil. 24 (1986):127-129; F. Fagiani, Testi e contesti (1988) Abstract: BPh 30:992. LNL 14:3 Rationalism / Willis Doney. // IN: The ratationalist conception of consciousness : Spindel Conference. [Memphis, Tenn.] : Department of Philosophy, Memphis State University, 1983. (Southern journal of philosophy ; vol. 21, supplement). p. 1-14. Kripke and Putnam on natural kind terms / Keith S. Donnellan. // IN: Knowledge and mind : philosophical essays / edited by Carl Ginet and Sydney Shoemaker. New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1983. p. 84-104 [esp. 93-95] Faith and experience in the thought of John Wesley / Frederick Dreyer. // IN: American historical review. 88 (1983):12-30. Remarques sur Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de lespace / François Duchesneau. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). 22 (1983):15-18. Comments on Lennon, Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de lespace (1983); see also the reply by Lennon, Empirisme et théorie de lespace chez Locke (1983) LNL 14:5 The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy : linterrogation de la conscience de soi / Jean-Claude Dupas. // IN: Genèse de la conscience moderne : études sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental / réunies par Robert Ellrodt. Paris : Presses universitaires de la France, 1983. (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série littérature II ; 14). p. 204-212. Maine de Biran, critique de Locke / par Lucien Even ; avant-propos de Henri Gouhier. Louvain-la-Neuve : Éditions de lInstitut Supérieur de Philosophie, 1983. ix, 115 p. (Bibliothèque philosophique de Louvain ; 29) LNL 15:4 Über einige Charakteristika der britischen Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts / von Günter Gawlick. // IN: Studia leibnitiana. 15 (1983):30-45. Coleridge on language : a poetic paradigm / A.C. Goodson. // IN: Philological quarterly. 62 (1983):45-68. Empiricism and the philosophy of science, or, N dogmas of empiricism / Marjorie Grene. // IN: Epistemology, methodology, and the social sciences / edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky. Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston ; London : D. Reidel, ©1983. (Boston studies in the philosophy of science ; vol. 71). p. 89-106. The origin and theories of linguistic philosophy : a Marxist point of view / Suman Gupta ; foreword by D.P. Chattapadhyaya. New Delhi : Intellectual Publishing House, 1983. xviii, 128 p. Abstract: BPh 31:839. The speech-communication model in twentieth-century linguistics and its sources / Roy Harris. // IN: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29-September 4, 1982, Tokyo / editors, Shirô Hattori, Kazuko Inoue. Tokyo : Proceedings Publishing Committee, 1983. p. 864-869. Bentham / Ross Harrison. London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1983. (The arguments of the philosophers) See 3, The clew to the labyrinth (p. 47-76) LNL 19:8 Jonathan Edwardss religious psychology / James Hoopes. // IN: Journal of American history. 69 (1982/83):849-865. Melancholia and partial insanity / Stanley W. Jackson. // IN: Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. 19 (1983):173-184. Understanding Locke : an introduction to philosophy through John Lockes Essay / John J. Jenkins. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, ©1983. xviii, 256 p. Reviews: D. Smith, Versions of realism (1983); I. Tipton, LNL 15:81-87. Abstract: PhI 1984:349; BPh 30:993. LNL 14:4 The grounding of knowledge on experience : a critical consideration of John Locke / Lorenz Krüger ; translated by Kenneth L. Heiges. // IN: Contemporary German philosophy. 2 (1983):20-38. Leibniz on consciousness and reflection / Mark Kulstad. // IN: The rationalist conception of consciousness : Spindel Conference 1982 / Hoke Robinson, ed. [Memphis, Tenn. : Department of Philosophy, Memphis State University, 1983. (Southern journal of philosophy ; supplement, 1983). p. 39-66. Abstract: PhI 1983:331. Modern conceptions of memory / Howard S. Kurtzman. // IN: Philosophy and phenomenological research. 44 (1983/84):1-19. Empirisme et théorie de lespace chez Locke : en réponse à F. Duchesneau / Thomas M. Lennon. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). 22 (1983):19-21. Reply to Duchesneau, Remarques sur Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de lespace (1983) Abstract: PhI 1983:337. LNL 14:5 Lockes atomism / Thomas M. Lennon. // IN: Philosophy research archives. 9 (1983):1-28. Abstract: PhI 1984:368. LNL 15:5 Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de lespace / Thomas M. Lennon. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). 22 (1983):3-14. See also the comment by Duchesneau, Remarques sur Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de lespace (1983) and the reply by Lennon, Empirisme et théorie de lespace chez Locke (1983) Abstract: PhI 1983:337. LNL 14:5 John Locke and behavior genetics / John C. Loehlin. // IN: Behavior genetics. 13 (1983):117-121. LNL 25:7 Thomas Upham on relations and alienation / Marian C. Madden and Edward H. Madden. // IN: Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. 19 (1983):227-253. Wordsworth and the mind of man. See entry in Chapter 10. Locke on clear ideas, demonstrative knowledge, and the existence of substance / Ruth Mattern. // IN: Contemporary perspectives on the history of philosophy / editors, Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling, Jr., Howard K. Wettstein. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1983. (Midwest studies in philosophy ; vol. 8). p. 259-271. LNL 19:9 Malebranche and British philosophy / Charles J. McCracken. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1983. See Ch. 4, Lockes refutation of Malebranche (p. 119-155) LNL 15:5 The subjective view : secondary qualities and indexical thoughts / Colin McGinn. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1983. See 6, On the ineliminability of the subjective view (p. 73-109) Space, geometrical objects and infinity : Newton and Descartes on extension / J.E. McGuire. // IN: Nature mathematized : historical and philosophical case studies in classical modern natural philosophy / edited by William R. Shea. Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston ; London : D. Reidel, ©1983. (The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science ; vol. 20). p. 69-112. Valbergs secondary qualities / Roderick Millar. // IN: Philosophy. 58 (1983):107-109. Comment on E. Valberg, The theory of secondary qualities (1980) Bacon and Locke : or Ideology as mental hygiene / [Kenneth Minogue]. // IN: Ideology, philosophy and politics / edited by Anthony Parel. Waterloo, Ont. : published by Wilfred Laurier University Press for the Calgary Institute for the Humanities, ©1983. p. 179-198. La conscience de soi ou self-consciousness chez Locke / Émilienne Naert. // IN: Genèse de la conscience moderne : études sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental / réunies par Robert Ellrodt. Paris : Presses universitaires de la France, 1983. (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série littérature II ; 14). p. 175-181. Finite and otherwise : Aristotle and some seventeenth century views / J.D. North. // IN: Nature mathematized : historical and philosophical case studies in classical modern natural philosophy / edited by William R. Shea. Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston ; London : D. Reidel, ©1983. (The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science ; vol. 20). p. 113-148. Judgment and proposition : from Descartes to Kant / Gabriel Nuchelmans. Amsterdam ; Oxford ; New York : North-Holland Publishing Company, 1983. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie von Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde ; nieuwe Reeks, deel 118) See Locke (p. 139-147) LNL 19:10 Lockes causal theory of reflection / Kaila Obstfeld. // IN: Southern journal of philosophy. 21 (1983):47-55. LNL 14:5 New Introduzione al lettura del Saggio sullintelletto umano di Locke / Arrigo Pacchi. 1a ediz. Milano : UNICOPLI, 1983. 220 p. (Materiali universitari ; 39. Lettere) Unverified. Also: A cura di Francesco Tomasoni. Milano : Edizioni Unicopli, 1997. 158 p. Locke und Berkeley über Zeichen / Heinz Paetzold. // IN: Historiographia semioticae : Studien zur Rekonstruktion der Theorie und Geschichte der Semiotik / Klaus D. Dutz, Peter Schmitter, Hrsg. Münster : MAkS Publikationen, ©1983. (Papiere des Münsteraner Arbeitskreises für Semiotik ; 18). p. 149-181. LNL 26:8 Locke on how bodies produce ideas in us / Aleksander Pavković. // IN: Locke newsletter. 14 (1983):9-26. Abstract: PhI 1983:370. LNL 15:6 Personal identity and the concept of a person / John Perry. // IN: Contemporary philosophy : a new survey / edited by Guttorm Fløistad. The Hague ; Boston ; London : M. Nijhoff, 1981- . vol. 4, Philosophy of the mind (1983):11-43. Jean Le Clerc bon tacheron de la philosophie : lenseignement philosophique à la fin du XVIIe siècle / M.C. Pitassi. // IN: Lías. 10 (1983):105-122. Explanatory kinds / by Mark Platts. // IN: British journal for the philosophy of science. 34 (1983):133-148. The rage of party : a glorious revolution in English psychiatry? / by Roy Porter. // IN: Medical history. 27 (1983):35-50. Leibnizs New essays : the Remnant-Bennett version / Peter Remnant and Jonathan Bennett. // IN: Locke newsletter. 14 (1983):41-57. Reply to G.M. Rosss review of Leibniz 1981; see also the reply by Ross, Remnant and Bennetts New essays (1983) LNL 15:6 Philosophical writing : Locke, Berkeley, Hume / John J. Richetti. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1983. See Ch. 2, Locke (p. 48-116) LNL 16:8 Morality, religious and secular / T.A. Roberts. // IN: Scottish journal of religious studies. 4 (1983):15-27. The scientific and medical genealogy of Lockes historical, plain method / Patrick Romanell. // IN: Transactions & studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Series 5:5 (1983):339-352. LNL 16:8 Remnant and Bennetts New essays : a reply / G. MacDonald Ross. // IN: Locke newsletter. 14 (1983):59-78. Reply to Remnant & Bennett, Leibnizs New essays (1983) Abstract: PhI 1983:387. LNL 15:6 Les éditions de la traduction française par Pierre Coste de lEssay concerning human understanding de Locke / Jørn Schøsler. // Actes du VIIIe Congrès des romanistes scandinaves : Odense, 17-21 août 1981 / publiés par le comité dorganisation du congrès, sous la présidence de Palle Spore . [Odense] : Odense University Press, ©1983. (Études romanes de lUniversité dOdense ; vol. 13). p. 315-324. Probability and certainty in seventeenth-century England : a study of the relationships between natural science, religion, history, law, and literature / Barbara J. Shapiro. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1983. x, 347 p. Versions of realism / David Smith. // IN: Times literary supplement. 11 Nov. 1983:1239. Review of Jenkins, Understanding Locke (1983) and Woolhouse, Locke (1983) The logic of concept formation in empiricist philosophy and chemistry : from Locke and Lavoisier to John Stuart Mill / Lorne Albert Smith. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Toronto, 1983. See Ch. 3, The empiricist example : John Locke, science, and nominal essenses (leaves 80-107) Abstract: DAI 45A:547. Über Wahrheit und Wissen bei Locke / R. Specht. // IN: Logisches Philosophieren : Festschrift für Albert Menne zum 60. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von U. Neemann und E. Walther-Klaus. Hildesheim ; New York : G. Olms, 1983. p. 135-152. LNL 15:7 The ontological status of ideas in Lockes Essay / Kathy Squadrito. // IN: Indian philosophical quarterly. New series:10 (1982/83):173-182. Abstract: PhI 1983:407-408. Zeitbewusstsein und Selbsterfahrung : Studien zum Verhältnis von Subjektivität und Zeitlichkeit im vorkantischen Empirismus und in den Transcendentalphilosophien Kants und Husserls / Martin Steinhoff. Würzburg : Könighausen + Neumann, 1983. (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie ; Band 14) See Die Konzeption der inneren Zeiterfahrung bei John Locke (Band 1:110-122) and Innerer Sinn und Bewusstsein : spekulative Interpretation des Zusammenhangs von Zeiterfahrung und Selbstbewusstsein im Werke Lockes (Band 1:122-151) Identity and discernability / by Jim Stone. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Colorado at Boulder, 1983. See Ch. 4, Memory, brains, and identity (leaves 67-99) Abstract: DAI 44A:2794. Lockes Theorie der personalen Identität / von Udo Thiel. Bonn : Bouvier, 1983. 216 p. (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie und Pädagogik ; Band 183) Based on dissertation, Universität Bonn, 1982. Reviews: E. Matthews, Locke newsletter, 15 (1984):97-103; Philosophical books, 25 (1984):203-204; G. Gawlick, Studia Leibnitiana, 17 (1985):124-126; Australasian journal of philosophy, 63 (1985):573-574; M. Malherbe, Archives de philosophie, 51 (1988):475-476; A. Schaefer, Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 38 (1985):115-117. LNL 18:9 Chapter 2 reprinted as: Individuation und Identität. // IN: John Locke, Essay über den menschlichen Verstand / herausgegeben von Udo Thiel (1997), p. 149-168. Locke / prepared for the course team by Ian Tipton. Milton Keynes : Open University Press, 1983. 109 p. (Third Level Arts Course, Reason and experience ; A311, block 3, units 12-15) Review: J.J. Jenkins, LNL 15:77-80. LNL 14:6; T 335 Animal thought / Stephen Walker. London ; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983. See Locke (1632-1704) : animals have perception, memory and reason but no abstraction (p. 20-26) LNL 19:14 Another look at Lockes theory of personal identity / Kerry Walters. // IN: Dialogue (Milwaukee). 26:no.1 (Oct. 1983):1-8. Abstract: PhI 1984:471. LNL 15:7 Berkeley on abstract ideas / by Kenneth P. Winkler. // IN: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. 65 (1983):63-80. The politics of Lockes philosophy : a social study of An essay concerning human understanding / Neal Wood. Berkeley ; London : University of California Press, ©1983. xiv, 241 p. Reviews: R. Schlatter, Am. Hist. Rev., 89 (1984):735; J. Tully, Pol. Theory, 12 (1984):286-290; M.A. Stewart, J. Hist. Phil., 24 (1986): 273-275; J. Dunn, Hist., 71 (1986):157-158; M. Goldie, Hist. Pol. Tht., 8 (1987):162-167; G.D. Glenn, Rev. of Pol., 49 (1987):138-140; J. Dunn, J. Mod. Hist., 57 (1985):343-344; J.W. Yolton, 18th-Cent. St., 18 (1984):227-232; B.A. Brody, Ethics 95 (1984):173-175; D. Herzog, Am. Pol. Sci. Rev., 79 (1985):286; Rahe, John Lockes philosophical partisanship (1991). LNL 16:9 Helm, and Locke on real ideas / R.S. Woolhouse. // IN: Locke newsletter. 14 (1983):35-39. Comment on Helms comments on Woolhouse, Locke, Leibniz, and the reality of ideas (1981); see also the reply by Helm, Lockes real ideas (1984) Abstract: PhI 1983:434. LNL 15:7 Locke / R.S. Woolhouse. Brighton, Sussex : Harvester Press, 1983. 198 p. (Philosophers in context) Also published: Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1983. Reviews: D. Smith, Versions of realism (1983); G.A.J. Rogers, LNL 15:88-96; P.A. Schouls, Ph.Bks. 25 (1984):97-99; M.A. Stewart, J.H.Ph. 24 (1986):273-275; U. Thiel, Australasian J.Ph. 64 (1986):350-357. Abstract: PhI 1984:481. LNL 14:7; T 340 The sceptical realism of David Hume / John P. Wright. Manchester : Manchester University Press, ©1983. See esp. Do we know an active cause through human volition? (p. 164-167) Thinking matter : materialism in eighteenth-century Britain / by John W. Yolton. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1983. Also: Oxford : B. Blackwell, 1983. See esp. Ch. 1, Lockes suggestion (p. 14-28) Review: Cottingham, Local and other motions (1984). LNL 18:10 Un inedito di F.M. Zanotti : Le Notae ad Lockium / a cura di Mauro De Zan. // IN: Rivista critica di storia della filosofia. 38 (1983):470-495. Zanottis notes on the Coste translation of Lockes Essay, from MS 4177 in the Biblioteca universitaria, Bologna. |