Alexander, P.
Solidity and elasticity in the 17th century / Peter Alexander.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990;
published in 1994.
Armstrong, N. &
Tennenhouse, L.
The interior difference : a brief genealogy of dreams, 1650-1717 /
Nancy Armstrong and Leonard Tennenhouse. // IN:
Eighteenth-century studies. 23 (1989/90):458-478.
Arthur, R.
Foils for Newton : comments on Howard Stein / Richard Arthur. // IN:
Philosophical perspectives on Newtonian science /
edited by Phillip Bricker and R.I.G. Hughes.
Cambridge, Mass. : published under the auspices of the Center for the History of Philosophy of Science of the Johns Hopkins University
[by] MIT Press, ©1990. p. 49-56.
Comments on H. Stein, On Locke, the great Huygenius,
and the incomparable Mr. Newton (1990)
Abstract: PhI 1991:363.
LNL 22:4
Ashcraft, R.
Locke on politics and knowledge : a realist perspective / Richard Ashcraft.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 7 September 1990.
Ayers, M. R.
The foundations of knowledge and the logic of substance / M.R. Ayers.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 5 September 1990;
published in 1994.
Baertschi, B.
La question du libre arbitre en France, de la Révolution à la Restauration :
les idéologues et Maine de Biran / Bernard Baertschi. // IN:
Studia philosophica (Switzerland). 49 (1990):103-129.
Abstract: PhI 1993:401.
Bolton, M. B.
Leibniz and Locke on the knowledge of necessary truths / Martha Brandt Bolton. // IN:
Central themes in early modern philosophy : essays presented to Jonathan Bennett /
edited by J.A. Cover, Mark Kulstad.
Indianapolis : Hackett, ©1990. p. 195-226.
LNL 25:4
Bolton, M. B.
The real Molyneux problem and the basis of Lockes answer / Martha Bolton.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 7 September 1990;
published in 1994.
Brennan, A.
Fragmented selves and the problem of ownership / by Andrew Brennan. // IN:
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. New ser., 90 (1989/90):143-158.
Abstract: PhI 1991:388.
Brykman, G.
Privacy in Lockes theory of meaning / Geneviève Brykman.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Casini, P.
Locke on animal behaviour / Paolo Casini.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Chappell, V.
Locke on the freedom of the will / Vere Chappell.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990;
published in 1994.
Chappell, V.
Locke on the ontology of matter, living things and persons / Vere Chappell. // IN:
Philosophical studies (Norwell, Mass.). 60 (1990):19-32.
Abstract: PhI 1991:402.
DOI: 10.1007/BF00370973
LNL 22:6
Chappell, V.
Lockes moral psychology / Vere Chappell. // IN:
Journal of philosophy. 87 (1990):524-525.
Abstract of paper presented at an American Philosophical Association symposium, 30 Dec. 1990.
Cope, K. L.
Criteria of certainty : truth and judgment in the English Enlightenment /
Kevin L. Cope. Lexington, Ky. : University Press of Kentucky, ©1990.
See Ch. 4, Locke : analogies of conflict (p. 93-114)
LNL 26:5
Danaher, J. P.
John Locke on real and nominal essence / James P. Danaher.
Thesis (Ph.D.)City University of New York, 1990. 219 leaves.
Unverified; source/Abstract: DAI 51A:3775.
Davies, C. G.
Conscience as consciousness : the idea of self-awareness in French philosophical writing
from Descartes to Diderot / Catherine Glyn Davies.
Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1990. (Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth-century ; 272)
See Defining conscience :
conviction and sentiment intérieur (p. 22-69)
Doskow, M.
William Blake and the wheels of compulsion.
See entry in Chapter 10.
Duchesneau, F.
Leibniz et lhypothèse corpusculaire selon Locke / par François Duchesneau. // IN:
Leibniz Auseinandersetzung mit Vorgängern und Zeitgenoßen /
heraugegeben von Ingrid Marchlewitz
und Albert Heinekamp.
Stuttgart : F. Steiner, 1990. (Studia Leibnitiana. Supplementa ; vol. 27). p. 124-137.
LNL 25:5
Durand, M.-J.
Genèse de lalgèbre symbolique en Angleterre :
une influence possible de J. Locke / Marie-José Durand. // IN:
Revue dhistoire des sciences. 43 (1990):129-180.
LNL 24:7
English, P.
Representative realism and absolute reality / Parker English. // IN:
International journal for philosophy of religion. 28 (1990):127-145.
Foot, P.
Locke, Hume, and modern moral theory : a legacy of seventeenth-
and eighteenth-century philosophies of mind / Philippa Foot. // IN:
The languages of psyche : mind and body in Enlightenment thought : Clark Library lectures 1985-1986 /
edited by G.S. Rousseau.
Berkeley ; Oxford : University of California Press, ©1990.
(Publications from the Clark Library Professorship, UCLA ; 12). p. 81-104.
LNL 26:5
Frankel, L.
Hows and whys : causation un-Locked / Lois Frankel. // IN:
History of philosophy quarterly. 7 (1990):409-429.
LNL 22:7
Garrett, B.
Persons and human beings / Brian Garrett. // IN:
Logos (U.S.A.). 11 (1990):47-56.
Unverified; source/Abstract: PhI 1991:461.
Goodin, S. L.
Lockes scepticism concerning natural science / Susanna Lee Goodin.
Thesis (Ph.D.)Rice University, 1990. 184 leaves.
Unverified; source/Abstract: DAI 51A:3777.
Hacking, I.
Two kinds of new historicism for philosophers / Ian Hacking. // IN:
New literary history. 21 (1989/90):343-376.
Includes a reply by David A. Hollinger (p. 365-371)
and a response by Hacking (p. 373-376)
Hall, R.
Idea in Lockes works / Roland Hall. // IN:
Locke newsletter. 21 (1990):9-26.
LNL 22:7
Harrison, P.
Religion and the religions in the English Enlightenment / Peter Harrison.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1990.
See The religious a priori and innate ideas (p. 34-39)
Herráiz Martínez, P. J.
La conciencia en el Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano de J. Locke :
actividad y pasividad / Pedro José Herráiz Martínez.
Thesis (doctoral)Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1990.
Herbert, G. B.
The labor of consciousness and the worlding of natural right
in Hobbes and Locke.
See entry in Chapter 7.
Hittinger, J. P.
Why Locke rejected an ethics of virtue and turned to an ethics of utility / by John P. Hittinger. // IN:
Ways to world meaning : proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association /
edited by Dominic Balestra
and Lawrence P. Schrenk.
Washington, D.C. : The Association, 1990.
Supplement to American Catholic philosophical quarterly, vol. 64 (1990). p. 267-276.
Abstract: PhI 1992:371.
LNL 24:9
Hoffmann, P.
Voltaire lecteur de Descartes, de Locke, de Bayle,
dans la XIIIe Lettre philosophique / Paul Hoffmann. // IN:
Travaux de littérature. 3 (1990):125-137.
Hutton, S.
Lady Masham and John Locke / Sarah Hutton.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Inoue, K.
Reason and faith in Lockes Essay concerning human understanding /
K. Inoue. // IN: Memoirs of Nara University. 18 (1990):100-116.
Title and text in Japanese.
LNL 21:5
Johnson, D. M.
Can abstractions be causes? / David M. Johnson. // IN:
Biology and philosophy. 5 (1990):63-77.
Abstract: PhI 1990:508.
Jolley, N.
The light of the soul : theories of ideas in Leibniz, Malebranche,
and Descartes / Nicholas Jolley. Oxford : Clarendon press, 1990.
See Leibnizs reply to Locke [on innate ideas] (p. 156-159)
and Locke [his critique of Malebranche] (p. 190-196)
LNL 28:7
Krishnan, R. S.
Imagination out upon the wing : Lockean epistemology and the case of the astronomer
in Johnsons Rasselas / R.S. Krishnan. // IN:
Journal of evolutionary psychology. 11 (1990):332-340.
Lamarra, A.
“Leibniz on Locke on infinity” / Antonio Lamarra. // IN:
L’infinito in Leibniz : problemi e terminologia : simposio internazionale del Lessico intellettuale europeo
e della Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Gesellschaft, Roma, 6-8 novembre 1986 / a cura di Antonio Lamarra. –
Roma : Edizioni dell’Ateneo, 1990. – (Lessico intellettuale europeo ; 52). – pages 173-191.
Loptson, P.
Lockean ideas and 18th century British philosophy / by Peter Loptson. // IN:
Theoria. 56 (1990):85-106.
Abstract: PhI 1993:570.
LNL 24:11
Losonsky, M.
Meaning and signification / Michael Losonsky.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 7 September 1990;
published in 1994.
Magill, F. N.
Masterpieces of world philosophy / edited by Frank N. Magill ;
selection by John K. Roth. New York : HarperCollins, 1990.
See An essay concerning human understanding (p. 258-267)
and Of civil government : the second treatise (p. 268-276)
Malpas, R. M. P.
An electronic text of the Essay.
See entry in Chapter 1.
Includes a complete word list of the Essay.
Marshall, J.
John Lockes religious, educational, and moral thought.
See entry in Chapter 5.
Michael, F. S. &
Michael, E.
The theory of ideas in Gassendi and Locke / Fred S. Michael and Emily Michael. // IN:
Journal of the history of ideas. 51 (1990):379-399.
LNL 22:11
Mitchell, B.
Newman as a philosopher / Basil Mitchell. // IN:
Newman after a hundred years / edited by Ian Ker
and Alan G. Hill.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1990. p. 223-246.
Montuschi, E.
Modi del riferimento nellepistemologia lockiana /
di Eleonora Montuschi. // IN: Rivista di storia della filosofia. 45 (1990):225-245.
English summary (p. 225)
LNL 23:8
Nadler, S.
Berkeleys ideas and the primary/secondary distinction / Steven Nadler. // IN:
Canadian journal of philosophy. 20 (1990):47-62.
Abstract: PhI 1990:584.
Owen, D.
Locke on reason and probable reasoning / David Owen.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Plantinga, A.
Justification in the 20th century / Alvin Plantinga. // IN:
Philosophy & phenomenological research. 50:Supplement (fall 1990):45-71.
Priest, S.
The British empiricists : Hobbes to Ayer / Stephen Priest.
London : Penguin Books, 1990.
See Locke (p. 50-103)
Also: The British empiricists / Stephen Priest. 2nd ed.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007. See Locke (p. 64-115).
LNL 28:10
Ricken, U.
Sprachtheorie und Weltanschauung in der europäischen Aufklärung :
zur Geschichte der Sprachtheorien des 18. Jahrhunderts und ihrer europäischen Rezeption nach der Französischen Revolution /
von Ulrich Ricken in Zusammenarbeit mit Patrice Bergheaud
[et al.].
Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, ©1990. (Sprache und Gesellschaft ; Band 21)
See esp. 1.3, Lockes Sicht der Sprache als Argumentation seines Sensualismus (p. 22-28)
Rogers, G. A. J.
Descartes and the mind of Locke : the Cartesian impact on Lockes philosophical development /
G.A. John Rogers. // IN:
Descartes, il Metodo e I saggi : atti del Convegno per il 350o anniversario della pubblicazione
del Discours de la méthode e degli Essais /
a cura di Giulia Belgioioso
[et al.].
Roma : Istituto della enciclopedia italiana, ©1990.
(Acta encyclopaedica ; 18. Sezione storico-epistemologica ; 1). vol. 2:689-697.
Revised version in: Lockes Enlightenment (1998), p. 23-31.
LNL 24:14
Rogers, G. A. J.
The labours of an underlabourer :
the creation of Lockes Essay concerning human understanding / John Rogers.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 7 September 1990.
Rovane, C.
Branching self-consciousness / Carol Rovane. // IN:
Philosophical review. 99 (1990):355-395.
LNL 28:10
Russell, R. G.
An examination of John Lockes primary and secondary quality distinction /
R.G. Russell. Thesis (M.A.)Queens University, Belfast, 1990.
Unverified; source/Abstract: ASLIB 40-7367.
Sánchez Durá, N.
Locke, Berkeley y el problema de los universales /
Nicolás Sánchez Durá. // IN:
Quaderns de filosofia i ciència. 17 (1990):71-79.
Abstract: PhI 1992:467.
Sánchez González, M. A.
Medicine in John Lockes philosophy.
See entry in Chapter 9.
Schouls, P. A.
Locke optimist or pessimist? / Peter D.[sic] Schouls.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Schreck, P. A.
Lockes account of personal identity / P.A. Schreck. // IN:
Gnosis (Montréal). 3:no. 3 (Dec. 1990):89-100.
Abstract: PhI 1991:637.
LNL 28:11
Schreyer, R.
Of general terms : on language and mind in 18th-century linguistic theory / Rüdiger Schreyer. // IN:
History and historiography of linguistics : papers from the Fourth International Conference
on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24-28 August 1987 /
edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe
and E.F. Konrad Koerner.
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 1990.
(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series III,
Studies in the history of the languages sciences ; vol. 51). vol. 2:399-414.
Shimokawa, K.
Lockes epistemology and his political theory.
See entry in Chapter 7.
Smith, A. D.
Of primary and secondary qualities / A.D. Smith. // IN:
Philosophical review. 99 (1990):221-254.
LNL 28:11
Snowdon, P. F.
Persons, animals, and ourselves / P.F. Snowdon. // IN:
The person and the human mind : issues in ancient and modern philosophy /
edited by Christopher Gill.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1990. p. 83-107.
LNL 27:10
Soles, D. E.
It all depends : sometimes they are images, and sometimes they are intentional objects, and sometimes
David E. Soles.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 7 September 1990.
Specht, R.
Whiteheads interpretation of Locke in Process and reality.
See entry for the German original.
Spitz, J.-F.
La déduction de la loi naturelle chez Locke : présentation. // IN:
Morale et loi naturelle / John Locke ;
présentation, traduction et notes par Jean-Fabien Spitz (1990). p. 9-63.
Stein, H.
On Locke, the great Huygenius, and the incomparable Mr. Newton / Howard Stein. // IN:
Philosophical perspectives on Newtonian science /
edited by Phillip Bricker and R.I.G. Hughes.
Cambridge, Mass. : published under the auspices of the Center for the History of Philosophy of Science of the Johns Hopkins University
[by] MIT Press, ©1990. p. 17-47.
See also comments by R. Arthur, Foils for Newton (1990)
LNL 22:13
Taylor, T. J.
Free will versus arbitrariness in the history of the linguistic sign / Talbot J. Taylor. // IN:
History and historiography of linguistics : papers from the Fourth International Conference
on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24-28 August 1987 /
edited by Hans-Josef Niederehe
and E.F. Konrad Koerner.
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 1990.
(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series III,
Studies in the history of the languages sciences ; vol. 51). vol. 1:79-88.
Taylor, T. J.
Liberalism in Lockean linguistics / Talbot J. Taylor. // IN:
Historiographia linguistica. 17 (1990):99-109.
Summaries in English and French (p. 108-109)
LNL 22:14
Taylor, T. J.
Which is to be master? : the institutionalization of authority in the science of language /
Talbot J. Taylor. // IN:
Ideologies of language /
edited by John E. Joseph and
Talbot J. Taylor.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1990.
(Routledge politics of language series). p. 9-26.
LNL 28:12
Tipton, I.
The Essay 4.11 / Ian Tipton.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Uzgalis, W. L.
Relative identity and Lockes principle of individuation /
WIlliam L. Uzgalis. // IN: History of philosophy quarterly. 7 (1990):283-297.
Abstract: PhI 1991:678.
LNL 22:14
Vailati, E.
Leibniz on Locke on weakness of will / Ezio Vailati. // IN:
Journal of the history of philosophy. 28 (1990):213-228.
LNL 22:14
Valenzuela Fuenzalida, A. M.
La idea de substancia en John Locke :
una aproximación a su teoría del conocimiento / Alvaro M. Valenzuela Fuenzalida. // IN:
Philosophica (Valparaiso, Chile). 13 (1990):223-240.
Verene, D. P.
Giambattista Vicos Reprehension of the metaphysics
of René Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, and John Locke :
an addition to the New science : translation and commentary / Donald Phillip Verene. // IN:
New Vico studies. 8 (1990):2-18.
LNL 24:16
Vienne, J.-M.
Real essence and internal constitution / Jean-Michel Vienne.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 6 September 1990.
Walker, W.
Enlightened Nietzsche / William Walker. // IN:
Studies in Romanticism. 29 (1990):39-66.
Walker, W.
Locke minding women : literary history, gender, and the Essay /
William Walker. // IN: Eighteenth-century studies. 23 (1989/90):245-268.
LNL 22:15
Wedeking, G.
Locke on personal identity and the Trinity controversy of the 1690s /
Gary Wedeking. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). 29 (1990):163-188.
Abstract: PhI 1991:690.
LNL 22:15
White, A. R.
The language of imagination / Alan R. White.
Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1990.
See 4, Locke (p. 25-29)
LNL 22:15
Yolton, J. W.
Mirrors and veils, thoughts and things :
the epistemological problematic / John W. Yolton. // IN:
Reading Rorty : critical responses to Philosophy and the mirror of nature
(and beyond) / edited by Alan R. Malachowski.
Oxford : Blackwell, 1990. p. 58-73.
LNL 27:12
Yolton, J. W.
The way of ideas : a retrospective / John W. Yolton. // IN:
Journal of philosophy. 87 (1990):510-516.
Presented at an American Philosophical Association symposium, 30 Dec. 1990.
LNL 22:16
Young, B. W.
Orthodoxy assaild : an historical examination of some metaphysical
and theological debates in England from Locke to Burke / B.W. Young.
Thesis (Ph.D.)Oxford University, 1990.
Unverified; source/Abstract: ASLIB 40-2441.
Zarka, Y.-C.
Locke et la théorie de la langue / Yves Charles Zarka.
Paper presented at the Clarendon Locke Conference, Christ Church Oxford, 7 September 1990.