Akçicek, A.
“Hoşgörü üzerine bir kıyaslamo : John Locke ve Jean Jacques Rousseau” / Arda Akçicek. // IN:
Liberal düşünce. – 63 (2011).
Beiner, R.
Civil religion : a dialogue in the history of political philosophy / Ronald Beiner. —
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
See 12, “John Locke : the liberal paradigm” (p. 147-155)
and 13, “The gods of the philosophers I : Locke and John Toland” (p. 156-175)
LS 11:4
Blom, H.
“Foreign gods and political order : Locke, Spinoza, and the limits of a tolerant society” / Hans Blom. // IN:
La centralità del dubbio : un progetto di Antonio Rotondò /
a cura di Camilla Hermanin e Luisa Simonutti. –
Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 2011. – (Studi e testi per la storia della tolleranza in Europa nei secoli XVI-XVIII ; 13). – vol. 2:871-896.
Laursen, J. C.
“Blind spots in the toleration literature” / John Christian Laursen. // IN:
Critical review of international social and political philosophy. — 14 (2011):307-322.
Levitin, D.
“Matthew Tindal’s Rights of the Christian Church (1706) and the church-state relationship” /
Dmitri Levitin. // IN: Historical journal. – 54 (2011):717-740.
Milton, P.
“Religious toleration” / Philip Milton. // IN:
The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe /
edited by Desmond M. Clarke and Catherine Wilson. –
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. – p. 571-590.
Mori, G.
“Atei e cattolici : i limiti della tolleranze tra Locke e Bayle” / Gianluca Mori. // IN:
La centralità del dubbio : un progetto di Antonio Rotondò /
a cura di Camilla Hermanin e Luisa Simonutti. –
Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 2011. – (Studi e testi per la storia della tolleranza in Europa nei secoli XVI-XVIII ; 13). – vol. 2:851-870.
Perry, J.
The pretenses of loyalty : Locke, liberalism, and political theology / John Perry. –
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
ISBN 978-0-19-975654-4.
Review: P. Martens, Journal of church and state. 54 (2012):453-455;
J. Hordern, Scottish journal of theology 67 (2014):247-249;
A. G. Chu, Expository times 30 (2019):515.
DOI: 10.1177/0014524619852905.
LS 11:9
Rose, J.
Godly kingship in Restoration England : the politics of the royal supremacy, 1660-1688 / Jacqueline Rose. –
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. – (Cambridge studies in early modern British history)
Samad, J.
“John Locke and Muslim liberalism” / Joy Samad. // IN:
Journal of church and state. – 53 (2011):84-108.
LS 11:9
Stanton, T.
“Christian foundations, or some loose stones? :
toleration and the philosophy of Locke’s politics” / Timothy Stanton. // IN:
Critical review of international social and political philosophy. – 14 (2011):323-347.
LS 11:10
Revised and shortened version of “Locke the thinker” (2008)
Issue reprinted as: Toleration re-examined /
edited by Derek Edyvan and Matt Maltravers. –
Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2012. Unverified.
Turner, J.
“John Locke, Christian mission, and colonial America.” –
See entry in Chapter 8.
Whitt, J. D.
“Religious liberty, English Baptists, and John Locke” / Jason D. Whitt. // IN:
Perspectives in religious studies. – 38 (2011):427-442.
LS 12:10

Kemp, G.
“The ‘end of censorship’ and the politics of toleration, from Locke to Sacheverell” / Geoff Kemp. // IN:
Parliamentary history. — 31 (2012):47-68.
LS 12:6
Miller, N. P.
The religious roots of the First Amendment : dissenting Protestants and the separation of church and state / Nicholas P. Miller. –
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, ©2012.
See Ch. 2, “The philosopher and the enthusiast : the collaboration of John Locke and William Penn” (p. 49-90).
Schaar, M. van der.
“Locke on judgement and religious toleration” / Maria van der Schaar. // IN:
British journal for the history of philosophy. – 20 (2012):43-68.
LS 12:10
Waldron, J.
The harm in hate speech / Jeremy Waldron. –
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : Harvard University Press, 2012.
See 8, “Toleration and calumny” (pages 204-233)
See also J. K. Numao, “Locke and hate speech law” (2016)

Dunn, J.
“The grounds for toleration and the capacity to tolerate : postface” / John Dunn. // IN:
Natural law and toleration in the early Enlightenment /
edited by Jon Parkin & Timothy Stanton. –
Oxford ; New York : published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. –
(Proceedings of the British Academy ; 186). – p. 201-209.
LS 13:6
Feltham, O.
Anatomy of failure : philosophy and political action. –
See entry in Chapter 3.
Hahn, S. W. &
Wiker, B.
Politicizing the Bible : the roots of historical criticism and the secularization of scripture, 1300-1700. –
See entry in chapter 7.
Harris, I.
“John Locke and natural law : free worship and toleration” / Ian Harris. // IN:
Natural law and toleration in the early Enlightenment /
edited by Jon Parkin & Timothy Stanton. –
Oxford ; New York : published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. –
(Proceedings of the British Academy ; 186). – p. 59-105.
LS 13:8
Hunter, I.
“The tolerationist programmes of Thomasius and Locke” / Ian Hunter. // IN:
Natural law and toleration in the early Enlightenment /
edited by Jon Parkin & Timothy Stanton. –
Oxford ; New York : published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. –
(Proceedings of the British Academy ; 186). – p. 107-137.
LS 13:8
McIlroy, D. H.
“Locke and Rawls on religious toleration and public reason’ / David H. McIlroy. // IN:
Oxford journal of law and religion. – 2 (2013):1-24.
LS 13:9
Numao, J. K.
“Locke on atheism” / J. K. Numao. // IN:
History of political thought. – 34 (2013):252-272.
Abstract: IPSA 63:4161.
LS 13:9
Parkin, J.
“Rethinking toleration via natural law : preface” / Jon Parkin. // IN:
Natural law and toleration in the early Enlightenment /
edited by Jon Parkin & Timothy Stanton. –
Oxford ; New York : published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. –
(Proceedings of the British Academy ; 186). – p. x-xxi.
LS 13:10
Santos, A. C. dos.
“John Locke e o argumento da economia para a tolerância” / Antônio Carlos dos Santos. // IN:
Trans/form/ação. – 36 (2013):9-24.
LS 13:11
Scherer, M.
Beyond church and state : democracy, secularism, and conversion / Matthew Scherer. –
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.
See 2, “Toleration and conversion in Locke’s Letters :
it is ‘above all things necessary to distinguish’ ” (p. 71-96)
LS 13:11
Sowerby, S.
Making toleration : the repealers and the Glorious Revolution / Scott Sowerby. –
Cambridge, Mass. ; London, England : Harvard University Press, 2013.
See “John Locke, William Petty, and the repealers” (p. 255-259)
LS 13:11
Spellberg, D. A.
Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an : Islam and the founders / Denise A. Spellberg. –
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.
See esp. pages 65-80, 106-117.
Stanton, T.
“Freedom of conscience, political liberty and the foundations of liberalism.’ –
See entry in Chapter 7.
Stanton, T.
“Mischief and inconvenience in seventeenth-century England” / Timothy Stanton. // IN:
Locke studies. – 13 (2013):97-117
LS 14:15
Stanton, T.
“Natural law, nonconformity, and toleration : two stages on Locke’s way” / Timothy Stanton. // IN:
Natural law and toleration in the early Enlightenment /
edited by Jon Parkin & Timothy Stanton. –
Oxford ; New York : published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. –
(Proceedings of the British Academy ; 186). – p. 35-57.
LS 13:12
Takei, K.
「ジョン・ロックの『世俗権力二論』再考 : 『第一論文』と『第二論文』」 /
武井敬亮著. // IN: 経済論叢. – 187 (2013).
“Jon Rokku no ‘sezoku kenryoku ni-ron’ saikō :
‘dai ichi ronbun’ to ‘dai ni ronbun’ no chigai ni chakumoku shite” / Takei Keisuke. // IN:
Keisai ronsō. – 187 (2013).
Takei, K.
「サミュエル・パーカーの教会統治論 : ロックのパーカー批判を念頭に」 /
武井敬亮著. // IN: 経済論叢. – 187 (2013).
“Samyuero Pākā no kyōkai tōchi-ron : Rokku no Pākā hihan o nentō ni” / Takei Keisuke. // IN:
Keisai ronsō. – 187 (2013).
Tate, J. W.
“ ‘We cannot give one millimetre’? : liberalism, Enlightenment and diversity.” –
See entry in Chapter 7.
Vernon, R.
“Lockean toleration, dialogical not theological?” / Richard Vernon. // IN:
Political studies. – 61 (2013):215-230.
Abstract: IPSA 63:1731.
LS 13:12
Yamada, S.
ジョン・ロックの教会論 / 山田園子著. –
広島 : 渓水社, 2013.
Jon Rokku no kyōkairon / Yamada Sonoko. –
Hirosima : Keisuisha, 2013. – 228 p.
ISBN 978-4-8632-7241-5.
LS 14:16

Alzate, E. B.
“From individual to citizen : enhancing the bonds of citizenship through religion
in Locke’s political theory” / Elissa B. Alzate. // IN:
Polity. — 46 (2014):211-232.
Abstract: IPSA 64:4303.
LS 14:4
Chumbita, J. S.
“Teología política, libertad natural, paz relativa y secularización en el estado de naturaleza descrito por John Locke” =
“Political theology, natural liberty, relative peace and secularization in John Locke’s state of nature.” –
See entry in Chapter 7.
Di Biase, G.
“John Locke : la mediocrity come fondamento della dottrina sulla tolleranza” / Giuliana Di Biase. // IN:
Humanitas. – 6 (2014):947-959.
LS 17:12
Herold, A. L.
“ ‘The chief characteristical mark of the true church’ :
John Locke’s theology of toleration and his case for civil religion.” –
See entry in Chapter 5.
Kashala Kavula, F.
Propos sur le libéralisme politique et religieux : dialogue idéal entre John Locke et Baruch Spinoza /
Ferdinand Kashala Kavula ; préface de Giscard Devin Dessinga. –
[Place of publication not identified] : Harmattan Italia, 2014. – 58 pages.
LS 17:17
Lawler, P. A.
“Defending the personal Logos today” / Peter Augustine Lawler. // IN:
Reason, revelation, and the civic order : political philosophy and the claims of faith /
edited by Paul R. DeHart and Carson Holloway. –
DeKalb, IL : Northern Illinois University Press, ©2014. – p. 99-118.
LS 14:9
Loconte, J.
God, Locke, and liberty : the struggle for religious freedom in the West / Joseph Loconte. –
Lanham, MD : Lex, 2014.
LS 14:10
Nadon, C.
“The secular basis of the separation of church and state :
Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Tocqueville” / Christopher Nadon. // IN:
Perspectives on political science. – 43 (2014):21-30.
Abstract: IPSA 64:3108.
LS 14:11
Rose, J.
“The debate over authority : adiaphora, the civil magistrte, and the settlement of religion” / Jacqueline Rose. // IN:
“Settling the peace of the Church” : 1662 revisited / edited by N. H. Keeble. –
Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2014. – pages 29-56.
LS 17:27
Santos, A. C. dos.
“Os elementos republicanos na tolerância de John Locke” / Antônio Carlos dos Santos. // IN:
Kriterion. – 130 (dez. 2014):499-513.
LS 17:28
Szwed, A.
“Johna Locke’a koncepcja tolerancji jako reakcja na zasadę ‘cuius regio, eius religion’ ” /
Antoni Szwed. // IN: Roczniki filozoficzne. – 62:nr 4 (2014):65-85.
LS 17:32
Takei, K.
「ジョン・ロックのサミュエル・パーカー批判」 / 武井敬亮著. // IN:
経済論叢. – 188 (2014).
“Jon Rokku no Samyueru Pākā hihan” / Takei Keisuke. // IN:
Keisai ronsō. – 188 (2014).
LS 17:33

“Unlocking liberty : Christianity, Islam and Locke.” // IN:
The economist (online). – Feb. 3, 2015.
Bejan, T. M.
“Evangelical toleration” / Teresa M. Bejan. // IN:
The journal of politics. – 77 (2015):1103-1114.
Bou-Habib, P.
“Locke’s Tracts and the anarchy of the religious conscience” / Paul Bou-Habib. // IN:
European journal of political theory. – 14 (2015):3-18.
Abstract: IPSA 65:1743.
LS 17:9
Conti, G.
“Lockean toleration and the victim’s perspective” / Gregory Conti. // IN:
European journal of political theory. – 14 (2015):76-97.
Abstract: IPSA 65:1749.
LS 17:11
Di Biase, G.
“John Locke : verità di fede, politica, tolleranza” / di Giuliana Di Biase. // IN:
Filosofia, verità e politica : questione classiche / a cura di Antonella Besussi. –
Roma : Carocci editore, 2015. – (Biblioteca di testi e studi. Filosofia ; 1016). – pages 47-61.
LS 17:12
LaSelva, S. V.
“Toleration without hate speech : the Keegstra decision,
American free speech exceptionalism and Locke’s Letter” / Samuel V. LaSelva. // IN:
Canadian journal of political science. – 48 (2015):699-718.
Abstract: IPSA 66:3102.
LS 17:19
Matar, N.
“England and religious plurality : Henry Stubbe, John Locke and Islam” / by Nabil Matar. // IN:
Christianity and religious plurality / edited by Charlotte Methuen,
Andrew Spicer, John Wolffe. –
Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by the Boydell Press, 2015. –
(Studies in church history ; 51). – pages 181-203.
LS 17:23
Owen, J. J.
Making religion safe for democracy : transformation from Hobbes to Tocqueville / J. Judd Owen. –
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
See 3, “Locke and the political theology of toleration” (pages 57-112)
LS 17:25
Rǎţulea, G.
“Justice et tolérance : la question du hobbisme du jeune Locke” =
“Justice and tolerance : the problem of Hobbism in early Locke” / Gabriela Ratulea ; traduction du Roumain par Elena Cojocariu. // IN:
Meta : research in hermeneutics, phenomenology, and practical philosophy. – 7 (2015):166-186.
LS 17:26
Shanks, T.
“Toleration and democratic membership : John Locke and Michel de Montaigne on monsters” / Torrey Shanks. // IN:
Political theory. – 43 (2015):451-472.
Abstract: IPSA 65:6643.
LS 17:29

Areshidze, F.
“Does toleration require religious skepticism? :
an examination of Locke's Letters on toleration and Essay concerning human understanding" / Giorgi Areshidze. // IN:
Interpretation : a journal of political philosophy. – 43 (2016):29-56.
Reprinted in: Democratic religion from Locke to Obama : faith and the civic life of democracy / Giorgi Areshidze. –
Lawrence, Kansas : University of Kansas Press, ©2016. – (American political thought). – Univerified.
LS 17:6
Bejan, T. M.
“Locke on toleration, (in)civility and the quest for concord” / Teresa M. Bejan. //
History of political thought. — 37 (2016):556-587.
See also J. K. Numao, “Locke and hate speech law” (2016)
Abstract: IPSA 66:6515.
LS 17:7
Błaszczyk, C.
“Rozumny pluralizm a racjonalistyczna tolerancja :
myśl Johna Rawlsa na tle filozofii Johna Locke’a” / Cezary Błaszczyk. // IN:
Eryda. – 2016:nr 3:15-38.
LS 18:3
Herrero, M.
“The quest for Locke’s political theology.” –
See entry in Chapter 7.
Jolley, N.
Toleration and understanding in Locke / Nicholas Jolley. –
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. – x, 175 pages.
ISBN 978-0-19-879170-6.
Review: J. Walsh, Journal of the history of philosophy 56 (2018):374-375.
LS 17:17
Lacorne, D.
Frontières de la tolérance / Denis Lacorne. –
Paris : Editions Gallimard, 2016. – 256 pages.
See “Le principe de tolérance selon John Locke”.
ISBN 978-2-07-013024-5.
English translation: The limits of tolerance : enlightenment values and religious fanaticism / Denis Lacorne ;
translated by C. Jon Delogu and Robin Emlein. – New York : Columbia University Press, ©2019. –
See “Tolerance according to John Locke” (pages 11-30). – ISBN 978-0-231-187145.
LS 19:7
Takei, K.
国家・教会・個人 : ジョン・ロックの世俗社会認識論 / 武井敬亮著. –
京都 : 京都大学学術出版会, 2016. – 232 pages. –
(プリミエ・コレクション ; 73)
Kokka kyōkai kojin : Jon Rokku no sezoku shakai ninshikiron / Takei Keisuke. –
Kyōto : Kyōtodaigakugakujutsushuppankai, 2016. – 232 pages. – (Purimie korekushon ; 73)
ISBN 978-48-1400-020-3.
LS 17:33
Tate, J. W.
Liberty, toleration and equality : John Locke, Jonas Proast and the Letters concerning toleration / John William Tate. –
New York, NY ; London : Routledge, 2016. – (Routledge studies in social and political thought ; 111)
ISBN 978-1-138-64780-0.
LS 17:33
Tate, J. W.
“Toleration, skepticism, and blasphemy : John Locke, Jonas Proast, and Charlie Hebdo” / John William Tate. // IN:
American journal of political science. – 60 (2016):664-675.
LS 17:34

Alzate, E. B.
Religious liberty in a Lockean society / Elissa B. Alzate. –
New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, [2017]. – (Palgrave studies in religion, politics and policy)
LS 17:5
Becke, N.
“Lockes ‘Brief über Toleranz’ :
eine Enterrichtsreihe im Spiegel heutiger Toleranzkonflikte” / Nils Becke. // IN:
Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik. – 39:Heft 3 (2017):49-58.
LS 18:3
Bejan, T. M.
Mere civility : disagreement and the limits of toleration / Teresa M. Bejan. –
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : Harvard University Press, 2017. – x, 272 pages.
See “ ‘A bond of mutual charity’ : Locke and the quest for concord” (pages 112-143, 219-229 [notes])
LS 17:7
Borgida, M.
“Civil interests and Locke’s political reason for toleration” / Michael Borgida. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Bou-Habib, P.
“Locke, natural law and civil peace : reply to Tate” / Paul Bou-Habib. // IN:
European journal of political theory. – 16 (2017):122-127.
Reply to Tate, “Locke, toleration and natural law” (2017).
Abstract: IPSA 67:1665.
LS 17:9
Casson, D.
“Toleration without sovereignty : Locke on reasonableness, judgment, and absolute dominion” / Douglas Casson. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Hickson, M.
“Secularism or toleration? : Bayle, Locke, and the birth of a modern dilemma” / Michael Hickson. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Kłos, J.
“The modern idea of religious toleration versus the state” / Jan Kłos. // IN:
Borderlands of nations, nations of borderlands. Volume 1, Minorities in the borderlands and on the fringes of countries /
edited by Marek Sobczyński and Marek Barwiński. –
Łódź : University of Łódź, Department of Political Geography and Regional Studies ;
Opole : Governmental Research Institute, Silesian Institute in Opole [and] Silesian Institute Society, 2017. –
(Region and regionalism ; no. 13). – pages 11-23.
ISBN 978-83-7126-330-9 (vol. 1)
LS 18:10
Pritchard, E.
“Locke on toleration and the right way to believe” / Elizabeth Pritchard. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Sheridan, P.
“John Locke and the Latitudinarians : toleration as a virtue” / Patricia Sheridan. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Stanton, T.
“Natural law, judgement and toleration in Locke” / Timothy Stanton. // IN:
European journal of political theory. – 16 (2017):128-135.
Reply to Tate, “Locke, toleration and natural law” (2017).
Abstract: IPSA 67:1732.
LS 17:31
Sulmasy, D. P.
“Tolerance, professional judgment, and the discretionary space of a physician” / by Daniel P. Sulmasy. // IN:
Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics. – 26 (2017):17-30.
LS 17:32
Svensson, M.
“John Owen and John Locke : confessionalism, doctrinal minimalism, and toleration” / Manfred Svensson. // IN:
History of European ideas. – 43 (2017):302-316.
DOI: 10.1080/01916599.2016.1203599
LS 18:17
Tabb, K.
“Locke’s pyrrhonian case for toleration” / Kathryn Tabb. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Vernon, R.
“Tempers and toleration” / Richard Vernon. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Walmsley, J.
“Locke and toleration : new manuscript evidence’ / Jonathan Walmsley. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Wright, J.
“Locke on toleration and religious experience” / John Wright. –
Paper presented at Toleration and its epistemic and anthropological bases, the John Locke Workshop, June 22-25, 2017.
Zaborowski, H.
“Church, commonwealth, and toleration : John Locke as a reader of Paul” / Holger Zaborowski. // IN:
Saint Paul and philosophy : the consonance of ancient and modern thought /
edited by Gert-Jan van der Heiden,
George van Kooten, and Antonio Cimino. –
Boston : Walter de Gruyter, 2017. – Pages 283-296.
LS 18:20

Curley, E.
“Locke on religious toleration” / Ed Curley ; commentator, Doug Casson. –
Paper presented at the 2018 John Locke Workshop, Mansfield College, Oxford, July 17, 2018.
Lucci, D.
“Political scepticism, moral scopticism, and the scope and limits of toleration in John Locke” / Diego Lucci. // IN:
Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. – 3 (2018):109-143.
Masuda, M.
「ジョン・ロックの寛容論と宗教観」 / 増田美寿々 著. // IN:
『歴史研究』 (愛知教育大学). – 64 (2018):103-136.
“Jon Rokku no kan’yōron to shūkyōkan” =
[John Locke’s position concerning toleration and religion] / Masuda Misuzu. // IN:
Aichi Kyōiku Daigaku rekishi kenkyu = Historical studies in Aichi University of Education. – 64 (March 2018):103–36.
LS 21 (Numao):3
Mostefai, O.
“Dissensus and toleration : reconsidering tolerance in the Age of Enlightenment” / Ourida Mostefai. // IN:
Studies in eighteenth-century culture. – 47 (2018):269-273.
DOI: 10.1353/sec.2018.0027
LS 18:13
Reed, R.
“John Locke and the limits of religious liberty :
marriage license refusal, religious freedom laws, vaccine refusal, contraception mandate exemptions, and ultrasound requirements” /
Ryan Reed. // IN: New political science. – 40 (2018):497-514.
DOI: 10.1080/07393148.2018.1487146
LS 18:15
Shimokawa, K.
“Locke on toleration and the harm principle” / Kiyoshi Shimokawa ;
commentator, Luisa Simonutti. –
Paper presented at the 2018 John Locke Workshop, Mansfield College, Oxford, July 17, 2018.
Simmons, D. C.
A commentary on John Locke’s A letter concerning toleration / David Cole Simmons. –
Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Dallas, 2018. – 784 pages.
LS 19:11

Chatterjee, J. D.
“Between Hobbes and Locke : John Humfrey, nonconformity,
and Restoration theories of political obligation” / Jacob Donald Chatterjee. // IN:
Locke studies. – 19 (2019). – 34 pages.
DOI: 10.5206/ls.2019.5439
LS 19:3
Green, F.
“Freedom and obligation in Locke’s account of belief.” –
See entry in Chapter 3.
John, R. R.
“Freedom of expression in the digital age : a historian’s perspective” / Richard R. John. // IN:
Church, communication and culture. – 4 (2019):25-38.
DOI: 10.1080/23753234.2019.1565918.
LS 19:7
Lacorne, D.
The limits of tolerance : enlightenment values and religious fanaticism. –
See entry for French original (2016).
Okazaki, K.
「ジョン・ロックの宗教的寛容論 :
名誉革命体制成立期における国家と教会の関係をめぐって」 / 岡崎圭祐 著. //IN:
『欧米の言語・社会・文化』 (新潟大学). – 25 (2019):1-38.
“Jon Rokku no shūkyōteki kan’yōron : meiyokakumei taisei seiritsuki ni okeru kokka to kyōkai no kankei o megutte” =
[John Locke’s theory of religious toleration :
on the relationship between commonwealth and church in the early period of the Glorious Revolution] / Okazaki Keisuke. // IN:
Ōbei no gengo shakai bunka no kenkyū = Studies of the European and American language, societies, and cultures. –
25 (March 2019):1–38.
LS 21 (Numao):3
Santos, A. C. dos.
“O ateísmo no pensamento político de John Locke.” –
See entry in Chapter 7.

Casson, D.
“Locke on toleration : rejecting the sovereign remedy” / Douglas Casson. // IN:
The Lockean mind / edited by Jessica Gordon-Roth and Shelley Weinberg (2021). – Chapter 47.
Dumitrescu, M.
“The limits of tolerance in John Locke’s philosophy” / Marius Dumitrescu. –
Paper delivered at the 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, 10 June 2021.
Krestonosich, N.
“The epistemological roots of Locke’s defense of toleration” / Nikola Krrestonosich. –
Paper delivered at the 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, 10 June 2021.
Laconte, J.
“Christian humanism and John Locke’s A letter concerning toleration” / Joseph Laconte. –
Paper delivered at the 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, 10 June 2021.
Lucci, D.
John Locke’s Christianity. ‐
See entry in Chapter 5.
Nuovo, V.
“Locke and Jonas Proast” / Victor Nuovo. // IN:
The Lockean mind / edited by Jessica Gordon-Roth and Shelley Weinberg (2021). – Chapter 7.
Priarolo, M.
“Locke, Leibniz and toleration : a comparative reading” / Mariangela Priarolo. –
Paper delivered at the 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, 10 June 2021.
Quatrini, F.
“John Locke and the Polish Brethren on toleration : the promotion
of Johannes Crell’s Vindiciae pro religionis libertate in Rotterdam during the 1680s” / Francesco Quatrini. –
Paper delivered at the 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, 10 June 2021.
Takei, K.
“Locke’s concept of religious liberty : focus on his refutation of John Edwards” / Keisuke Takei. –
Paper delivered at the 2021 John Locke Conference, Naples, Italy, 10 June 2021.
