[ Table of Contents ] [ Chapter 7: Politics & Government ] 1961John Locke as a conservative : an edition of Lockes first writings on political obligation / Philip Abrams. Thesis (Ph.D.)Cambridge University (Peterhouse), 1961. vi, 325, 12, 1-36a, L1-L18, E1-E62 leaves. Revised for publication as Two tracts on government (1967) H&W 1983; Y&Y 1961.1 La notion de résistance à létat : le point de vue de Locke / par Louis Arénilla. // IN: Diogène. 35 (1961):119-140. Also published in English as: The notion of civil disobedience according to Locke / Louis Arénilla. // IN: Diogenes. 35 (1961):109-135. Abstract: BullSig 16:14714. H&W 263; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1961.3 The politics of a philosopher / Maurice Cranston. // IN: The Listener. 65 (1961):17-19. Review of Lasletts edition of Two treatises (1960) H&W 263; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1961.7 Political life and a natural order / Joseph Cropsey. // IN: Journal of politics. 23 (1961):45-56. Reprinted in Cropsey, Political philosophy and the issues of politics (1977) Molders of the modern mind : 111 books that shaped Western civilization / Robert B. Downs. New York : Barnes & Noble, ©1961. See Apologist for revolution : John Lockes Two treatises of government, 1690 (p. 91-94) Y&Y 1961.9 Seijitetsugaku toshiteno shakaikeiya kusetsu = [The social contract theory as political philosophy] / K. Fukuda (1961) Reprinted in Fukuda, Kindai seiji genri seiritsu shi josetsu (1971) Unverified. H&W 1983 Montesquieu to Rokku : ryōsha no riron-teki kanren ni kansuru kōtsatsu = [A study of the relation between Montesquieu and Locke] / T. Fukukama. // IN: Tōyō Daigaku. Shakaigakubu. Kiyō. 2 (1961):7-42. Unverified. H&W 67 Del secondo dei Trattati di Locke / E.G. // IN: Giornale critica della filosofia italiana. 3a serie:15 = anno 40 (1961):409-410. H&W 1983 Political theory : philosophy, ideology, science / Andrew Hacker. New York : Macmillan Co., ©1961. See Ch. 7, John Locke (p. 233-285) H&W 1983 The Romantic syndrome : toward a new method in cultural anthropology and history of ideas / by W.T. Jones. The Hague : M. Nijhoff, 1961. (International scholars forum ; 14) See p. 180-185. Montesquieu no kenryoku bunritsu-ron taisuru Locke riron no kankei = Relation to Lockes doctrine on the theory of separation of power in Montesquieu : a question about the system of political thoughts / Y. Kajihara. // IN: Hōsei kenkyū. 28:no. 1 (Sept. 1961):83-98. LNL 4:18; H&W 1983 John Lockes four freedoms seen in a new light. See entry in Chapter 3. John Locke tra politica e filosofia / Loris Ricci Garotti. // IN: Società. 17 (1961):157-199. Includes English summary: J. Locke between politics and philosophy (p. 199) Abstract: BullSig 16:22109. M 196; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1961.11 [Garotti] John Locke and the theory of natural law / Raghuveer Singh. // IN: Political studies. 9 (1961):105-118. Abstract: IPSA 11:812. LNL 4:19; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1961.23 Political thought / by Stephan Skalweit. // IN: The ascendancy of France, 1648-1688 / edited by F.L. Carsten. Cambridge : University Press, 1961. (The new Cambridge modern history ; vol. 5). p. 96-121. Les fondateurs de lécole du droit naturel moderne au XVIIe siècle : notes de lectures / par Michel Villey. // IN: La réforme des études de droit, le droit naturel. Paris : Sirey, 1961. (Archives de philosophie du droit ; 6). p. 73-105. Federative power und consent in der Staatlehre John Lockes / von Otto Vossler. // IN: Festgabe für Paul Kirn zum 70. Geburtstag : dargebracht von Freunden und Schülern / herausgegeben von Ekkehard Kaufmann. Berlin : E. Schmidt, 1961. p. 223-233. LNL 6:20; H&W 1983 Reprinted in: Geist und Geschichte von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart : Gessammelte Aufsätze / Otto Vossler. München : R. Piper, ©1964. p. 43-53. Y&Y 1964.28 John Locke no teikōken shisō = John Lockes theory of right of resistance / T. Yamasaki. // IN: Hōgaku zasshi. 8:no. 1 (July 1961):20-72. Reprinted in Rokku kenkū / [edited by] S. Tanaka, A. Hirano (1980) LNL 4:19; H&W 1983 |