Greenleaf, W. H.
Order, empiricism and politics : two traditions of English political thought, 1500-1700 / W.H. Greenleaf.
London ; New York ; Toronto : published for the University of Hull by the Oxford University Press, 1964.
See p. 278-282.
Harmon, M. J.
Political thought : from Plato to the present / M. Judd Harmon. 2
New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, ©1964.
See John Locke (p. 238-262)
B 186; H&W 1983
Hudson, W. S.
John Locke, preparing the way for the Revolution / by Winthrop S. Hudson. // IN:
Journal of Presbyterian history. 42 (1964):19-38.
B 184 [1938]; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1964.10
Kim, H. P.
Lockes political theory : a reconsideration of its systematic unity / by Ha Poong Kim.
Thesis (Ph.D.)Boston University, 1964. xi,385 leaves.
Abstract: DAI 25:3032.
LNL 1:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1964.11
Lakoff, S. A.
Equality in political philosophy / Sanford A. Lakoff.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1964.
See /Hooker, Locke and Condorcet : moral authority and competitive equality (p. 92-104)
Moulds, G. H.
Private property in John Lockes state of nature / by Henry Moulds. // IN:
American journal of economics and sociology. 23 (1964):179-188.
LNL 1:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1964.16
Ogawa, K.
Rokku no shizenhōron = Lockes natural law thought / Kouichi Ogawa. // IN:
Hokudai hogaku ronshū = Hôgakkai ronshû = Hokkaido law review.
14:no. 3-4 (March 1964):65-135.
H&W 1983
Parry, G.
Individuality, politics and the critique of paternalism in John Locke / Geraint Parry. // IN:
Political studies. 12 (1964):163-177.
Abstract: IPSA 15:41.
LNL 4:21; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1964.20
Peters, R. S.
Locke / Richard Peters. // IN:
Western political philosophers : a background book /
edited by Maurice Cranston.
London : Bodley Head, 1964. p. 53-64.
Also published: Chester Springs, Pa. : Dufour Editions, 1964.
H&W 265; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1964.22
Redpath, T.
John Locke and the rhetoric of the Second treatise / by Theodore Redpath. // IN:
The English mind : studies in the English moralists presented to Basil Willey /
edited by Hugh Sykes Davies and George Watson.
Cambridge : University Press, 1964. p. 55-78.
H&W 265; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1964.24
Redpath, T.
Réflexions sur la nature du concept de contrat social
chez Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau et Hume / par Th. Redpath. // IN:
Études sur le Contrat social de Jean-Jacques Rousseau : actes des journées détude
organisée à Dijon pour la commémoration du 200e anniversaire du Contrat social.
Raris [i.e., Paris] : Société les belles lettres, 1964.
(Publications de lUniversité de Dijon). p. 55-63 [esp. 58-60]
Shapiro, D.
Ethan Allen, philosopher-theologian to a generation of American revolutionaries / Darline Shapiro. // IN:
William and Mary quarterly. 3rd series:21 (1964):236-255.
Shiratori, R.
Seiji riron no keisei : Puraton kara Rokku made / Shiratori Rei.
Tokyo : Tōkai Daigaku shuppankai, [1964].
2nd ed., revised, 1966;
see 6, Kindai seiji riron no kakuritsu : Rokku no seijiron (p. 273-318)
and 7, Seiji riron no tetsugakuteki kiso : Rokku no shizen riron (p. 319-346)
LNL 4:21; H&W 1983