Atherton, M.

“The coherence of Berkeley’s theory of mind” / Margaret Atherton. // IN: Philosophy and phenomenological research. – 43 (1983):389-399.

Abstract: PhI 1983:232.

Atherton, M.

“Locke and the issue over innateness” / Margaret Atherton. // IN: How many questions? : essays in honor of Sidney Morgenbesser / edited by Leigh S. Cauman [and others]. – Indianapolis, Ind. : Hackett, ©1983. – p.223-242.

Reprinted in Locke / edited by Vere Chappell (1998), p. 48-59.

Atherton, M.

“Locke’s theory of personal identity” / Margaret Atherton. // IN: Contemporary perspectives on the history of philosophy / editors, Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling, Jr., Howard K. Wettstein. – Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1983. – (Midwest studies in philosophy ; vol. 8). – p. 273-293.

Abstract: PhI 1983:232.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4975.1983.tb00470.x

LNL 19:4

Reprinted in: John Locke, theory of knowledge / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992). – p. 85-105.

Attfield, R.

“Unilateralism, morality and faith” / Robin Attfield. // IN: Scottish journal of religious studies. – 4 (1983):1-14.

Comment on Gauthier, “Social contract” (1977)

Bolton, M. B.

“Locke and Pyrrhonism : the doctrine of primary and secondary qualities” / Martha Brandt Bolton. // IN: The skeptical tradition / edited by Myles Burnyeat. – Berkeley : University of California Press, ©1983. – (Major thinkers series ; 3). – p. 353-375.

LNL 15:3

Reprinted in: John Locke, theory of knowledge / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992). – p. 255-277.

Bony, A.

“Philosophie et discours littéraire : identité personnelle et conscience de soi chez Hume et dans l’essai périodique” / Alain Bony. // IN: Genèse de la conscience moderne : études sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental / réunies par Robert Ellrodt. – Paris : Presses universitaires de la France, 1983. – (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série littérature II ; 14). – p. 182-192.

Brandt, R.

“The centre-point of Locke’s philosophy” / Reinhard Brandt ; translated from the German. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 14 (1983):27-33.

LNL 15:3

Brykman, G.

“Le modèle visuel de la connaissance chez Berkeley” / Geneviève Brykman. // IN: Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger. – 173 (1973):427-441.

Colman, J.

John Locke’s moral philosophy / John Colman. – Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, ©1983. – viii, 282 p.

Reviews: J.D. Mabbott, LNL 15:69-76; J. Tully, Ethics 94 (1983/84):536-538; T. Mautner, Ph.Bks. 25 (1984):94-97; Urmson, “Suitably binding” (1984); C. Stewart, J.Hist.Phil. 24 (1986):127-129; F. Fagiani, “Testi e contesti” (1988)

Abstract: BPh 30:992.

LNL 14:3

Doney, W.

“Rationalism” / Willis Doney. // IN: The ratationalist conception of consciousness : Spindel Conference. – [Memphis, Tenn.] : Department of Philosophy, Memphis State University, 1983. – (Southern journal of philosophy ; vol. 21, supplement). – p. 1-14.

Donnellan, K. S.

“Kripke and Putnam on natural kind terms” / Keith S. Donnellan. // IN: Knowledge and mind : philosophical essays / edited by Carl Ginet and Sydney Shoemaker. – New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1983. – p. 84-104 [esp. 93-95]

Dreyer, F.

“Faith and experience in the thought of John Wesley” / Frederick Dreyer. // IN: American historical review. – 88 (1983):12-30.

Duchesneau, F.

“Remarques sur ‘Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de l’espace’ ” / François Duchesneau. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). – 22 (1983):15-18.

Comments on Lennon, ‘Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de l’espace’ ” (1983); see also the reply by Lennon, “Empirisme et théorie de l’espace chez Locke” (1983)

LNL 14:5

Dupas, J.-C.

The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy : l’interrogation de la conscience de soi” / Jean-Claude Dupas. // IN: Genèse de la conscience moderne : études sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental / réunies par Robert Ellrodt. – Paris : Presses universitaires de la France, 1983. – (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série littérature II ; 14). – p. 204-212.

Even, L.

Maine de Biran, critique de Locke / par Lucien Even ; avant-propos de Henri Gouhier. – Louvain-la-Neuve : Éditions de l’Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, 1983. – ix, 115 p. – (Bibliothèque philosophique de Louvain ; 29)

LNL 15:4

Gawlick, G.

“Über einige Charakteristika der britischen Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts” / von Günter Gawlick. // IN: Studia leibnitiana. – 15 (1983):30-45.

Goodson, A. C.

“Coleridge on language : a poetic paradigm” / A.C. Goodson. // IN: Philological quarterly. – 62 (1983):45-68.

Grene, M.

“Empiricism and the philosophy of science, or, N dogmas of empiricism” / Marjorie Grene. // IN: Epistemology, methodology, and the social sciences / edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky. – Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston ; London : D. Reidel, ©1983. – (Boston studies in the philosophy of science ; vol. 71). – p. 89-106.

Gupta, S.

The origin and theories of linguistic philosophy : a Marxist point of view / Suman Gupta ; foreword by D.P. Chattapadhyaya. – New Delhi : Intellectual Publishing House, 1983. – xviii, 128 p.

Abstract: BPh 31:839.

Harris, R.

“The speech-communication model in twentieth-century linguistics and its sources” / Roy Harris. // IN: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29-September 4, 1982, Tokyo / editors, Shirô Hattori, Kazuko Inoue. – Tokyo : Proceedings Publishing Committee, 1983. – p. 864-869.

Harrison, R.

Bentham / Ross Harrison. – London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1983. – (The arguments of the philosophers)

See 3, “The clew to the labyrinth” (p. 47-76)

LNL 19:8

Hoopes, J.

“Jonathan Edwards’s religious psychology” / James Hoopes. // IN: Journal of American history. – 69 (1982/83):849-865.

Jackson, S. W.

“Melancholia and partial insanity” / Stanley W. Jackson. // IN: Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. – 19 (1983):173-184.

Jenkins, J. J.

Understanding Locke : an introduction to philosophy through John Locke’s Essay / John J. Jenkins. – Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, ©1983. – xviii, 256 p.

Reviews: D. Smith, “Versions of realism” (1983); I. Tipton, LNL 15:81-87.

Abstract: PhI 1984:349; BPh 30:993.

LNL 14:4

Krüger, L.

“The grounding of knowledge on experience : a critical consideration of John Locke” / Lorenz Krüger ; translated by Kenneth L. Heiges. // IN: Contemporary German philosophy. – 2 (1983):20-38.

Kulstad, M.

“Leibniz on consciousness and reflection” / Mark Kulstad. // IN: The rationalist conception of consciousness : Spindel Conference 1982 / Hoke Robinson, ed. – [Memphis, Tenn. : Department of Philosophy, Memphis State University, 1983. – (Southern journal of philosophy ; supplement, 1983). – p. 39-66.

Abstract: PhI 1983:331.

Kurtzman, H. S.

“Modern conceptions of memory” / Howard S. Kurtzman. // IN: Philosophy and phenomenological research. – 44 (1983/84):1-19.

Lennon, T. M.

“Empirisme et théorie de l’espace chez Locke : en réponse à F. Duchesneau” / Thomas M. Lennon. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). – 22 (1983):19-21.

Reply to Duchesneau, “Remarques sur ‘Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de l’espace’ ” (1983)

Abstract: PhI 1983:337.

LNL 14:5

Lennon, T. M.

“Locke’s atomism” / Thomas M. Lennon. // IN: Philosophy research archives. – 9 (1983):1-28.

Abstract: PhI 1984:368.

LNL 15:5

Lennon, T. M.

“Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de l’espace” / Thomas M. Lennon. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). – 22 (1983):3-14.

See also the comment by Duchesneau, “Remarques sur ‘Sources et signification de la théorie lockienne de l’espace’ ” (1983) and the reply by Lennon, “Empirisme et théorie de l’espace chez Locke” (1983)

Abstract: PhI 1983:337.

LNL 14:5

Loehlin, J. C.

“John Locke and behavior genetics” / John C. Loehlin. // IN: Behavior genetics. – 13 (1983):117-121.

LNL 25:7

Madden, M. C. & E. H.

“Thomas Upham on relations and alienation” / Marian C. Madden and Edward H. Madden. // IN: Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. – 19 (1983):227-253.

Malekin, P.

“Wordsworth and the mind of man.” – See entry in Chapter 10.

Mattern, R.

“Locke on clear ideas, demonstrative knowledge, and the existence of substance” / Ruth Mattern. // IN: Contemporary perspectives on the history of philosophy / editors, Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling, Jr., Howard K. Wettstein. – Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1983. – (Midwest studies in philosophy ; vol. 8). – p. 259-271.

LNL 19:9

McCracken, C. J.

Malebranche and British philosophy / Charles J. McCracken. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1983.

See Ch. 4, “Locke’s refutation of Malebranche” (p. 119-155)

LNL 15:5

McGinn, C.

The subjective view : secondary qualities and indexical thoughts / Colin McGinn. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1983.

See 6, “On the ineliminability of the subjective view” (p. 73-109)

McGuire, J. E.

“Space, geometrical objects and infinity : Newton and Descartes on extension” / J.E. McGuire. // IN: Nature mathematized : historical and philosophical case studies in classical modern natural philosophy … / edited by William R. Shea. – Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston ; London : D. Reidel, ©1983. – (The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science ; vol. 20). – p. 69-112.

Millar, R.

“Valberg’s secondary qualities” / Roderick Millar. // IN: Philosophy. – 58 (1983):107-109.

Comment on E. Valberg, “The theory of secondary qualities” (1980)

Minogue, K.

“Bacon and Locke : or Ideology as mental hygiene” / [Kenneth Minogue]. // IN: Ideology, philosophy and politics / edited by Anthony Parel. – Waterloo, Ont. : published by Wilfred Laurier University Press for the Calgary Institute for the Humanities, ©1983. – p. 179-198.

Naert, É.

“La conscience de soi ou ‘self-consciousness’ chez Locke” / Émilienne Naert. // IN: Genèse de la conscience moderne : études sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental / réunies par Robert Ellrodt. – Paris : Presses universitaires de la France, 1983. – (Publications de la Sorbonne. Série littérature II ; 14). – p. 175-181.

North, J. D.

“Finite and otherwise : Aristotle and some seventeenth century views” / J.D. North. // IN: Nature mathematized : historical and philosophical case studies in classical modern natural philosophy … / edited by William R. Shea. – Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston ; London : D. Reidel, ©1983. – (The University of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science ; vol. 20). – p. 113-148.

Nuchelmans, G.

Judgment and proposition : from Descartes to Kant / Gabriel Nuchelmans. – Amsterdam ; Oxford ; New York : North-Holland Publishing Company, 1983. – (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie von Wetenschappen. Afd. Letterkunde ; nieuwe Reeks, deel 118)

See “Locke” (p. 139-147)

LNL 19:10

Obstfeld, K.

“Locke’s causal theory of reflection” / Kaila Obstfeld. // IN: Southern journal of philosophy. – 21 (1983):47-55.

LNL 14:5


Pacchi, A.

Introduzione al lettura del “Saggio sull’intelletto umano” di Locke / Arrigo Pacchi. – 1a ediz. – Milano : UNICOPLI, 1983. – 220 p. – (Materiali universitari ; 39. Lettere)


Also: A cura di Francesco Tomasoni. – Milano : Edizioni Unicopli, 1997. – 158 p.

Paetzold, H.

“Locke und Berkeley über Zeichen” / Heinz Paetzold. // IN: Historiographia semioticae : Studien zur Rekonstruktion der Theorie und Geschichte der Semiotik / Klaus D. Dutz, Peter Schmitter, Hrsg. – Münster : MAkS Publikationen, ©1983. – (Papiere des Münsteraner Arbeitskreises für Semiotik ; 18). – p. 149-181.

LNL 26:8

Pavković, A.

“Locke on ‘how bodies produce ideas in us’ ” / Aleksander Pavković. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 14 (1983):9-26.

Abstract: PhI 1983:370.

LNL 15:6

Perry, J.

“Personal identity and the concept of a person” / John Perry. // IN: Contemporary philosophy : a new survey / edited by Guttorm Fløistad. – The Hague ; Boston ; London : M. Nijhoff, 1981-  . – vol. 4, Philosophy of the mind (1983):11-43.

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-6932-2_2

Pitassi, M. C.

“Jean Le Clerc bon tacheron de la philosophie : l’enseignement philosophique à la fin du XVIIe siècle” / M.C. Pitassi. // IN: Lías. – 10 (1983):105-122.

Platts, M.

“Explanatory kinds” / by Mark Platts. // IN: British journal for the philosophy of science. – 34 (1983):133-148.

Porter, R.

“The rage of party : a glorious revolution in English psychiatry?” / by Roy Porter. // IN: Medical history. – 27 (1983):35-50.

Remnant, P. & Bennett, J.

“Leibniz’s New essays : the Remnant-Bennett version” / Peter Remnant and Jonathan Bennett. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 14 (1983):41-57.

Reply to G.M. Ross’s review of Leibniz 1981; see also the reply by Ross, “Remnant and Bennett’s New essays (1983)

LNL 15:6

Richetti, J. J.

Philosophical writing : Locke, Berkeley, Hume / John J. Richetti. – Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1983.

See Ch. 2, “Locke” (p. 48-116)

LNL 16:8

Roberts, T. A.

“Morality, religious and secular” / T.A. Roberts. // IN: Scottish journal of religious studies. – 4 (1983):15-27.

Romanell, P.

“The scientific and medical genealogy of Locke’s ‘historical, plain method’ ” / Patrick Romanell. // IN: Transactions & studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. – Series 5:5 (1983):339-352.

LNL 16:8

Ross, G. M.

“Remnant and Bennett’s ‘New essays’ : a reply” / G. MacDonald Ross. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 14 (1983):59-78.

Reply to Remnant & Bennett, “Leibniz’s New essays (1983)

Abstract: PhI 1983:387.

LNL 15:6

Schøsler, J.

“Les éditions de la traduction française par Pierre Coste de l’Essay concerning human understanding de Locke” / Jørn Schøsler. // Actes du VIIIe Congrès des romanistes scandinaves : Odense, 17-21 août 1981 / publiés par le comité d’organisation du congrès, sous la présidence de Palle Spore . – [Odense] : Odense University Press, ©1983. – (Études romanes de l’Université d’Odense ; vol. 13). – p. 315-324.

Shapiro, B. J.

Probability and certainty in seventeenth-century England : a study of the relationships between natural science, religion, history, law, and literature / Barbara J. Shapiro. – Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1983. – x, 347 p.

Smith, D.

“Versions of realism” / David Smith. // IN: Times literary supplement. – 11 Nov. 1983:1239.

Review of Jenkins, Understanding Locke (1983) and Woolhouse, Locke (1983)

Smith, L. A.

The logic of concept formation in empiricist philosophy and chemistry : from Locke and Lavoisier to John Stuart Mill / Lorne Albert Smith. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Toronto, 1983.

See Ch. 3, “The empiricist example : John Locke, science, and nominal essenses” (leaves 80-107)

Abstract: DAI 45A:547.

Specht, R.

“Über Wahrheit und Wissen bei Locke” / R. Specht. // IN: Logisches Philosophieren : Festschrift für Albert Menne zum 60. Geburtstag / … herausgegeben von U. Neemann und E. Walther-Klaus. – Hildesheim ; New York : G. Olms, 1983. – p. 135-152.

LNL 15:7

Squadrito, K.

“The ontological status of ideas in Locke’s Essay” / Kathy Squadrito. // IN: Indian philosophical quarterly. – New series:10 (1982/83):173-182.

Abstract: PhI 1983:407-408.

Steinhoff, M.

Zeitbewusstsein und Selbsterfahrung : Studien zum Verhältnis von Subjektivität und Zeitlichkeit im vorkantischen Empirismus und in den Transcendentalphilosophien Kants und Husserls / Martin Steinhoff. – Würzburg : Könighausen + Neumann, 1983. – (Epistemata. Reihe Philosophie ; Band 14)

See “Die Konzeption der inneren Zeiterfahrung bei John Locke” (Band 1:110-122) and “Innerer Sinn und Bewusstsein : spekulative Interpretation des Zusammenhangs von Zeiterfahrung und Selbstbewusstsein im Werke Lockes” (Band 1:122-151)

Stone, J.

Identity and discernability / by Jim Stone. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Colorado at Boulder, 1983.

See Ch. 4, “Memory, brains, and identity” (leaves 67-99)

Abstract: DAI 44A:2794.

Thiel, U.

Lockes Theorie der personalen Identität / von Udo Thiel. – Bonn : Bouvier, 1983. – 216 p. – (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie und Pädagogik ; Band 183)

Based on dissertation, Universität Bonn, 1982.

Reviews: E. Matthews, Locke newsletter, 15 (1984):97-103; Philosophical books, 25 (1984):203-204; G. Gawlick, Studia Leibnitiana, 17 (1985):124-126; Australasian journal of philosophy, 63 (1985):573-574; M. Malherbe, Archives de philosophie, 51 (1988):475-476; A. Schaefer, Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 38 (1985):115-117.

LNL 18:9

Chapter 2 reprinted as: “Individuation und Identität.” // IN: John Locke, Essay über den menschlichen Verstand / herausgegeben von Udo Thiel (1997), p. 149-168.

Tipton, I.

Locke / prepared for the course team by Ian Tipton. – Milton Keynes : Open University Press, 1983. – 109 p. – (Third Level Arts Course, Reason and experience ; A311, block 3, units 12-15)

Review: J.J. Jenkins, LNL 15:77-80.

LNL 14:6; T 335

Walker, S.

Animal thought / Stephen Walker. – London ; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.

See “Locke (1632-1704) : animals have perception, memory and reason but no abstraction” (p. 20-26)

LNL 19:14

Walters, K.

“Another look at Locke’s theory of personal identity” / Kerry Walters. // IN: Dialogue (Milwaukee). – 26:no.1 (Oct. 1983):1-8.

Abstract: PhI 1984:471.

LNL 15:7

Winkler, K. P.

“Berkeley on abstract ideas” / by Kenneth P. Winkler. // IN: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. – 65 (1983):63-80.

Wood, N.

The politics of Locke’s philosophy : a social study of An essay concerning human understanding / Neal Wood. – Berkeley ; London : University of California Press, ©1983. – xiv, 241 p.

Reviews: R. Schlatter, Am. Hist. Rev., 89 (1984):735; J. Tully, Pol. Theory, 12 (1984):286-290; M.A. Stewart, J. Hist. Phil., 24 (1986): 273-275; J. Dunn, Hist., 71 (1986):157-158; M. Goldie, Hist. Pol. Tht., 8 (1987):162-167; G.D. Glenn, Rev. of Pol., 49 (1987):138-140; J. Dunn, J. Mod. Hist., 57 (1985):343-344; J.W. Yolton, 18th-Cent. St., 18 (1984):227-232; B.A. Brody, Ethics 95 (1984):173-175; D. Herzog, Am. Pol. Sci. Rev., 79 (1985):286; Rahe, “John Locke’s philosophical partisanship” (1991).

LNL 16:9

Woolhouse, R. S.

“Helm, and Locke on real ideas” / R.S. Woolhouse. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 14 (1983):35-39.

Comment on Helm’s comments on Woolhouse, “Locke, Leibniz, and the reality of ideas” (1981); see also the reply by Helm, “Locke’s real ideas” (1984)

Abstract: PhI 1983:434.

LNL 15:7

Woolhouse, R. S.

Locke / R.S. Woolhouse. – Brighton, Sussex : Harvester Press, 1983. – 198 p. – (Philosophers in context)

Also published: Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1983.

Reviews: D. Smith, “Versions of realism” (1983); G.A.J. Rogers, LNL 15:88-96; P.A. Schouls, Ph.Bks. 25 (1984):97-99; M.A. Stewart, J.H.Ph. 24 (1986):273-275; U. Thiel, Australasian J.Ph. 64 (1986):350-357.

Abstract: PhI 1984:481.

LNL 14:7; T 340

Wright, J. P.

The sceptical realism of David Hume / John P. Wright. – Manchester : Manchester University Press, ©1983.

See esp. “Do we know an active cause through human volition?” (p. 164-167)

Yolton, J. W.

Thinking matter : materialism in eighteenth-century Britain / by John W. Yolton. – Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©1983.

Also: Oxford : B. Blackwell, 1983.

See esp. Ch. 1, “Locke’s suggestion” (p. 14-28)

Review: Cottingham, “Local and other motions” (1984).

LNL 18:10

Zanotti, F. M.

“Un inedito di F.M. Zanotti : Le Notae ad Lockium” / a cura di Mauro De Zan. // IN: Rivista critica di storia della filosofia. – 38 (1983):470-495.

Zanotti’s notes on the Coste translation of Locke’s Essay, from MS 4177 in the Biblioteca universitaria, Bologna.