Alvarado, R.

Calvin and the Whigs : a study in historical political theology / Ruben Alvarado. – Aalten, the Netherlands : Pantocrator Press, ©2017. – 186 pages.

See “Locke’s paradigm”

ISBN 978-90-76660-47-9.


LS 18:2

Bailey, J. L. & Thorseth, M.

“Value and growth : rethinking basic concepts in Lockean liberalism” / Jennifer L. Bailey & May Thorseth. // IN: Etikk i praksis : Nordic journal of applied ethics. – No. 1 (2017):107-129.

Bäumlisberger, D.

“The United Nations Global Compact as a facilitator of the Lockean social contract” / Damian Bäumlisberger. // IN: Journal of business ethics. – Published online 4 November 2017.

DOI: 10.1007/s10551-017-3721-1

LS 18:3

Bong, P. H.

“Smith 사상으로 바라본 정부의 역할, 그리고 그 의미 : Locke의 자유주의 사상과의 비교” / 박 희 봉. = [“The role of government in Adam Smith : comparison with John Locke”] / by Park Hee Bong]. // IN: 「한국공공관리학보」 = [Korean public management review]. – 31:4 (12/2017):1-18.

LS 18:4

Brewer, H.

“Slavery, sovereignty, and ‘inheritable blood’ : reconsidering John Locke and the origins of American slavery.” – See entry in Chapter 8.

Brady, M.

“Acting for the public good : Locke on freedom and judgment” / Michelle Brady. // IN: International philosophical quarterly. – 57:no. 1 = Issue 225 (March 2017):43-60.

LS 17:9

Casson, D.

“Toleration without sovereignty : Locke on reasonableness, judgment, and absolute dominion.” – See entry in Chapter 6.

Davis, M.

“Locke, Simmons, and consent : a lawyerly approach” / Michael Davis. // IN: Social theory and practice. – 43 (2017):667-690.

DOI: 10.5840/soctheorpract2017103018

LS 18:6

DeLuna, D. N.

“Shaftesbury, Locke, and their revolutionary Letter?” / D. N. DeLuna. // IN: Locke studies. – 17 (2017):143-171.

DOI: 10.5206/ls.2017.879

Corrected version in Locke studies 18 (2018). DOI: 10.5206/ls.2018.6177.

LS 18:6

Foster, D.

“A reply to Lee Ward” / David Foster. // IN: Interpretation : a journal of political philosophy. – 43 (2016/17):287-288.

Reply to Ward, “The challenge of modernizing seventeenth-century political texts” (2016/17).

Gerber, J. A. R.

“Locking out Locke : a new natural copyright law” / Joseph A. R. Gerber. // IN: Fordham intellectual property, media & entertainment law journal. – 27 (2017):613-644.

LS 18:7

Goldbeck, S.

“Philosophisch puzzeln : Ganzschriften mit Hilfe der Textpuzzlemethode kooperativ erschließen : John Lockes ‘Second Treatise of Government’ als Ganzschrift im gymnasialen Philosophieunterricht” / Steffen Goldbeck. // IN: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik. – 39:Heft 3 (2017):38-48.


LS 18:7

Green, K.

“Locke, Enlightenment, and liberty in the works of Catharine Macaulay and her contemporaries” / Karen Green. // IN: Women and liberty, 1600-1800 : philosophical essays / edited by Jacqueline Broad and Karen Detlefsen. – New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2017. – Pages 82-94

Review (of the collection): P. Sheridan, Locke studies 18 (2018) – DOI 10.5206/ls.2018.4107.

LS 18:8

Grégoire, V.

Théories de l’État et problèmes coloniaux (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) : Vitoria, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau / Vincent Grégoire. – Paris : Honoré Champion éditeur, 2017. – (Les dix-huitièmes siècles ; 194)

See “John Locke : libéralisme et colonialisme”

Review: P. Corcoran, Locke studies 19 (2019) DOI: 10.5206/ls.2019.6305.


LS 17:15

Hagengruber, R.

“If I were King! : morals and physics in Emilie Du Châtelet’s subtle thoughts on liberty” / Ruth Hagengruber. // IN: Women and liberty, 1600-1800 : philosophical essays / edited by Jacqueline Broad and Karen Detlefsen. – New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2017. – pages 195-205.

LS 18:8

Hallich, O.

“Locke über staatliches Strafen” / Oliver Hallich. // IN: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik. – 39:Heft 3 (2017):70.


LS 18:8

Im, S. H.

“Between Habbakuk and Locke : pain, debt, economic subjectivation in Paradise Lost” / See Hee Im. // IN: Modern language quarterly. – 78 (2017):1-25.

Jakopec, P.

“Značajnost vlasničkih i političke u Lockeovoj filozofiji politike” = “Significance of property rights and political community in Locke’s philosophy of politics” / Petar Jakopec. // IN: Filozofska istraživanja. – 37 (2017):117-131.

In Croatian, with English abstract.

LS 18:10

Jaworski, P. M. & Shoemaker, D.

“Me and mine.” – See entry in Chapter 3.

Kleidosty, J. & Jackson, I.

An analysis of John Locke’s Two treatises of government / Jeremy Kleidosty with Ian Jackson. – London : Routledge, ©2017. – 91 pages. – (The Macat Library)

ISBN 978-1-912-30335-9.


LS 17:18

Kuiper, C. S.

“Through the features of men’s faces” : the political community in Francisco Suárez and John Locke / by Catherine S. Kuiper. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Notre Dame, 2017. – v, 240 pages.



Laukötter, S. & Siep, L.

“John Locke” / Sebastian Laukötter, Ludwig Siep. // IN: L’udské práva : interdisciplinárna príručka / editori Arnd Pollmann, Georg Lohmann. – Bratislava : Kalligram, 2017. – Pages 34-42.

ISBN 978-808-101-960-9.


Lord, J.

John Locke and Two treatises of government / Jonathan Lord. – First edition. – New York : Britannica Educational Publishing in association with Rosen Educational Services, 2017. – (The words that inspired the Founding Fathers)

For grades 7 to 12.

ISBN 978-1-680-48548-6.


LS 17:22

Mack, E.

“John Locke’s defense of commercial society : individual rights, voluntary cooperation, and mutual gain” / Eric Mack. // IN: Wealth, commerce, and philosophy : foundational thinkers and business ethics / edited by Eugene Heath and Byron Kaldis. – Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2017. – pages 157-178.

LS 18:12

Milburn, J.

“Nonhuman animals as property holders : an exploration of the Lockean labour-mixing account” / Josh Milburn. // IN: Environmental values. – 26 (2017):629-648.

DOI: 10.3197/096327117X15002190708155

LS 18:12

Mundó, J.

“La constitución fiduciaria de la libertad política : por qué son importantes las coyunturas interpretativas en la filosofía política” = “The fiduciary constitution of political freedom : why interpretive conjunctures in political philosophy matters?” / Jordi Mundó. // Isegoría : revista de filosofía moral y politica. – 57 (julio-diciembre 2017):433-454.

In Spanish, with an English abstract.

LS 18:13

Mundó, J.

“Locke’s property in historical perspective : natural law and the shaping of modern political common sense” / Jordi Mundó. // IN: Analele Uninversităţii din Craiova. Seria Filosofie. – Nr. 40 (2017):19-40.

LS 18:13

Pakaluk, M.

“From natural law to natural rights in John Locke” / Michael Pakaluk. // IN: The modern turn / edited by Michael Rohlf. – Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, ©2017. – (Studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy ; volume 60). – pages 89-111.

LS 18:14

Pemberton, S.

Locke’s political thought and the oceans : pirates, slaves, and sailors / Sarah Pemberton. – Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Lexington Books, ©2017. – viii, 150 pages.

ISBN 978-1-4985-3821-3

LS 17:26

Prieto López, L. J.

“La noción de ley en Suárez y Locke” = “The notion of the law in Suárez and Locke” / Leopoldo José Prieto López. // IN: Daimon : revista internacional de filosofía. – 71 (mayo-agosto 2017):137-156.

In Spanish; includes English abstract.

LS 18:15

Reid, J.

Inconvenient neighbours : John Locke, Indian law, and gender discrimination in Canada / Jennifer Reid. – Aurora, Colorado : The Davies Group, Publishers, 2017.


LS 17:26

Şahĭn, K.

“John Locke’un toplum ve devlet analyişi” = “John Locke’s thought of society and state” / Kamil Şahĭn. // IN: Üçüncü sektör sosyal ekonomi = Third sector social economic review. – 52 (2017):41-55.

In Turkish, with an English abstract.

LS 17:28

Schindler, D. C.

Freedom from reality : the diabolical character of modern liberty / D. C. Schindler. – Chicago : University of Notre Dame Press, 2017.

ISBN 978-0-268-10261-6.

See Part 1, “John Locke and the dialectic of power” (pages 13-128)


Review: G. Wells, Locke studies 18 (2018) DOI: 10.5206/ls.2018.4158; P. Madigan, Heythrop journal 61 (2020):167. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.13440

LS 18:16

Schmidt, J. & Zintl, R.

“Gesellschaftsvertrag und Staat” / Johannes Schmidt und Reinhard Zintl. // IN: Politische Philosophie / Michael Becker, Johannes Schmidt, Reinhard Zintl. – 4. aktualisierte Auflage. – Leiden, Niederlande : Ferdinand Schöningh, ©2017. – Pages 29-76.

See 2, “Locke&rrdquo; (pages 47-64)


LS 20:3 [“Becker”]

Smith, B.

“Friends in the state of nature : John Locke and the formation of security communities” / Brian Smith. // IN: Polity. – 49 (2017):379-407.

Abstract: IPSA 67:6639.

LS 17:30

Sobeck, S.

“Gedankenexperiment : Naturzustand in der Schule” / Swen Sobeck. // IN: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik. – 39:Heft 3 (2017):24-28.


LS 18:17

Stuart-Buttle, T.

“ ‘A burthen too heavy for humane sufferance’ : Locke on reputation” / Tim Stuart-Buttle. // IN: History of political thought. – 38 (2017):644-680.

Abstract: IPSA 68:419.

LS 17:32

Szczepaniak, K.

“Stosunek do własności w Polsce po 1989 roku w świetle filozofii politycznej liberalizmu” = “The approach to ownership in Poland after 1989 in the light of the political philosophy of liberalism” / Karolina Szczepaniak. // Annales, etyka w życiu gospodarczym. = Annales, ethics in economic life. – 20:nr 2 (2017):89-101.

In Polish; includes English abstract.

LS 18:18

Taraborrelli, A.

“(Re)defining the commonwealth : Shaftesbury’s concept of political freedom” / Angela Taraborrelli. // IN: Shaping Enlightenment politics : the social and political impact of the first and third Earls of Shaftesbury / Patrick Müller (ed.). – Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Peter Lang, 2017. – Pages 163-176.

LS 19:13

Tetlow, J.

“Locke’s political theology and the ‘Second treatise’ ” / Joanne Tetlow. // IN: Locke studies. – 17 (2017):197-232.

DOI: 10.5206/ls.2017.885

LS 18:18

Uzgalis, W.

“John Locke, racism, slavery, and Indian lands” / William Uzgalis. // IN: The Oxford handbook of philosophy and race / edited by Naomi Zack. – New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2017. – pages 21-30.

LS 18:19

Ward, L.

“The challenge of modernizing seventeenth-century English political texts : a response” / Lee Ward. // IN: Interpretation : a journal of political philosophy. – 43 (2016/17):279-285.

Reply to David Foster’s review of Ward’s edition of Two treatises (2016); for a reply, see Foster, “A reply to Lee Ward” (2016/17).

Ward, L.

“Thomas Hobbes and John Locke on a liberal right of secession” / Lee Ward. // IN: Political research quarterly. – 70 (2017):876-888.

DOI: 10.1177/1065912917717818

Abstract: IPSA 68:432.

LS 18:19

Widerquist, K. & McCall, G. S.

Prehistoric myths in modern political philosophy / Karl Widerquist and Grant S. McCall. – Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, ©2017.

See chapter 4, “John Locke and the Hobbesian hypothesis : how a similar colonial prejudice became an essential premise in the most popular justification of private property rights” (pages 65-78)

LS 18:19

Willinsky, J.

The intellectual properties of learning : a prehistory from Saint Jerome to John Locke / John Willinsky. – Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2017.

See Part Three, “Locke and property” (pages 271-318)

ISBN 978-0-226-48792-2.

Review: R. Spinello, Locke studies 18 (2018) DOI: 10.5206/ls.2018.6200; P. Burke, Library & information history 34 (2019):244-245. DOI: 10.1080/17583489.2018.1515463; I. F. McNeely, History of education quarterly 59 (2019):157-159. DOI 10.1017/heq.2018.62; T. P. Nichols, Historical studies in education 31 (2019):137-139. DOI: 10.32316/hse-rhe.v31i1.4707; R. Yeo, Isis 110 (2019):381-382. DOI: 10.1086/703647; S. Bottomley, Speculum 94 (2019_1244-1245. DOI: 10.1086/704898; C. S. Clegg, Renaissance quarterly 72 (2019):637-639. DOI: 10.1017/rqx.2019.159

LS 18:19

Wolloch, N.

Nature in the history of economic thought : how natural resources became an economic concept / Nathaniel Wolloch. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2017.

See “Locke and the agricultural argument” (pages 27-30)

LS 18:20

Wright, G. A.

“Hobbes, Locke, Darwin, and zombies : the post-apocalyptic politics of survival in AMC’s The walking dead” / by Geoffrey A. Wright. // IN: Quarterly review of film and video. – 34 (2017):148-170.


LS 17:37